Aesthetics University / Psychic University Gumroad - Discussion/Testimonials

What a great breakthrough to have!
Congrats! Keep it up. :sparkles: :sparkles:


Thank you, out of all the self love and trauma fields I tried, this field caused me a breakthrough


Reporting again because this is just brutal on me. I should have not looped it too much but all I can say is “what’s the point of growing taller?” Or “looking more handsome?”. All I think is everything just pointless, i been too hard on myself, I wasted years chasing validation, all of these things are just pointless.

Bought this expecting to gain physical change, ended up evaluating my life and thinking these physical manifestations are just pointless. Lol… a crazy man once said I will loop it again, and that guy will be me :joy:

Note if you are emotionally fragile, listen 2 times, don’t do what I did, I’m just mentally crazy for doing this because I am ready to take the brutal beating. Start small, go slow.


I look forward to hearing what happens next :)


What is happening here is that you’re slowly (or not so much lol) changing your mindset from ‘desire for physical changes’ to (maybe) ‘physical changes for choice’. The ‘maybe’ is there because you may discover you didn’t really want to experience some changes, while others you still want, but now it’s different.

It’s different because you’re now in a state of self acceptance and detachment with the change. Now you don’t want to grow taller because you want validation, cope with traumas from the past, step down on others, or attract girls. Maybe you still want to attract girls anyway, but now it’s coming from a source of acceptance and self-love, and from there, the pure expression of free will. Now want experience ‘being taller and attracting girls being like that’ because you just want it. It will be a cool experience. It will make it easier depending on the case. Why not, right? You are still a human after all, with human desires. No problem with that.

But now you’re doing this without the need for validation, healed from the past related junk, loving who you are at the moment, etc. You’re not reinforcing the negative things you thought about yourself before, as you seek the results you truly want. Now you’re just looking forward to the nice things you want to experience.

In a sense, this field will also help to uncover what you really want to experience in terms of physical changes.


That makes sense. I think based on your comment, my true problem was relying on the need of external validation to properly feel like a human being. I saw if I wasn’t tall, I didn’t deserve to be here, if I wasn’t good looking, I shouldn’t be outspoken as much and just remain quiet, and other things.

Now that I am breaking free from that or should I say I am still in the middle of tug of war with this field, I just feel so “empty”, as in all that obsession and fixation on improving physically just left me mentally scarred and was detrimental towards my progress. I just thought if I gained this or that, I would be content or happy. At this point, I did myself a disservice and I feel ridiculous for thinking my mental issues were no big deal.

I’m just waiting for that exact moment for my heart chakra to finally be open and loving myself for who I am.


This isn’t only lack of love by the way

Using love fields tends to help with this (and with everything, really) and you should use them more in fields like this one, but this empty feeling has more to do with our disconnection from old parts of ourselves and their replacement with pieces of our true nature, or the truth of our being.

It helps to visualize it as a part of you that rusted, and now it’s cleared so light can shine through it once again. The thing is, this light is almost always close to a blank state, because as we grew up we filled its part with something else, causing this light not to integrate very well. We don’t recognize it as part of us and try to anchor our ‘selves’ in what was just cleared and left behind. And this is why we feel a bit off or empty.

But it’s just raw parts of you that you need to mold and integrate deeper and deeper. And yes, this process is hard and love fields are an absolute must when going through this.

My fields are designed to make this process in a very smooth way, however. And Speed Up Physical Changes will guide you toward this integration. This ‘empty effect’ can appear in case of excessive usage of the field, though.

Naturally everything I just talked about works in layers and not in binary terms.


I guess a good question to keep asking is what do we really want?

Because I’ve been there and I’m still tussling with that question, when we want a physical change- what is it really going to get us? And is what we are actually going to get …what we really want?

You make a physical change and you start getting treated differently. But how deep is that? And there’s an emptiness that can come with that too

“I’m being treated this differently just for a physical change?”

So maybe you’re feeling that early somehow, getting it over with.

I’m not arguing against physical changes by the way, just saying that if we make a physical change to do it just because we want it for us/fun, not because we’re depending on other people to react to us in a certain way


Interesting answer you gave. Hopefully my testimonial and your answers help people out :slightly_smiling_face:. I know you are probably going to advise against this but I will loop this for 8 hours to see what happens. I have this urge to dig deep into integration and connect with my “emptiness” or should I say my new integrated self.

Thanks for your answer :pray:


You mapped this out perfectly. I always wonder when I achieve my physical change, what else is supposed to happen? Am I going to be treated differently? Am I going to be happier? That’s how my thought process was mapping out.

Jen, I would say this deep feeling of us wanting to gain physical results only because we want the reaction of others is what hinders us as you said. I’m pretty positive this field is dismissing that former negative thought process, probably because I’m going at it hard (looped 5-6 hours)


Thanks for sharing your experience with us, it’s really helpful


How about replacing that 8 hours loop with multiple sessions during the day (Like 2-3 sessions of two rounds in meditation), finishing up by Ultimate Integration as I recall from the thread that you purchased it?

Then rather than experiencing that emptiness (or apathy/depression in this case) by abusing your structure, you go for the Ego Dissolution Meditation and explore those parts of yourself you are recently realizating?

This process by Sammy is highly underrated, and if you play with it, it can be really profound.

Those parts are always here, including your inner light, all you need to do is to connect or talk to them. With self love and compassion, it will be much easier to integrate them and become whole, you’ll see.

Take care man


Oh yeah man for sure. Here’s how I do this, integration 1x2 before then do a meditation session with this for 30 minutes. After I finished meditation session, I play this passively for all the whole day then after I’m done, I end the day with integration field. Is that good enough? Haha I know I’m overdoing it but this just feels so emotionally painful in a good way :joy:

I will add the ego dissolution to my meditation sessions, thanks bro. :muscle:


Definitely overdoing, and besides the abuse for your bodies, a waste of your time while you could work on other things man.

For any work, a system needs rest & integration, so it can grow and become stronger.

Same with working out, if you were to do it all day your body would fall apart.
Whereas if you work out wisely (one day chest, one day back), provide proper rest, nutrition, supplements, stretching, etc. you’ll grow strong & healthy.


Also it has a safety mechanism to prevent one from overload so you are really wasting your time.


I don’t know, I haven’t felt my system is abused, I actually feel my energy expanding more. Like the other user said, it has mechanism to prevent overload. Just today I am feeling more amazing about myself, feeling worthy. What I’m doing is def not recommended but I’m tired of waiting.

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does the “speed up results” come with a mandala and audio


It’s just an audio :)


thank you

cant wait to get my hands on it. Everyone keep us updated in this thread.

I think if i let my parents listen to this and then somthing like stem cells they can improve massivly.

But i must say that its hard playing fields for others.


Is it just me or is that the call to run Unstoppable Willpower and practice a lot on your own?!

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