Alien Intercession

Nice experience! In the first night they were indeed helping you increase your psychic connections in your brain. I had the same feeling in the right back side of my brain like neurons were rewiring like crazy. This helped me increase the ease of visualizations and a lot more vivid dreams. I would say keep asking from brother if your still comfortable with this process that is.

Also just to note I love that you pointed out the tablet that immediately pointed out they hybrids race as they are the same ones I have encountered as well.

They are certainly good intentioned and like to help us they see us as their brothers from another mother lol but they are also not the lovey dovey type. They are intelligent technologically and spiritually with a balanced compassion.

Glad to hear you are having deeper experiences. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Not protection from them.

Lesson was more like: have some protection, when you research topics like saturn and aliens on the internet.

Thank you for the question, gonna edit my post a bit.

All thanks to you and @Samurai. Thank you guys again for your guidance :smiley:


What if a dream that fighting opposite to aliens in a war? I got a dream yesterday after 1 hour of listening to it. Was fighting a war against aliens. Me and my warriors retreated from war. My side has a leader, strong. He does something bad to me I cannot remember. And a rage arises in me, shouting and I am finally getting a psychic power like telekinesis. And I am throwing him farther out of the building using that power.


Hi @Roi, Dreams usually are subconscious mind communications so the messages are very personal to you. However from what you have described this is what I can tell you:

Seeing Aliens is a symbol of the unknown and since you are opposing them, it can indicate resistance. War is a symbol of fear and losing control.

So how I interpret it, you as the ego is rejecting the connection with ETs because it is afraid it will lose it’s sense of self hence lose control (especially if you are religious and “aliens” have no place in your belief system). But what is really interesting is that it seems like something within you, possibly the true self emerges with intensity to claim it’s power to make decisions and be open to accepting the unknown to receive these “psychic powers” and push the ego out of your way.

Overall it is actually a positive dream.


Understood. You mean the higher self is taking control here. The dream was intense so I can remember these details. After throwing away the leader, I woke up.



After I saw the dragon release I was shocked tbh, I was like, what?
Dragons get a tag but ET’s don’t…?

Maybe the ET’s dont want dream to make a tag…?

But yeah, we should keep requesting this until we get a no , lol, maybe Senpai doesnt see it?


If we had an Alien intersession dog tag that we can wear all the time this will very likely accelerate the probability of us having direct physical extraterrestrial contact very soon.


Just a little update

during my second session of alien intercession today while asking for my mutations for bodybuilding, I had the idea of looking at some roided up and aesthetic bodybuilders, and I told them how I wanted to look better than this, and I told them I would only take a steroid that’s made by them that had no adverse side affects…

a concept entered my mind of a needle containing some green liquid in it with a label on it and I immediately said do it! And thank you!

I think I’m receiving alien roids now… could be just a coincidence that this image just entered my head but my intuition says it’s alien roids… I’m so grateful man :slight_smile:


That’s really amazing please keep us updated on the progress dude! Hope it makes you like the hulk


@Nabs101, I find your post interesting and according to Kerry Cassidy, the Annunaki were invaded by the Dracos years ago and she’s also in contact and getting downloads from Ashayana Deanne and the Guardian Alliance.

From Wes Penre papers, I also learned of the quarantine grid which was built around this planet after the Great Flood by Enki and his invading forces, most likely the Annunakis. The papers narrate that after we die, most will go to the tunnel with white light and into the Annunaki recycling center where our astral bodies are processed for reincarnation into earth. Remote Viewer Brett Stuart also saw this recycling center, the cruel treatment of the human souls by those controllers and made a video on this which I saw but it was later taken down from You Tube. There is another astral traveller, Jonathan Dilas who details the grid which imprisons earth and also the light tunnel in his you tube channel. Just sharing what I learned and my question is does Enki still hold a lot of power over this world since the Dracos reportedly invaded the annunakis years ago?

I also had a few dreams involving alien contacts and in the last one I was shown for just a few seconds an alien king on a throne who’s so powerful but I felt sinister vibes infront of him. I don’t know who he was. Would like to hear from you what you think of this.


Will do man!

Progress takes time :slight_smile:

1 Like

Not with Alien steroids! :eyes:


Haha who knows! I’m going to take a progress picture in two days, and I’ll start taking a picture every week from then… I have high hopes that I’ll be making months of progress in a matter of weeks… I will keep in contact with my alien friends


Good luck! I am looking forward to hearing how things are working out for you.

