Alien Intercession

I would put forth the concept that the “Draconic” aliens are simply another aspect to be integrated.

Mars is the planet of war, but play Iron Oil of Mars (either) or charge up some water with the 2nd Pentacle of Mars. Sometimes there’s an element of war/fighting/struggle necessary for our lives.


PONR stack for at least a month when you don´t see results generally.
Shen Yang, Enhanced visual processing, sexual transmutation, conceptual realizations, Higher Self connection, Animal telepathy…before the Intercession. Meditate on it.


Thank you so much, wil try my best to add these to my current stack, if you don’t mine me asking, I am struggling with one particular area in my life which is the male enhancement, do you think I can ask them to help me out with this? Like their help in growing it?


Well, I tried it once and I felt the sensation like I had electrical charge or something in my legs and I felt a sensation of flying, being lifted up, but my feet were still on my bed, still in the lotus position; I felt strange energy throughout my body and near me and I started to feel fear and I stopped the audio and told them that I don’t want to see them, that I’m scared and that perhaps if they would like to help me from a distance, without anything scary.

I’m not so sure if I’ll listen to this soon.


Can they do it? Sure. Will they do it? I dunno, ask them.

i recommend you read the whole thread and check this out too

And get in touch with your Higher self, you will recognize that a lot of the things you consider a problem are selfimposed.

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It’s not a self imposed thing, it’s a real problem that I am facing since quite a long time, it’s not due to my ego or something.

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Well, this happened…
Seems like they can do whatever my chiropractor was doing.
I actually… tearfully thanked them for making me feel so safe. Which, ‘irl’…
2nd ‘attempt’. I was wholly awake the whole time, no meditations, no visions. They were moving and working on my body, similarly to a yogi doing automatic poses. Although did not feel any physical touch.
Upon asking multiple variants, they confirm that they’re working on my back. Makes sense.
My back / kidneys has been in pain and I could not find anything to relieve me, had tried just about any Sapien field. Guess what. I felt better afterwards, and the next day, there was no more pain. My muscles still feel as if I had a workout, which I did.
I’ve also been dealing with liver problems, and my face has taken a toll that no amount of face lifting seemed to affect. So I point to my pain - the spot in between my eyebrows rapidly wrinkled beyond its age. And I say ‘can you please help with this tho?’
And as if to say ‘I am working on this tho!’ they proceed to work on my liver (like the chiropractor / reiki guy would do). And… :)) that spot does look better :)

So I figured I could just get in my track pants and schedule my sessions at home :D :D (hopefully)


The 1st time, they definitely seemed to clear my energy, I could slightly see green hands on me in places where I could feel my body’s energy transforming. That night after drifting off it seemed like I was about to be
like this

but I chickened out. First time.
The next day I was definitely lighter.

Looking forward to having the time to read this fascinating thread.

I’ve gotta thank Captain and all his ‘little’ helpers (basically his whole history and everyone and everything that have led him up to this point, I can’t begin to imagine the thousands of people and generations…).
I might be more lively in my thanks, but I have not processed this yet.
I am not shocked.
I am curiously not processing it, or feeling the need to process this whole new reality that I am in, and I am not busy being bothered by my not processing it or being surprised.
I seem to not be overthinking it in the slightest. And I should have been the Queen of Overthinking, the kind of obsessive overthinking that has led me to this side of the spectrum, where… finally, damn, it’s starting to make sense, and now, finally, the need to figure it out is starting to fade more and more… And it’s making sense, more and more, to the point that I don’t have to think about it as much, the answers are coming, faster and faster, help is coming… Obviously, it wasn’t just the Alien Intercession.
I keep being surprised, but not surprised. I am starting to feel more and more excited, joyous, playful… like when I was a young child and the world was open for me and anything could happen, and I did not know ‘fear’ or ‘have to’ (‘be like this’).
Now this is getting me teary. For this I thank you, and all the forum members, for being here, for this place existing.

Although it seems like something has been leading me to Aliens for quite a while now, maybe that’s also something.


Consider SorcerySupreme’s Fear Virus Removal Tool.
I must look like a groupie at this point. It’s been blowing my mind since the first listen. Can be intense.
Started using it after my alien experience below, though didn’t make the connection.


Thank you. :pray:


Well- these are some audios I’ll pass on for awhile. Definitely interesting but, yeah. I’m not ready, lol.

Noping the hell out


You’re not ready for a ride? :flying_saucer::joy:

“I can show you the world…” - catchy lyrics from a beautiful song from Aladdin (1992) lol


Just joking

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Hard Rick Roll


@Drift Wow, Now that’s a beautiful song And with nice images.


Finally, I did it, I listened 2 times to this field today! :joy::muscle:
Well, nothing suspicious in the skies yet, no balls of fire/light! :sweat_smile:
It was a good experience and I felt some things, but it was not even near what I felt the first try (as in, it was not scary); well, credit for me defeating my fears goes to many people, first of all to Captain :pray: (point of no return stack does wonders), then I will also give my thanks to another creator, DrVirtual7! (first I wanted to hide his name in this thread, since it’s not the thread for other channels, then I thought it will be disrespectful) :pray:
Thank you for your advices, comments, @Atreides, @JAAJ and a few others, you are awesome! :pray:

A new chapter begins in my life: Friends in High Places! :sweat_smile::flying_saucer:

Edit: Last, but Not Least, I have to give thanks to Benevolent ETs, Angels, Gods, Devic Beings, Other Beings, etc. - I have no idea who’s higher or who’s lower, in terms of Power, Love, Knowing, etc. Or in terms of how responsive/close They are to us, out of these types of Beings, all I know is that They Deserve Credit for all the times they help(ed) us, perhaps even without us ever knowing or guessing that we received help…, plus the fact that Benevolent Beings helped Humanity and perhaps Life on Terra for Eons…


Like a movie


Sorry, sometimes I’m quite dense. :sweat_smile:
Can you tell me what is it like a movie - I guess it’s something that I wrote (?) :thinking::sweat_smile:

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Last few times I used it I got some pretty disturbed stuff. I hope I just have to do some clearing


What happened?


I´m reliefed, this time I had like no negative thoughts/pictures, so no matter if I had conntact with allies or not, it was probably my subconscious that was responsible for the stuff I received.

Meditated this time properly and asked for them to remove negative programming from my brain.
I could then feel something moving through my brain, like a little ball of energy, it stopped on multiple spots and started circling there for some time before it moved on to another spot.

Then I requested brain healing and saw how they ripped/cut it in half. A few “cables” were connected in a new way before they put it together again. tbh this image was scary.
Then I could see my brain beeing moved around like somebody holding it in their hand and examining it from multiple directions, but without seeing how, just my brain in the dark.

I asked them for body healing too and the concept of some sensor/lamp that came down from above entered my mind. followed by syringes on both sides of the body.
Sadly I had to stop at that point, thanked them and promised to come back.

Along that I saw different images, one that reoccured was very similar to this

Like I even saw the finger at some time, without the body just moving around, thought they flipped me off :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Chickened out from many experiences because of that sort of invasive manipulation thingy…like come on guys you have higher tech and means xD