Alien Intercession

I belive we can see one or some of them pretty soon.

@anon96557306 the ET being you have seen, does any of the one from the picture relative to them?


Yes,21 and 36 are pretty accurate.


Interesting Article:


If you have interest in Ufology, this site although it so old school but has some of the best documentations, pics and videos evidence from past sightings.

The site intro:

I used to overlook UFOs and related phenomena as a mix of hallucinations and hoaxes, of no interesting physical causes worth a minute of time. Then some curious, odd, or stunning facts in the scientific and official information usually spread on this topic amazed me. Missing official archives, but also release of official documents about UFO sightings? Faked pictures, but also radar signatures of UFOs published by Air Forces? Several incompatible official explanations for the same case? The more I looked into it, the more it became interesting and complex. With this site, I hope to share my interrogations, doubts and also information and studies on a fascinating topic.


Agenda doesnt impact meā€¦ :man_shrugging:
What I like is, one guy fighting against the systemā€¦


Hmm, this Alien Intercession really has a magnetic pull on me.
IĀ“ve listened to the audio extensively, not asking for anything, just letting them do their thing.

When I woke up this morning my pillow was at the foot of the bed and I had kicked of the bedding. I felt very warm. This might not sound very special, but I usually lie so still that I just can slip out of the bedding and it looks like I never was in it. Been feeling very warm all day and my body feels very light and bendy. I can feel that something is working on me energetically.

Regarding the greys:

Many years ago, during a period with lots of spontaneous OBE:s, I had several 4D-encounters (I think it was) with grey aliens. I got scared every time just because they were aliens so I always backed out. The looked like the greys but didnĀ“t have those backwards jointed legs that often is described. They were never threatening in any way. On the contrary, they telepathically always told me that I was welcome and could leave anytime. They were trying to show me stuff, technical things. They felt very etherical and extremely intelligent.

I always felt like an idiot for not staying a little longer in these encounters.

Maybe IĀ“m about to get a raincheck? :wink:


Channeling is just re-wiring your brain to allow for a prolonged energetic connection - usually the brain is in a gamma state. You can connect to and channel anything from the very demonic to the very uplifting but the key is your energy and mind needs to match or closely match that frequency you wish to channel. Like a radio dial.

The way you know if the information is good or evil is to sense how it makes you feel. Does it give you a sense of unity, hope, love, peace, technological innovation ideas? OR is it giving you stories about how the elites have powerful programs to rule the world, fear based, any idea that divides to conquer?

This day and age we need to wake up and discern intelligently the information we are being fed regardless of the source it is coming from.


Does anyone know if I can ask aliens to remove any magic,sorcery against me?


Haha @FROMNOW I prefer to focus my attention on the positive aspects of our now and the exciting accelerating probabilities that we are heading towards. It is each personā€™s responsibility to choose which train they would like to board before the end of this year. What kind of future timeline do you want to be a part of? This is a serious question. To break it down, What kind of social structure, financial system, health system, political/justice system, ?

Define each one as you see it being ideal to you. Create a vision board with this and say I choose to be a part of such a civilization.

What this will do with practice create the necessary energy patterns within you to place you on the timeline which will have such definitions manifest.

Thats all. Enjoy :slight_smile:


Yeah, you canā€¦


Bro, do u know if itā€™s better to listen to the audio without headphones like the atmospheric ones? Or doesnā€™t really matter?


It doesnā€™t matter really if it is headphones or speakers but rather the quality of the device I find just because when you can hear the audio in great quality, get into the mood you stimulate your energy to be more receptive.


I had to try alien intercession after all of you guysā€™ reviews. I listened twice and went on a walk. Asked to be gently led to receive their presence, and to remove mental and physical blockages and fear. And I asked to be more embodied. As I walked, I felt more connected with my body and less afraid. At one point as I walked I thought I felt a voice say ā€œI feel more in my body.ā€ Going to continue listening. This is so weird and cool!


Update: Day 3

Even though I slept less than 6 hours, was super well rested. I think they used an advanced brain regeneration and re balanced some hormones.

Less vivid and more normal dreams, but I think because of external reasons. (loud noises preventing deeper sleep states)

At night I had the most amazing experience listening to Vibration of Creation. For the first time in my life, I could feel the field influencing my energy body. The whole 20 minutes felt wonderful!

Vibration of Divine Love didnā€™t feel that different. Only around minute 14 could I sense my energy body again for a minute or two and my whole body was vibrating. Maybe for a minute or two. Was gone around minute 17. Felt like it was interacting with my heart chakra.

Day 4

Today wasnā€™t too special. Again less vivid dreams, probably because of noise. But they are adjusting my sleep cycle.

They seem to nudge me away from my vampire, late night routines, to a more human sleep schedule.

VoC didnā€™t feel special, but couldnā€™t make time for yesterdays combo.

EDIT: combo I mentioned was VoT, Theta, Alien Intercession x2


If anyone is wonderingā€¦
Yes, aliens can increase Banana sizeā€¦ :eyes:

They can do everything!


Damn,I was asking them yesterday but no answer was given :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


did you ask them that only once pro session or how many times after you noticed some results

1 Like

No, havenā€™t seen them again,also tried with shen again. I guess you can use shen to overload and then relax for a good week or so and then try again.


Also found out,myself, that using shen that much to overload might be really risky.Had my heart pumping so hard and that doing it everyday will be eventually bad.


I didnt ask them lolā€¦
All Im saying, they canā€¦
If youā€™r soul accepts thatā€¦ :eyes: