Androgenic Receptor Direct Stimulation (The Blessings of Saint Biceps)

man you are lean af

London is getting some good weather finally and ive been trying to bulk up for that lol (vest all summer)

With me its like this. My metabolism is so quick that if i don’t eat like HEAVY meals and random snacks + workout - i will loose kg after kg so fast.


make sure you’re getting Vitamin D in your system the audio paired with sun gazer would amplify the effects (i think i read somewhere)

interesting, I’m kinda the same way but I don’t eat as much. lol I barely eat now 2 (sometimes 3) meals a day. I guess that’s why it’s been so hard for me to put on weight, but it doesn’t make sense how I’m now putting on so much and little of it is fat. Perhaps my body is using up all the calorie intake and instead of making fat the 1st priority is giving the energy to my muscles ( just a theory )

Thank you, I’ve always been skinny and lucky never had a horrible horrible diet so that’s been a plus.

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Yes bro your androgen receptors are stimulated with this field and obviously you are working out well. You are gaining lean muscle which is amazing.

you have motivated me man! I was eating foods like kfc as a post workout meal. I will try focus on diet now ahah


Which audio paired with sungazer, androgenic one?

Yeah, it doesn’t have to be crazy either. I just have rice chicken and beans (traditional plate for me)

Makes sense!

Viatmin D and Sungazer

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Just wanna shed a light on this, look at number 2.

So in this case, to avoid decrease in testo, play testosterone audio & estrogen reducer daily.

Number two is inevitable if we keep listening to this audio…

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1,4,6-Androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD) is a potent irreversible aromatase inhibitor that inhibits estrogen biosynthesis by permanently binding and inactivating aromatase in adipose and peripheral tissue. It is used to control estrogen synthesis.

Dont think so , since inhibits aromatase ( enzyme that converts "high testosterone levels into estrogen " homeostasis function lets say it )

And as a final result : overall effect on the system.

Here its more refined and especialized / directed to avoid that undesirables effects . :muscle:


:muscle: thanks for clarifying

Not sure bro…

Why cant i unlike this post it the only post i cant unlike :joy: strange

anyone know if this field would help with bone growth or is it only thickening?

beacuse i cant seem to find the desc for it.

this is just for muscle


try bone strengthener captain Nemo reccomends it :slight_smile:

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Am srry i did not make it clear. but am talking about what the bone strengtherner does.

in term of this field am saving up for this i read a few comments and the desc on gumroad i will be getting in summer :muscle:


The bone strengthener is upgraded version of the osteoporosis field

It additionally has parathyroid hormone or PTH, which maintains the level of calcium and stimulates both resorption and formation of bone; 2) calcitriol, the hormone derived from vitamin D, which stimulates the intestines to absorb enough calcium

Then the older osteoporosis added

The programming in this video uses a combination of approaches to help reverse Osteoporosis,

It focuses on the spine but all bones are affected, it will target your bones with HGH, IGF-1 and PDGF, also cause it absorb calcium and nutrients for growth and repair.

Also your pituitary gland is stimulated to improve your natural production of these hormones etc.

Be sure to to get extra nutrients and calcium to support your self


Just got this and before finishing the first loop I started to smell like lemons. I like it!


The pumps and mind-muscle connection with this is insane, :grin:


lol gotta drop weight to get to your level have been avoiding pics of fizeek because I’m at 245 lb rn :woozy_face:


245 of muscle???

I wish, been chunky for awhile and that’s why I’m on the Adipose swords, I have mass but not much definition so I’m hoping to have it more visibly cut rather than permabulk