Alien Intercession

Yes there were so many ET civilizations involved not just Annunaki. Going back since the earth was habitable. Earth was an ET playground for genetic testing and species creation for ET groups. Even with that they all had specific protocol to follow when creating anything on earth.


Another name for the earth in the enuma elish is Tiamat.

The ā€œevil monsterā€ that Marduk (michael,enki) slayed and created the earth.

When I evoked Tiamat I quickly realized that she wasnt such an evil monster, but Gaia herself.

You can even wear the st. Michael mandala and I dare you to try and think ā€œhail the earthā€.

Youā€™ll quickly feel Michaelā€™s (aka mardukā€™s) anger.

Gaia didnā€™t open herself up to anyone, they invaded, forcefully.

Why do you think there are so many young people nowadays who go around praising nature and hate religion ā€¦?

Those are the starseeds, high vibrational souls that are here to heal Gaia from all the alien rape she has been trough.


I am in no position to invalidate your own perspective. I honor it but I have my own perspective that makes sense to me according to my own experience. As i strongly believe from the perspective of the ALL its never this OR that. But rather its this AND that even if the concepts collide in idealogy.


Im not saying im right, just my 2 cents.

Also thats the problem with the ā€œallā€.

The void/god doesnt care, it doesnt discriminate, it doesnt punish etcā€¦

Its why alot of beings that are ā€œhigherā€ than us can toy with us however they want for thousands of years (greys), cuz they know the ALL isnt gonna do shit.

The ALL just is, it doesnt act/do.


Take your consciousness and perceive from all lenses. You will have an expanded understanding. Its natural when perceiving things from the ego or primal mind we feel like a victim. But that is not who you really areā€¦ Youā€™re just in a play playing a role and when its over everyone will stand in an ovation.


Guys,hold your annunaki stories, I just watched two aliens for the first time healing me after I asked them to.They were incredible!!!


Yeah I saw them with my physical eyes but they were stealth, I saw one above me exactly as I was laying down and one next to them. They look exactly like in the movies with big head dark eyes about 1.50metres.They were awesome for real.


They did work for an hour more or less.Told them to heal any mental,phychic,physical problem I had.They were really helpful and no terrifying at all.Now Iā€™m really tired though.


Thank you my friend hope you see them too,if not ask them to see them with your physical eyes.


Hey bro how many sessions did it take you before you where finally able to see them with your physical eyes? Iā€™ve been dying to see them lol


Itā€™s my third day.Was playing the video all day long though.ALL DAY.The thing that helped me see them was 4 times ā€œthe shen yangā€ audio.Listen it till you overload.Thatā€™s what I did before I saw them. @angelblessings do this too, hope you see them.And actually asked them to see them yesterday so I think the shen audio was something essential? Donā€™t know. Hope you see them too.let me know.


Yes, shen is good audio, and is recommended before intercessions and Higher self audioā€¦


Awesome man! Will be listening to shen in a bit before I prepare for my alien intersession session! Hopefully Iā€™ll see them soon :slight_smile: (out of likes)


Thanks for your detailed explanation and taking the time to respond Bro. I really appreciate it.

From what I gathered from sources through the years I think the tunnel of light is a trap and would take the option to bypass it once my time on earth is over. Thatā€™s just my perspective for now.

I agree with your take on my dreams and Iā€™m considering listening to the Alien Intercession video. I am using the Dragon video for now.


I donā€™t understand how the ETā€™s told him that the energy body has to ā€œreachā€ the soul after deathā€¦?

The astral self is tied to the physical self, after physical death, it may linger around for a while, or you can ā€œconsciouslyā€ remain here, but thats not ā€œyouā€ on a soul level.

Your soul is in a completely different dimension, and its impossible to see or try to grasp its true form while being human.

even in the realms below the spirit dimension, there are colors and shapes that are impossible to describe, like ā€œyouā€ see it, but at the same time when youre back to your body you cant ā€œimagineā€ it in your mind.

I think some ETā€™s are harvesting energy bodies tbh lol, and your ā€œsoulā€ doesnt care because it knows how insignificant it is.

ā€œIts just the energy body of my temporary earth character, do whatever you want with itā€.

I have heard theories tho that ā€œyouā€ on the physical/astral level can however be immortal if you ignore that white light, and just roam the etheric realm freely, forever.

So I agree with that part, I dont think ā€œsoulsā€ need to be greeted by loved ones because those loved ones are your human loved ones, the soul already sees trough it and doesnt need comfort after its earth character has died.

Just my 2 cents.


"I think some ETā€™s are harvesting energy bodies tbh lol, and your ā€œsoulā€ doesnt care because it knows how insignificant it is.

ā€œIts just the energy body of my temporary earth character, do whatever you want with itā€.

I have heard theories tho that ā€œyouā€ on the physical/astral level can however be immortal if you ignore that white light, and just roam the etheric realm freely, forever.

So I agree with that part, I dont think ā€œsoulsā€ need to be greeted by loved ones because those loved ones are your human loved ones, the soul already sees trough it and doesnt need comfort after its earth character has died."

This is similar to what Wes Penre writes in this article which you can download for free, if one is interested (He reportedly also has a source who bypassed the recycling center and is from Orion on a mission on earth to help humanity):

This is really an eye opener for me and Iā€™m currently listening to Sapienā€™s Ancestral Knowledge and Connection to Higher-Self videos daily which I think will help me in discerning this matter more.


Nah, souls dont go to the white light or recycling center bro. Theres nothing to ā€œbypassā€ as a soul.

Thats the astral self, there are even rumors on AP forums that greys disguise as angels and wipe your memory and send you back to your body.

It seems they dont want ā€œfree roamingā€ human ā€œspiritsā€ (not souls) in the non-physical lower realms.

Dont worry , Im picking up astral projection again.

Iā€™ll pay that recycling center a little visit, my spirit aches for battle anyway ;D


@Nabs101 In your opinion, does X-files have some truth about any of their alien stories. A good series it is, so wondering if there is any.


So the X-files is owned by fox network (cabal). Some of the information the show provides has happened like for example the alien abductions, implants, ufo technologies, etcā€¦ but remember these guys have an agenda narrative which is they want you to be afraid of aliens to prevent contact. Although there is some truth but it programs your mind to have a negative idea regarding ET contact.

Do you know why the Greys abductions happened? Itā€™s to create the 5th hybrid race. This was a contractual agreement between the Greys and the abducted individuals on a soul level to take genetic materials and also imbue the females with the genetically modified hybrid embryo which then they remove from her after a few weeks to continue to grow on their ships.

I would be very critical with the information provided by mainstream channels. They have been steering peopleā€™s thoughts and emotions for the last few decades.


The description fits a grey but again who knows the best way to know is to ask the aliens directly.

Because we also look like other humanoid aliens living in a planet far far away. Here below are scetches of aliens seen at ufo sites: