Alien Intercession

well universal laws can be broken I’m gonna share some videos of an experienced astral projector who met a very powerful being on the astral plane who was leading a " cult ". Basically to resume them, Rick ( the astral projector ) and other teachers and positive beings from the astral plane United to " fight " him to allow the people under his complete control to escape. Rick got his soul kind of " hacked " during the event by this powerful being which is against universal laws.


Hi Eli, Thanks. I follow and watch this channel too and know the story that Rick tells in these videos.
I believe most situations that Rick is put in with this Astral School are completely orchistrated by his Higher Self for Rick’s personal growth. As you probably have seen youself, many of these situations that Rick is put in, are very vague and are trying to trick him into a black and white or either/or decision making process. Rick has to see through the facade and chose a path beyond of what is presented to him as choices. This is how his free will is trained. Rick and his Astral School teachers for sure do not have the power or right to decide another soul’s fate. The Higher Selves must always agree first.


yes sure

but the master was an advanced soul. He could have gone on higher planes after death but decided to exerce power on other beings, which gave him even more power. And was apparently able to violate a universal law


It is called a universal law because not even the highest beings can violate these. One could say that universal laws are attributes of god/the source itself.
Some of the laws that come to my mind:

  • Consciousness is the only real thing.
  • All consciousness is connected.
  • All consciousness is constantly manifesting its own reality.
  • Free will does exist and thus all possible realities can be subjectively experienced.
  • It is impossible for god/source to not exist.

here there was an unviersal law broken, as said by Rick who actually experienced it
That’s all there is to it. I could make assumptions too on what are universal laws etc but there would be no point
all I’m seeing is, a particular universal law here was broken

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It is much more likely that Rick’s Higher Self allowed for this experience to take place, rather than that a universal law has been broken :wink:


Do aliens read what you write? Can I request them things this way?


better if you just think about what you want, but in concepts not in words.

However intention is everything, theyll still understand


Something to hear for people who are interested in this thread.

Also If you like it you can watch the movie too. :purple_heart:


Strange dreams
VoC + Alien Intercession

I had 2 dreams within the span of a month.
It involves a girl I used to know around 30 years ago.

In the first dream she is full of love for me, and wants to introduce me to her dad.
In the second one, she is super excited to see me and can’t let go.

The dreams are very vivid and I can remember a lot of detail.

Any thoughts?
An alien matchmaking going on?


I saw a documentary on about an actual alien communication.

His team had prepped him, but he said he could handle it. The communication was very intense and the military kernel or whatever who spoke to the alien had to lie down for an hour or so later.

The communication was at multiple levels and the human mind could only process so much at a time.


Yesterday I Looped the intercession for about an hour while in meditation.
Spammed in my mind that I wish to connect with them. Wished to be able to see them.
Took some time and relaxation, saw very weak pictures of different faces during that period.

Finally a light blue face with slim eggformed eyes appeared. set like this \ / (Edit. First the eyes were more human like seemed to change)
Got more vivid, came closer and in that moment I could feel my whole body getting “pluged in” energetically connecting somehow. heard “connection established” in my mind, felt very intense.
Had a moment of fear but it quickly vanished.
The face disappeard after that. Asked them for help regarding an issue I have and healing in general. But wasn´t sure how to discern between my own made up thoughts and them most of the time.

Drifted of to sleep and had a very vivid dream, met a few people I´ve connected to before in this life. Strangely it felt like I haven´t seen them for hundreds of years. Heard a voice that said something like that we can see everybody again before we die. The atmosphere felt so peaceful, like coming home after a very very long time. Beautiful experience.


Would these aliens have an easier time if we prepare a glass of water they can infuse with energy so we don’t interfere in the process? Or an item where they build a field on? That way they could build something that would keep working and the short one time connection limitations could be a bit worked around. Or is this of no consequence given their abilities/tech?

So far I’ve wanted to use this field many times and always chickened out. Listened to it finally, passively in the background, not actively and so I don’t have much to comment on. I’d rather get help that way. But I wondered about leaving an object or a glass of water for them.


I am pretty sure they can do almost anything with their super-advanced tech. A tech that is probably Millions of years ahead of ours – which means all of humanity’s tech here in the 21st Century is like Stone Age tech compared to theirs.

Our tech:


Their tech:

It is rather a question of how much you, with your Free Will, and your Higher Self’s incarnation plan will allow for them to show up and interfere in your incarnation/life.

In my experience they are rather holding back than doing anything that would create fear. So the first step to get in touch with them is the literal removal of fear. E.g. the Amygdala Healing and PTSD fields.


uga buga fire fire wood wood


This is better than our current collective uga buga…

But you reminded me of a hooba hooba I liked a lot as a kid…this would be my version of superhuman xD. We need a Marsupilami gene mods simulation or experience field xD.


Im not to downtalk humanitys advanced at all, we have cool things and shit, but yeah I guess compared to the tech and science/knowledge higher advanced civilization have, is just immense lol


There are indeed some conflicts going on between the different alien races and fractions, however all the info on the internet is mostly disinfo so one won’t find proper answers there :neutral_face:.
As far as as I know only the Higher Selves have the full picture of all the game events, players and fractions.

Very strange that the field connected you to aliens that aren’t part of your personal fraction. I guess it all comes down to working with the field with a clear intention?

If you are okay to share this publicly here, so what was the answer that you’ve received?


@anon75179789 Happy to see it is working for u, even better than I assumed it would. It seems the audio came to u at the right time. Ur results are amazing, and u arent even looping it overnight as I used to.
There are different infusions on Dreamseeds channel, like Arcturian infusion etc. so there is probably the one suited for u. U could play it while asleep, and keep working with Alien Intercession actively.
Keep us updated on ur progress, hopefully it draws more attention to this not so popular audio.

Trust me, things for u are gonna get even wilder for u from now on, so dont doubt urself, they are versatile, meaning u can expect pretty much anything to happen.


Deeper Brainwave States like Theta help, the deeper you are the clearer the image

So, its about going deeper and reaching dreamlike states

For sure theres some methods, but thats just the general thing to do if you want to have clear images