About the Etherforge Consortium

I don’t think the servitor can really get lost. If you lose the item, just call the servitor with strong intention and tell them to bind to something else. Then, start addressing the servitor through the new item. They are an astral being and can be anywhere, as long as you had a strong connection with them before losing the item. They know their owner and will follow your commands. I rarely carry my item with me, but my servitor is always around. Just be sure to communicate with them often.


New ability!

This counts as +1 ability to your servitor
-1 Slot Space
+2 intelligence
+2 Resilience

Only for servitor installation

This is the health state ability.
Servitor will acquire skill and knowledge to speed up your natural healing and regeneration
and the the ability to perform it on others through your hands when worn.
Passively speeds your own healing when worn.
Can auto take instant action with extra effort when damage is detected.
The abities speeds healing by increasing cellular nutrient absorbtion within the cells around to pre-prime the cells for repair.
Mild electrical stomulation of cells themselves, to charge them up for the response
and finally a guided intelligence to speed the healing in the right pattern (its perfectly healthy state)
(also auto santizes the area)
(also plasmafied!)
To create simply play the audio in front of your created item.
that’s it.
wait 20 mins and its ready to use and enjoy.


wow… i can’t even keep up with all these amazing releases!


Not sure if I remember right but I think I read from sammy in some post that you can’t do that

As long as the physical item is still intact you can still connect to it mentally but when you lose it outside it is only a matter of time until it gets destroyed.
I don’t know if they can survive without it on the astral or dissipate slowly.
Not 100% sure but honestly just better to be as careful as possible.


This is amazing ! i wonder if this works passively when worn or say like if i have heart issues or eye issues Do i tell my servitor to go work on these areas of concern ? Or just tell my servitor to heal my heart issues or whatever health issues


He already answered, its possible.


New Ability :

This counts as +1 ability to your servitor
-1 Slot Space
+2 intelligence
+2 Resilience

Only for servitor installation

This is the Magic stat ability.
It provides a steady energy source to any energetic or magical efforts.
perhaps you are doing chakra stimulation exercises or want to direct a clean nourshing stream to anything
a garden plant maybe?
Its base signature is positive based and very invigorating
Servitor will acquire skill and knowledge to speed up and enhance your own energetic works

Passively adds energy and power to any energy works when worn.
Auto shields with a base of voodoo detangled whenever energetic danger is sensed.
(also plasmafied!)
can use the voodoo detangled ability thorugh hands as well
(just a suggestion)
To create simply play the audio in front of your created item.
that’s it.
wait 20 mins and its ready to use and enjoy.


Girls before sapien medicine: “you can just add a charm to my charm bracelet for my birthday or somethin, idk”
It was the default collectors item.

And now it’s:
Them: “What do you want for your birthday?”
Us: “An ability for my Servitor”
Them: What?
Us: What? :upside_down_face:



Since getting The Lion Sage, I’ve also noticed an increasing desire to get back into school to become a naturopathic doctor/acupuncturist.

“Acts as a catalyst for personal and professional growth.“

This is very noticeable :slightly_smiling_face:


I Want a Girlfriend into Fields so I always know what to gift on anniversary, valentine and all kinds of stuff :relieved:


Yep - best gifts ever. It’s all I ask for on holidays anymore.


Awesome! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


You can’t move servitors to a new item?

As i said I doubt Dream’s servitors will die just because the person lost the item. And even if the item is broken, they will not die. Dissipate slowly, maybe, but you’d have enough time to move them, no?

My bracelet is broken about a year ago and i can still feel my servitor and can even see him sometimes. Alive and well!!


I have had the lion for 24 hours,
people come to me.
they start conversations with me
whether men or women
a lady was serving a customer, she saw that I was looking for something and simply left the customer. I’m shy, but I feel normal and I want to talk

I feel good about myself,
I am serene and exited at the same time
I think the lion amplifies the audios I listen to, I listen to trusted audios, to be more social,
feel better around others.
and I admit that it acts as an amplifier.
or maybe it’s his faculties.
to see I also play to earn money, my health and love,
4 batteries only, I’ll watch if I earn lots of money and find lots of new friends, and if my health improves


“I was there maaaaan… it was all diamonds and gemstones and then the fields. The fields went public maaaaan. Next thing you know the fields are the make it or break it argument for engagements. ‘What do you mean this is a pre-Etherforge servitor?! There’s no magic stat?! What am I, just some random hook-up of yours?!!??!?!!’”


I had my dragon on the entirety of my charm bracelet; I asked him to please move to a specific charm so that when I eventually get one of these new friends there’s space available. I saw and felt the whole composition of my bracelet change as it moved to just 1 charm. Just in case anyone was wondering if their other servitors homes can be moved - In my experience, the answer is yes.


was thinking about this post.
So dunno really.


oh i think i missundertsand what you said
i blame my bad English level

and yes i think saying once is enough cuz you already the word “daily” to your servitor


All these amazing servitors, I appreciate the level of applications they have as they grow with you.

wonderful combinations, eager to see more.

@Captain_Nemo any paths for fostering happiness and joy in a servitor to come?

I would like to ask if I purchase it, will there be images and audio?

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