I am sure you are going to look great. Do let us know if you start to turn green :wink: :smile:


how did you ‘tell’ them to help you? Did you speak it out loud what you wanted to be helped with?


I did asked them out loud and they helped me


I just want to note that the term Annunaki refers to the entire civilization (just like how people of earth are called Earthlings). So having said that, the Annunaki as a whole were actually very spiritually evolved (4th / 5th Density) and were/are in service to the cosmos. There are so many narratives of this story but the one I received directly from ET downloads is that the original task they were given is to help create a hybrid race on earth so that there is more sentient life which in turn would raise the overall vibration of the planet. (Enlil by the order of Anu) they mixed some of the stock DNA they had with the primates on earth. Then they taught these new earth beings Adam and Eve and their children how to farm, fish and be able to sustain themselves. Here where the twist comes in, there were factions within the royal family of Anu (Enki) whom saw this was a perfect opportunity to create their own lineage who are more powerful (more of the DNA markers were turned on) than the rest influenced by the Draco group. This was so to have their own legacy and foothold within the solar system. A bloodline that can rule the planet. This is the same system that is crumbling before our eyes now.

That information about souls/astral bodies are captured after death and put through a recycling process was unfortunately made by insurgents from the elite side as a scare tactic and is not true. There was so much false fear-based information injected into spiritual communities to instill fear/anger and bring down their vibrational state. Although I am not dismissing some outrageous things they have the power to do but it was all so overexaggerated to instill fear.

What really happens is after death, you are usually met by guides and loved ones who passed to help make the transition easier. The astral body can choose to stay on the earth’s astral plane for any unfinished business or to watch their memorial process. Once they are good to go, yes you go through the “tunnel” but this basically looks like a tunnel because you are literally traveling at the speed of light to the spirit world merging back into your soul where depending on your spiritual development join your group or you are solo and know exactly what you need to do next. (of course there is no sense of time here just a way for us humans to wrap our heads around the concept). What ties you back to earth are your contracts and lessons you need to complete.

Back to the Annunaki, from our timeline, they as a whole are no longer physical and have evolved passed the 7th/8th densities. So the original Annunaki would not be visiting us here on earth but maybe their far descendants who have different names for their collective consciousnesses. oh wait… lol that would be us :rofl:

As for the dreams, again they are personal subconscious messages according to your own beliefs regarding the concept of aliens. The question I think you should ask yourself is why am I attracting the concept of a sinister alien king?

It could be you have indulged yourself into reading a lot about the predatorial side of alien existence such as Draco/reptilian domination, alien abductions, implants, etc… this patterns your mind to attract the same type of thoughts and even entities.

So it could be either:

  1. your subconscious mind is telling you hey look this is what you have filled me with regarding aliens. You think they are very powerful and sinister.


  1. You actually have a connection to that entity from a certain ET group who is being reflected to you for a specific reason

Only you can be the judge of this as you will feel what resonates with you and things that will lead you to discover more things.

Hope that helps brother again this is all just from my own experience.


Some times I speak to them out loud ( I did mostly in the beginning) now a days I mostly just speak to them in my head and have long (One sided) conversations with them lol I tell them to help me assimilate their energy all the time too which I think helps better the communication

I have the ipf tag and I think that has helped a lot with making me confident that they’re receiving my thoughts


Wow, that is a very interesting perspective on the annunaki.

They were also mentioned in the Enuma Elish, where humans were created as slaves to the gods.

The book of enoch also mentions this, although they are referred to as “fallen angels” who gave humans secret, divine mysteries.

One of them Azazel who taught women make-up, and men how to make weapons and fight.

You can see how his teachings are still here today.

Me and many others who evoked Gaia always got the impression that the Anunnaki are what many refer to as the archons.

With anu being yaldabaoth, yhwh, allah, etc.

The earth as a being really hates them, so how exactly are they “raising the vibration…?”

And what about ancient civilizations that existed hundreds of thousands of years ago on earth? Waaay before Anu’s kids came along and fked it up for everyone.

The intel you are getting is fascinating, but I have a feeling they aren’t giving you truth, maybe not to hurt you or something?


Remember there were factions. Good and evil this is our universe full of duality. The earth does NOT hate annunaki actually she agreed to the interaction otherwise they would not be allowed. But what happened was a faction of annunaki had gone rouge and did not follow protocol.