Abundance and Million Dollar Mindset Journey

Hmm nice suggestion.I need to work on my dance skills.My female friend pushed me to dance with the girl,approach from behind and gently grab her hips,she even showed me on herself how to do it.I was like,u expect me to grind my groin on her ass are u insane lol.But yeah being able to dance with a girl in a slightly less perverted way would open so many doors for me.

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Absolutely. Women have to deal with perverts or harassment all the time. if you did anything like that, she will just think ‘oh he’s just like all the rest.’ :roll_eyes::-1:

But if you show up and make them feel respected… You already have an advantage over all the other barbarians in the room. Maybe one of those aggressive dudes will score for that night, but YOU will linger in her mind for days.:sunglasses: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yeah like i will linger in that ex’s mind cuz she is 8/10 and she noticed me about half a minute before I noticed her(from her standpoint it looked like that) while i was standing close to her,while I didnt give a fuck.And when I did i just casually said hi,high fived her and left.And that bitch even put on that seductive expression which screams:I will ride u until ur balls are drained.Pardon my language lol.God bless sapien for upgrading my brain and making me notice and observe like never before.


Exactly! :+1:


Discovered that the abundance mindset audio may possibly provide luck on its own. I was playing a little call of duty last night and decided to play the abundance Mindset audio during a game. The instant I entered the game, it’s like something took over me and my skill level doubled out of nowhere.

I played two loops and the entire time that the audio played I had this feeling and sense of luck. May have just been coincidental but I guess time will tell.

I’m other news, my manifestation abilities seem to be naturally increasing. These days when I think of something it comes across my attention or manifests within 2 days. It also seems that certain positive influences I had lost in my life are now making a return.


i enjoyed reading this testimonial, thank you!


Update.Few days ago I had to get up at around 7.30am to go get some papers for mum so her sickness-leave would be extended.It was supposed to take 10 minutes top,since she is a doctor and knows the guy,but the clinic didnt care and I had to wait for an hour.I came back and even though I didnt ask,she gave me about 10 bucks like holy shit this never happens.Also the dude,for whom I made website last year offered to pay me for my work.Our deal was I will make him a website and continue working on it and all profit is shared 50/50 but long story short he was rly demanding and acted like my master,but I put up with it cuz I didnt have better opportunity to earn cash.Finally around November I was having so much trouble integrating fucking Paypal and after trying for a month I wrote him big ass message explaining how I cant do it and that I will pay for someone to solve the problem,that I just cant do it and my studies are suffering cuz of the time wasted on website.He ignored all of that and just demanded me to integrate Paypal and that is when I decided to stop spending time on it.Fast forward we havent texted or seen each other,and out of blue he texts me-are u mad at me?Then after some texting he realized he acted like jerk and offered to pay me if I dont wanna work for him anymore.Took the cash today,and I had enough to purchase Abundance dog tag,which I did so yeah holy moly life is gonna get even more exciting now


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Tried reaching out via email twice. It’s giving me an error when I try and contact you. PM me.

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With the whole GameStop, AMC thing going on, I was wondering who used the Mindset audios and made the right decision at the right time :laughing:


Its all over tiktok

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Honestly, power to the player. :sweat_smile:


Yessir Boss, Get ya money up not ya funny up :rofl:


I was one of those idiots too till @_OM had me add it to my stack! :pray:


Haven’t been feeling the need to use the luck audios quite as much. Not even magical life of abundance. I feel like I’m somewhere between fulfilled and hungry mentally and emotionally right now. Kind of like I want to control the pace and flow of my life but also fine if I don’t get what I want in the end. Very laid back about my goals but still striving to reach them. Feels like I’m playing the game of life but not attached to it.

I’m considering only playing abundance and million dollar mindset towards the evening time going forward. It’s like they’ll start out by hyping me up due to the exposure of the high positive frequencies, then kill my desire to do much of anything because they shift me from a person DOING things to achieve general abundance and financial prosperity, to BEING someone who already has those things and is just enjoying the fruits of their labor. I feel like an individual that’s already conquered the world, and only needs to exert minimal effort to keep his empire running smoothly.

One thing these are good for, is that if I go into “conquer mode” like I tend to do when striving towards my goals on a regular basis, these audios will reel me back in and ground and balance my mindset so that I don’t go overboard and start acting like an asshole whenever something or someone starts getting in the way of me trying to achieve something.

Congratulations to all those posting here in this journal and seeing success. You all are an additional source of inspiration for me to keep traveling this path.


These arent related to getting cash but I see it as experiences worthy mentioning to show power of abundance field.
1.Few days ago I am home it is evening and I really wanna get outside and hang out with friends even though I know I cant afford 2 hours since I still have to study etc.So after seeing I cant even focus anymore I go for a walk alone and put headphones on playing Abundance.I planned to go straight on one part of the street,but then I just felt like I should take a left so I wasnt expecting to bump into anyone who I know,since no one I hang out with lives in my neighborhood and neither hangs there.Well I bumped into a dude I met way back,we didnt even know each others names but we started talking and I just told him what is bothering me-feeling like something is off even though I have no freaking reason to be in this semi depressed state.HE COMPLETELY UNDERSTOOD HOW I FELT,and we talked for good 20 mins after which I rly felt like higher force made us meet so we both realize even though we are strangers we share same burden.Next two events happened on the same night
2.Passed exam yesterday with flying colors so I decided to smoke weed as a reward(abstained since 3rd january),so there I am sitting on the bench talking with a friend while grinding it with fingers and there is a woman passing by with a child taking her to volleyball practice and she says hi cutie good to see u.It is pitch dark and my face could be hardly seen but she recognized me even though we worked together on a project 3 years ago,like unreal I didnt recognize her until she mentioned company we worked at part time.She probably noticed weed but was cool af.
3.So my friend and me are high as a kite.As we are about to go into bar,we leave our hand held(small umbrellas which extend) by the entrance(mine is closest to the entrance,and obvioisly appears most high quality),he leaves his furthest from other umbrellas but it is still close and visible.As we get out of the bar we realize someone stole his umbrella while mine is untouched and I am like-Holy shit this is insane,even though all odds were against me,mine is still there and his regular umbrella is stolen.
TLDR:1.when taking a walk cuz I felt down,I bumped into dude who I dont even know that good,but we resonated completely even though we are rly different,and I felt great.2.bumped into women I worked with long time ago,and she recognized me in pitch black darkness even though I didnt recognize her at first.
3.while in a bar,someone stole my friend’s umbrella,but didnt touch mine even though it was closest to entrance so easiest to steal and also obviously best looking.I defied the odds


So, this works also for realtionship?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube

Very well encapsulated. Reminds me of the below verse from Gita.

“You have the right to perform your duty/work, but never to its fruits.
Let not the fruits of action be your motive, nor let your attachment be to inaction.”

Disattachment to results is a sure way to success. That aligns one with the field of Neutrality. Note that this does not mean we indulge in senseless activity which bears no result but continue to keep doing that (like listening to the turn into butterfly subliminal) haha, not the intent of this verse by any measure… :slight_smile:


Yes, we are probably still too tied to the concept of abundance = money or wealth, while it is a much broader concept that also includes relationships.