Alien Intercession

Trust me, they do.

They are ridicilously intelligent, I happened to meet a “rogue” one, it didnt come from its home when I played it, it said it was “around” and picked up on the “call” (the field).

But you also have to be persistent, keep playing it and keep building the connection.

The stronger it is, the more they can do.


This calls on the good beings, so even if you play it without intention, they might do a little healing or help you with other stuff without you realizing it’s them, etc.

But honestly , the potential with these aliens is infinite.

As I said, they dont give a fk. They dont see it as “money is evil” etc.

Imagine a monkey calling you for help. Ofcourse you would be like “lets help this one”, right?

I know I just belittled humanity LOL but thats pretty much how it is.

You’re not calling “aliens” for help, you’re calling advanced beings, who don’t think like humans, for help.

Other than messing with peoples free will, there are no limits to them.


This is interesting



IMHO alien intercession is one of Dreams most powerful field for whatsoever


Same thing dude
I don’t use it often cause I am scared of them somehow idk (perhaps fear of unknown) but I sometimes use it and I feel this change in myself, but I would like to know and be sure that they are 100% really good beings or so idk


Yes, the music is a bit spooky… :wink:
Try listen during daytime when it´s light outside.

I have no idea where they from, just felt the energy.

I´m doing the Divine Love daily , so I can relate to your intentions.


I would love it if @Dreamweaver would make this field into a mandala or dog tag :slight_smile:


Over? I wouldn´t know… I use the Higher Self daily as well.


I have seen something similar to this when I was a child, like at 13 years of age and when I was on the terrace of my house. It was night probabaly at 8 or 9. An object with lights which had somewhat slow movement. Not an airplane though, I know the difference as they emit a red light on their tail, on and off. This object was completely white or bluish light, shaped like a triangle from bare eyes. Probably there where 3 lights arranged in a circle.

On the next week I bought a low cost film roll camera, so that I cannot miss such moments. And yes it never happened again :blush:.

Also just woke up today with this news, as well. Probably a gradual revelation.


I think I will stop using higher self field (using it from start when it arrived) and focus more on alien intercession, cause I felt myself like my higher self prevent me from some changes, I think it’s time for stop using it, and honestly it didn’t help me at anything

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If you find the music uncomfortable, you could try focussing your attention on the Alien Intercession video without any sound, if you are receptive enough to the energy.

Many of Dream’s fields are encoded into the videos as well, or have residual energy from the fields in the videos.

It may not be quite the same as listening to the field, but watching only the video can be a solution for anyone uncomfortable with a field’s audio.


I can’t imagine listening this one 30 min…I just listen once and it hit me this change of energy in myself and in my room immediately…my maximum of listening is 3 times in row, usually twice… energy is too intense, but whenever I ask them for something I feel some keenly feeling of relief…hard to explain… like "we have heard… it’s being processed now (this wish)


You guys think it’s a smart idea to ask aliens to add a field to my ipf tag to help me assimilate their energy and to better communicate with them? Or should dreams work not be tampered with? I just finished listening for about 30 minutes and this was one of the things I asked for the most


Yes, I got what you meant. No, I wouldn’t know why one should do Alien Intercession instead of the Higher self…
I use the Higher self for a stronger intuition/ knowledge/ insights all the time.
Regarding the aliens, I see it more like I’m calling them up occasionally (or very often, :smile:).

Nabs still using it? Any drastic changes? :smiley:

Probably better to ask them for a sigil, that can create a field on an item of your choosing.


I honestly haven’t had the time lately as ive been focusing on the course which my higher self is pleased with me focusing on.

The last I meditated with Alien intercession, I received intel of Draco leaving and new positive powers are getting set up on our moon base. They also have their representatives here on Earth which they coordinate with. Transfer of power would take a few years to be noticed theres a huge mess to clean up after.

Other than that, they have been helping me with getting my brain wired for possible future channelling.

It really is exciting to interact with our Galactic family. I encourage everyone to try it and be open to connecting with them. They really want to see us flourish and can’t wait to be among us. But this won’t happen until we can get along with our own species first. Because if we can’t… Lol how would we possibly be able to get along with totally different civilizations with so much more evolved being.


Used @Nabs101’s (here) and @Samurai’s (here) advice the last two days.

Put all magical items and mandalas away, then played the intercession audio once, while I was hiking in nature. Asked them to adjust my energy body vibration, so that it becomes easier for us to interact.

Back home I felt the need to lie down and entered a meditative state. Felt like constantly changing fields were working on my right brain hemisphere. After a bit more than two hours after playing the intercession audio, I felt like they were finished for now.

Before going to bed I played the Intercession audio again.

Night 1

What I noticed right after waking up:

  • right brain hemisphere felt like it worked all night

  • chest muscles felt like they had a small workout. Even though I didn’t do any upper body exercise.

Gonna limit my dream discussion for the most direct alien connection.

See an alien looking hand, see a symbol of one alien faction. Cut. Feels like I’m missing a larger part of the dream.

Looking at a kind of advanced ipad. It’s pretty chunky. See a symbol that is similar to that of the other faction. Tablet turns out to be a high resolution star map. See a kind of cloud in the star map. Part of the cloud looks like an upper torso with a face. First I thought it looked like Zeus, but now I’m sure it looked more like Chronos aka Saturn.

Face of the cloud reminded me of this painting

Then I see three alien heads in the star map. Feels like the map and the symbols in it are putting me in a trance and are trying to influence me. Put the tablet away. I’m next to a couch and desperately start looking for my St. Michael mandala, feel slightly anxious, because I can’t find it. End of the dream.

Last part probably was a simple lesson: Don’t research this stuff on the internet without psychic protection.

Night 2

This time I asked them for some healing and a better connection with them.

None of the dreams had any connections to aliens. Again they were more vivid and easier to remember than usual.

What was notable was, that for the first time in my life smelled something in a dream. Smelled the scent of my friends old apartment, the whole time while I was there in the dream.

Results after two days:

  • dreams are more vivid and easier to remember
  • overall deeper and more refreshing sleep

Thanks but what do you mean at
" Don’t research this stuff without psychic protection."
Does we need that protection when we using alien intercession or it’s just for some your case?