It suppose to be working on your natural fat to give You youthfull apperiance.
Its probably the best for people after40,45 when we start to loose more fat.
But when You are younger sure use it sometimes for maintenance.
If You lost sone of your face fat beacause of diet, sickness etc it works on natural blueprint of your face.
Fat loss on face , neck is aging so much…
Now we have collagen, musle toning. microcurrent,lifting, other amazing treatmnents, and now fat restorattion.
Super wholistic collection of fields.
And probably more to come
What i wrote is based on conversation with Captain. It was my way of thinking. Restorattion of natural fat using natural techniques but of course Captain has his own alchemichal ways im not sure about techniques used.
Well i used it few times yeasterday evening and face looks super fresh and glowy.
I don’t like chisseled look to much i prefer rounder face with cheeks. Not fat just full and healthy. I have visible cheek bones but they show up in a gentle way.
For me its as great add for some of us potencial one of top beauty Fields
It depemds on needs , age etc