Alien Intercession

In my opinion listen to chi also before and don’t stop at 4 times if it has no effects.overload till you feel all your aura burning.That was the feeling I got after 4 times.If you get that feeling after listening for 20 times then you have to listen to it 20 times


You can actually ask aliens for energy or shen, to better connect with them :man_shrugging:


The feeling was not exactly “burning” I felt my aura compressing so much energy in to me that I felt it burning


Guess so, maybe the shen was something for me also.I mean the thing that was missing from me to communicate.The best thing to do is to ask the straight to see them and you will be guided without even knowing.


You really dont need to overload the system…
1-2 shens is fine, and then just ask for connection and energy…
Always say thank you!!!


Finally, Dream may get a well-deserved break from repeated requests to grow bananas bigger and bigger! :rofl:


Man this takes me back to a memory of playing Donkey Kong on my N64. It was always super exciting to find the big bananas :rofl:


I have played alien intercession many times, must be easily over two hours. However, i have felt nor seen nothing. Perhaps something happened that i do not realize, but i am unsure.

I feel a bit disappointed as i have been hearing all these experience about people who have been communicating with our ‘universal neighbors’.

An explanation for no result may be due to the fact the i have not attempted to build my psychic powers because i have been busy. Another explanation is that maybe the intercession is meant to be a slow or gentle way to community with our universal neighbors. Either way, i want something to happen.

I will continue to use this audio to see if something happens. I believe this is one of the most powerful audios and it is a shame that i don’t think that i have benefited from this audio (but who knows?)


Do they use metric or imperial system?


Interesting question… Probably not earth measurements…
And for this case, they will use The system where you live…


Smart aliens :rofl:


Have you played shen before the Alien interc?

How is your connection with Higher self? Maybe play for a month Higher self audio, as the last of the day or night playlist…

Are you saying “Thank You” ?

Are you meditating to the audio?
Live radio meditation will help with getting in deeper states and Theta or other brainwave field…


I have played shen a few times before alien inter
I have not bothered to build a connection with my higher self. Gotta do that lol.
I do say thank you.
I have meditated a little to the audio.
I guess i just have to work on myself so i can experience the audios benefits.

Thanks for the response


Mostly, its all about Third eye and Higher self connection… So, work on that :stuck_out_tongue:


Nothing comes easy in this life lol. But i guess Dreamweaver’s products is as easy as it gets


I agree with @anon17734191 about the third eye. Try just relax and concentrate on the third eye when you listen to the audio. This audio has a remarkable way of bringing me to a meditative state fast.

Sometimes, the more you want something the further away it gets. That´s why I, after the first initial response, don´t ask for anything. Just listening and letting them do their thing with my energies.

This is a very good observation.

For me there is this strong attraction to aliens, ever since I was a little girl, but also a fear of the unknown and the negative programming about aliens from movies etc. So I´m thinking they are working on that, and when I´m ready, a more “tangible” contact will occur.


Completely agree!
I would say most of the times…

They may be communicating but you are too distracted by your own mind trying to make thinga happen

just set the intention and let it go/open up


Day 4 - continued

Was inspired by @anon26869922’s post here and began using the 3rd Eye Chakra audio three times per day. I really want to reach Lunamoon’s level of communication with servitors and I hope that this will also help my connection with our cosmic neighbors.

Day 5 - Second Dream

Had another long, weird alien related dream. This time it was whole story with beginning middle and end + epilogue. Still busy writing and editing the thing. Don’t want to force you guys to read walls of text. Gonna post it here in a separate post.

Again my chest muscles seemed to have had a light workout during the night.

Evening Meditation Combo:

  • Vibration of Transcendence x1
  • Delta Brainwave chanting along 5 min.
  • Epsilon Brainwave x1
  • finally looping Alien Intercession

Immediately had a warm happy feeling in my stomach. Sensed them clearing energy around my Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra. Think they were intensively working on my Lower Dan Tien.

A thought popped into my mind: “Using Dreamweaver’s Lucid Dreaming card / video would safe us a ton of work bro.” Didn’t use the card or video until Day 7 though.

Day 6 Clear Communication

Very deep sleep, but no dreams / can’t remember a single thing.

Evening Meditation Combo:

  • Vibration of Creation ~ 5 min. to get rid of neg. energy
  • Empathic Shielding x1 bc “energy weather” felt weird
  • Oxytoxin Driver x2
  • Shen Yang x1
  • Vibration of Transcendence x1
  • Theta Brainwave ~ 3 min. bc. had bad focus -> small steps down
  • Delta Brainwave chanting along 5 min.
  • Epsilon Brainwave ~ 10 min.
  • finally looping Alien Intercession

Felt a connection, but wasn’t very clear. Followed @anon17734191’s advice and asked for the right energies and boom I could understand them quite well. But it wasn’t ideal. My expectations and beliefs are most likely still filtering and shaping a lot of what I can receive. Mastering conceptual thinking is probably the key here.

Gonna limit myself to a few experiences during this session. Can’t write all day and the dream summary still needs to be released xD

Help me communicate with my servitors

They did some work on my brain and in less then a minute I could hear my servitors as clearly as I could hear our extra terrestrial friends. They also improved my ability to see them, but it was still foggy.

Asking for 500 bucks

Strong deep voice inside of me “You don’t need five hundred euro!”. Probably my higher self stepping in. Adjusted the amount. Asked for three hundred bucks, so I can pay for the course and get a tag or two, without having to subsist on a pure pasta diet next month.

Waiting a moment … No reaction from my higher self.

Our E.T. partners then said sth. like: “No problem. As soon as you receive it, you will know that it’s from us.”

How to reach a better future for humanity:

Keep your vibrations high. So keep your thoughts in check, have faith and trust that everything will work out. Follow @Nabs101 advice:

What kind of future timeline do you want to be a part of? This is a serious question. To break it down, What kind of social structure, financial system, health system, political/justice system?

and listen to the livestream:

A while after the Intercession, during a lower body workout

Felt another connection incoming. Had to stop the gluteal workout field, to understand them. They just said: “It’s done, the three hundred euro are on the way.” I thanked them and continued my workout. Gonna post here, when I’ve received the money.


I like that journaling style


Indeed! The ODC Nerd in me LOVES it!!!