Aesthetics University / Psychic University Gumroad - Discussion/Testimonials



Hey PU how long do I have to use the gene therapy to see results. I have a friend who has cogenital hyperinsulinism tooo much insulin production a genetic problem . Do you know how long she has to listen for until results and fully healed?


Some months of consistent use.


Hi @Psychic_University,

Regarding Muscle Engineering, I have had very nice gains as promised, thank you so much for that gem.

I was wondering though if this also covers works on tendons and such to supports the changes in muscle mass & performance?

Since that field release, I’ve been running more than usual and I’ve noticed that my knees have become slightly sensitive those last days.

Besides obvious changes in the physical (nutrition, more stretching, probably changing shoes), I am wondering if I should complete that field with others.

Thanks for your time :pray:


Yes, but it’s quite possible the muscle growth happens faster and tendons aren’t able to catch-up with the new levels. This is common even in ‘normal muscle growth’.

In this case, I recommend the use of more specialized fields and doing physical exercise to strengthen them.

A stretching book is also a good and life-changing read.


This is a very advanced field designed to help you maximize physical results from fields, subliminals and general energy work. The main ways this is achieved is through the removal of all energy and mental blocks that are hindering you from maximizing these results, as well as upgrades in your energy system and the gradual change to a mindset where changing physical features come naturally and easily, and you have total control over your body (on this matter).

These physical results can range from changes in physical features to healing organs and diseases.

The massive energy block removal is likely to bruteforce-open your heart chakra, so be aware of that. The heart chakra is key here since most blockages related to physical changes are related to a lack of self-love and worthiness, together with subconscious limitations. You can also expect changes in these three points on the mental level.

The field has many, many more secrets that justify its price. A magically designed tool that words cannot describe properly.

Be extra cautious with the origin of your energy tools.

I also put protection on it since it’s a very appealing field for the black market (you still can share with your family and spouse).

An Elixir designed to give you the biggest amount of luck possible. You can consider yourself to have entered a superflow of luck where reality is bended for your advantage, even in the smallest details possible.

However the refinement and elegancy of this creation goes much beyond what I wrote above.

Use it before an important event and see how it goes. Maybe you conquer great things with it. Or maybe your big luck is somewhere else.

Effects should last for around a week, with the possibility of fading a bit before it.

Expect very disruptive events. But have faith in them and in your new luck.

I received a lot of requests in the last few months for a gambling field. This is the closest I will touch this topic. It may help, it may not. What it will for sure do is give you an extreme amount of luck, in life.

Good luck if you will use it for gambling.


So ultimate integration field + speed up physical change = I don’t even know how to process this :open_mouth: sadly I don’t have enough money for this. Can only hope to save.


Buy the luck field to get the money to afford them :thinking: :joy:


Can’t even afford that either lol


For the speed up physical changes, will this scan you for desired changes, or is it just going to speed up all physical changes even if they aren’t what you desire?

I did note where you said be careful about the source of your energy tools

For instance let’s say you’re listening to a subliminal. Somewhere in the subliminal it says you have freckles now. You missed that in the description, and you don’t want freckles.

Will you then be more likely to have freckles because of this field, or will your subconscious be even better at blocking undesired results because of this field?

Thank you


Do you have any listening recommendations for the speed up physical changes? I was thinking this would be a perfect ending to a long self love stack (I get the vibe this may be an extremely potent self love stack in itself) just before finishing with ultimate integration tool. As usual I assume it is best to start off slow but just checking if this is able to be looped for say 1 hour or so to really finish off the stack with a bang.

Otherwise I assume this goes excellently at the start of any physical stack - be it healing, workout, brain ect.

Ps thank you for all the amazing releases :white_heart:



Yes, this is correct

I think it’s better at the beginning of every stack just before the first physical field.

But play with it in various orders, you may discover something interesting and worth knowing.

Yes, this sounds good too


Thank you :green_heart:


Used the speed up physical changes with the endocriner and I can feel my body healing as I listen, I can’t wait to try it with other fields like the anxiety one. Might be a good idea to lower your loops though as you are getting the results much faster


So would it be good to play a single play of this speed up physical field before every different physical fields in a stack ? For example if you’ve got 4 physical fields in a stack , playing the speed up field once everytime before the various individual 4 physical fields in the stack . Would that be optimum :smiley:


Do I understand it right that listening to the luck potion one time would be enough for one week?


I ask myself the same question

Does this field work with telekinesis subliminals? @Psychic_University

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Oh my god, a physical health booster field…
My 9 hour long healing playlist
knees weak, arms are heavy,
where was clairvoyance in January
Wallets weak, i am not mentally ready
Take a leap of faith, so I can finally be healthy


Notice the main point of the speed up physical change field is to accept and love yourself. Not accepting yourself creates blockage. Very nice way to put it when people are desperate for physical change such as myself.