Alien Intercession

Try the brainweaves audios from Gumroad

Theta, Delta, Epsilon…

Also the meditation stream (when is up running again)

The Meditation audio from the energy course

Negentropic shen

The star being experience


Thanks for the suggestions!
What about white light waves from dream seeds?


Haha ahh i was going to suggest that actually, it puts me in a very relaxing state yes but i use it along other fields when i am doing healing in the distance thats why i didnt say it but now that you mentioned it i guess you should try it too :relieved:


So I have done multiple of those “pick a card” readings on YouTube, as well as asking a few psychic friends in private, and now it is practically confirmed without a shadow of a doubt that I am Orion. Every source unanimously claimed so. Well, at least predominantly I’m orion. I may perhaps have portions of Arcturian and Draconian heritage as well, but it’s primarily Orion. Now I’ll be thinking of my fellow hunter brothers when listening to this!


It relaxes the body and mind, it’s hard not to sleep after looping it a lot. But a few time is perfect for meditation. I use it before serious stuff


Just seeing this, and I know not everyone reads the threads in their entirety.

This was discussed previously and I think well worth one’s serious and humble consideration.

I think it is well worth everyone’s consideration here, in all facets of one’s life, that humility and true service often involve the ability to accept the more ‘boring’ choices or lack of exploration in one’s life.

Not everything — particularly on these planes at this point — needs to be explored.

And often true sacrifice of one’s desires and humility about them, lead to the fastest growth and development of one’s discernment in the long term.

A true shortcut.




Ahh i loveeee Me some Aliens intercession.

They help me every single time i call them up i dont even need to listen to the audios, just wearing my intercession tag i hold it in my hand and ask them. And i feel them right away, so loving and excellent at healing, enhance your healing to others and finding stuff :relieved:

But sometimes i play the audios and i feel the same when i call them up without the audios thats how i know is them.



You could be all of them. The Higher Self can and does incarnate in many different bodies, in many different cultures, on many different planets and civilizations.

Most forum members here probably have connections to most of the known alien race civilizations around this part of the galaxy.
The much more important question is who are your friends on a soul level?

You know, many of these alien civiliations were and are in conflict with each other for various reasons and agendas. But on a Higher Self / Soul Level what counts are the friends that you make while being incarnated in those different places and what experiences you have done together.

This is what counts in the end – the friends, the experiences with them, the lessons learned and the forever increased amount of love in doing all of these :heart:




I am not concerned with this at all, for the reason that those negative ones usually incarnate sequentially and are only influencing timeline events when these “are already happening” and thus can only adjust their strategy after each incarnation is done.

While the advanced and positive ones operate from a point of view where they incarnate into the same timeline into different ages and bodies at the same time, allowing the respective Higher Self to play all its figures at the same time, constantly and “real-time” adjusting strategy and moves.

– Edge of Tomorrow



This is the 2nd or 3rd time you’ve said this…specifically… and I’m wondering where you got this golden peach of misinformation.

Think logically first.
Negative types are negative cause they don’t usually follow rules well.
So, in general, negative types simply break the non-interference rules and interfere in person anyways.

“Positive” types are the ones going to risk the whole re-incarnation, forgetting the mission, and experiencing life as human and then hoping to remember the original mission and be able to help as a human…not as an extra powerful and advanced alien, appearing to humans as a god-like species.

So yeah, might want to reanalyze everything else you’ve heard from that “source” cause just thinking logically… that source seems to be very intentionally confusing the positive and negative alien agendas.


Is the intercession audio and tag kinda the same? But with audio you can choose which entities you want to work with?


They’re not the same.

The intercession audio is like an automated “asking for help” towards entities that are around you and are willing to help.

With the intercession audios you can ask for help for something specific from specific kind of entities, and it usually facilitates another connection so you can communicate, feel their energy etc.

So it is similar, but the tag is more generic.


The tag can be worn 24hr?

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Hello _OM :slightly_smiling_face:

(For the sources please see below)

Thank you for you reply.
I politely and respectfully disagree on this particular one.
Let my explain why:

In case you are referring to the Law of One material or a similar source, my intuition and experience tells me that this material is not correct. They are selling the idea that free will can be interferred with and that those who do are the “negative” ones.

My point of view is that there is a universal law in place, namely that ALL Consciousness always decides together and manifests reality together, and this universal law cannot be broken by any being.

Every being (Incarnational Fragment / Higher Self / Soul Monad etc.) exists within their manifestation bubble (where they have a certain level free will in accordance to their level of consciousness) and experiences exactly what it is manifesting, with all other beings playing along to each other’s version of their particular reality bubble.

Everyone interferes with everyone all the time when their reality bubbles meet – all in 100% perfect synchronicity.

Reality bubbles can only meet each other AFTER a free will decision on a certain level has already been made.

Manifestation and experience are the result of free will.

There is no such thing as “violating of interference”.
One is either interfering (= reality bubbles meeting) or one is not.
When reality bubbles of two beings align manifestation-wise, they will always interfere with each other.
The level of free will of each being merely decides the ability to change its personal reality bubble, but not about the interference with other being’s reality bubbles.
Because when two reality bubbles meet they already have interfered with each other, otherwise this meeting could not have taken place in the first place.

So at no point someone can interfere with someone else’s higher will at any point.
The idea you are saying is that there are certain rules that can be broken by some beings in the first place.
But that would violate true free will which is a law far above individual conciousness units.
True free will can do everything except break the few real universal laws.
So there are no rules beyond the few universal laws.

From my understanding, earth is under quarantene/protection from some very advanced beings, which is why the “negative” aliens simply do not take over earth with their advanced tech.
It is part of humanity’s collective reality bubble to experience the earth game in this way at this point in time. And until a critical mass of “decisions to remove the quarantene” is reached, it will remain in place.

Which brings us to “positive” and “negative”.
Those terms are little bit confusing, I agree.
Even “Service to Others” and “Service to Self” are misguiding terms in my opinion since for the source there is only “Service to All Each Other” and expressing and experience itself.
So if there are no rules that can be broken, and no free will to be violated, then there are also no “positive” and “negative” beings as per those definitions.

Instead, with “positive” and “negative” I am rather referring to Higher Selves sending in their incarnations “sequentially, one after another” versus those sending in their incarnations “parallely, all at once”.

Those Higher Selves who chose the slow sequential model, are afraid of going fast and want to go together, “holding each-others-hands” on “slow mode” in their development and thus they regard everything as a threat that would push them out of their comfort zone and slow development pace.

Those Higher Selves who chose the fast parallel model, are not afraid and want to learn and grow with “maximum speed”.

Thus, the conflict between the “slow learners” and the “fast learners” which we experience as “positive” vs “negative” is the only real conflict here.

It is not about power and control but how courageous different Higher Selves are to play one of the hardest games in the universe.

In the end every soul will make it to the finish line, but until then there is this articifial conflict between those who decide to grow slow and those who decide to grow fast.

  • Slow growers/sequential incarnations: want homogeny, love laws for safety, love totalitatian systems, love “everyone is the same” ideologies, want to live physically forever, most of the Orion folks

  • Fast growers/parallel incarnations: want maximum diversity in their experiences, put freedom over safety, love “everyone is different” ideologies, want longterm to become free of any physical attachments

Now once a Higher Self decides to go with parallel incarnation model, there is no more going back to the sequential model.
At some point every Higher Self however will make the Leap of Faith and “jump into the cold water” of the parallel incarnation model. There is a reason why the Orion Empire queen tries to become physically immortal forever, as she and her civilization are so extremely afraid of switching bodies and personalities, which is why the Empire is such a totalitarian system full of fear and control.

The upside of the parallel incarnation model is that the Higher Self learns pretty much “all at once” and growth speed skyrockets. This also gives the Higher Self the power to adjust each of its incarnations “in real-time” while incarnated and by this having a huge strategic advantage over the Higher Selves that play the sequential model.
When you experience a very fast personality development, constant shift in interests and hobbies, and/or downloads from other incarnations of yours, then you are probably on parallel incarnation mode.

On the other side the sequential model can take hundreds of thousands of years until a Higher Self has collected all the necessary experience.
We know that the Empire has interferred with human DNA many times throughout history, all in order to prevent parallel Higher Selves from going full speed development mode, but in the end all these road blocks will only accelerate the parallel Higher Selves’s development even more.

So in the end the whole galactic conflict comes down to “those who eat all the different sushi at the same time” versus “those who eat their sushi slowly one after another”.
It is not about any violation of free will, since this is a god-given fact that no Alien fraction or Higher Self can mess around with.
Each side tries to tell the other one on how to eat their sushi more effectively, and from there the conflict arises. It probably couldn’t be any different since in the end all consciosuness is one and connected.

Parallel model Higher Selves try to recruit sequential Higher Selves for the parallel model.
Sequential model Higher Selves try to keep order and comfort at any cost.
As we on earth learn to overcome fear and extend our cabality to love, so do Higher Selves when they go from “fear of progress” (sequentialism) to “Love of progress” (parallelism).
This, in my opinion, is the bigger picture beyond the different agendas inside the galactic game.

It is much more complex than this, but I hope my analogy and explanation makes sense.
I am trying to break down a multi-dimensional concept into human words here.
And most likely this explanational model is wrong at several points, so of course I will revise it with further personal growth and understanding.

Peace :white_heart: :v:

Sources for my explanational model:

  • Robert Monroe’s astral travel books
  • “Matrix V Gold” by Val Valerian
  • Jurgen Ziewes’s astral travel books
  • Robert Peterson’s astral travel books
  • Michael Newtons’ NDE books
  • Jane Roberts’ channeling books
  • Rosalind McKnight’s astral travel books
  • Gordon Phinn’s astral travel books
  • “Insights with Adronis” by Jefferson Viscardi
  • “The Purpose of Life” by David Sunfellow
  • Personal experience

There are also many hints for the “Parallel / Sequential Incarnation models” in the Near Death Experiences and Past Life Regressions stories of people. I’ve read a ton of these for the past 20 years and after a while one begins to see patterns.

Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, this planet was part of the Empire the whole time, and some Higher Selves (us) decided to hijack the planet from them for a few thousands of years, to play out our parallel incarnational game?
Or maybe they (Empire sequentials) borrowed us their planet in order to participate in our game and agreed to act as additional road blocks?
What if it us who are the “agressors” who took over their planet, put it under quarantene and they are just desperately trying to reestablish back their comfort zone which they had on this planet?
A lot of light worker and new age materials will try to sell you the idea that “it is our planet” and “we need to save it”. But what if it has been “their planet” the whole time and we are just temporarily using it?
Just some food for thought :slightly_smiling_face:


Ok. That’s a lot of theory.
I’ll just say that my ideas come from those who actually worked along side some of these alien races, “benevolent” or otherwise.

Since you have a scientific mindset, I hope you practice the true scientific method of the ancients…
And that’s not to prove one’s theories/ideologies but to find every instance to DISPROVE those theories to see how and why they are wrong.

Right now, you are going thru a period of “making sense” of alot of different sources.
Many of them are “astral travel” books.
That’s not the same as Alien contact.

So let me point you to the posts of “daniel” and the pdfs I’ve posted of his direct hands-on work with Aliens, alien programs, and alien technologies…
Someone who I’ve worked directly with (when he was alive) and had the pleasure to ask alot of questions to.
Someone who could clarify and correct my misunderstandings thru his direct experience instead of sifting thru the mountains of often conflicting information and theories on such matters.


Thank you for your reply.

Yes I am exactly in this period (I mean who isn’t? :slightly_smiling_face:).

Okay, so I will now increase my amount of alien contact and study the Daniel PDFs too. Thank you for your guidance.

Let’s see what I will find, as so far I have not found information that would conflict my current explanational model. And yes, I am open to conflicting information to the model so my reality bubble is always allowing for new input. This is how I made progress in the past and believe will do in the future - always open to the idea that all I have believed until today could be completely wrong.
Some of the written concepts, I believe from my inner most being to be true, others, like you said, are “trying to make sense”, especially the part on the alien agendas.