Androgenic Receptor Direct Stimulation (The Blessings of Saint Biceps)

I haven’t tried reducing it down to 10 minutes yet. I just feel miserable when I get exhausted. I’m a very sharp, energetic and active person normally

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Hnmm… you have aura energy body repair? Soul restoration series?

You develop energy body regularly?

You eat good healthy food?

There are also free fields to help… just need to know status quos


How long have you stuck to it consistently for?

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Personally I can listen even three times without any problem. :sparkles:

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You would be amazed lolAt how much I listened back then hah


Also, with sparse time to spare

I rather help publicly than privately…

It would reach more after all, at times good to share

As before All, i cherish our privacy…

if not I’ll just be repeating my self all night and day, when I rather do such a thing with my goddess if we’re honest

If you wanna catch up then hit me up doe! But if we happen to be lost in our seas at voyage, don’t take it personal, it’s no avoidance…

:dove: :dove:


Busy, in the sea,
Still, a breeze,


Yep sir. Been using those since they came out. I can handle all other audios really well. New mandelbrot symphony is a bit tiring though. I don’t use energy body audios regularly now. I have a good diet too. Eating a lot of complex carbs, healthy fats and proteins. This audio makes me very hungry very often too but that’s not an issue. I’m more concerned about the fatigue. I have to be very active throughout the day that’s why it’s a dealbreaker

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any tips and suggestions are welcome & appreciated. thanks in advance

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Yes of course

How long have you listened for?

I remember lots of people being tired at first… but that was back then…

Because their androgen receptors, muscles, etc other goodies, are far off from what the field would like it to be, so more energy goes to it

Start small, listen only a little if sustaining high energies through out the day is a problem for you …

Listening 3 min a day can be good too, the field has grown substantially… haha. With time you’ll be able to surf on the waves with grace, being able to weather more change after having become more of what the field would like of you. (An excellent surfer with an excellent body! :laughing:)

Treat like plasma during introductory phase

I’m giving it a listen for the first time in several months
Definitely different, i wonder

Will listen the entire loop, very nice

Any ways… Listen to the beautiful harp strings strum as the seas play their infinite songs of life to the beaches of land… It starts around 1 minute mark, a delicacy of a song…

Maybe 2 little birdies will chirp by your window too to complete the still moments! A nice relaxing day at the beach haha … Enjoy!

With Love

:dove: :dove:


You listened to a field? :open_mouth:


Sometimes I do the unthinkable!

Ahah well if you want to count the field Dream curated of my Goddesses NFT, then i listen to a field almost all day and night long!

In case any don’t know… My Goddess has been taking care of my everything… so we don’t really listen to fields anymore unless on special occasions like today

Okay, gotta float!

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I bought this field shortly after it came out. Did use it for a while then stopped. I don’t remember feeling exhausted at the beginning. Hungry? Yes. That was one thing that stood out. I started listening to it again after listening to many energy body development audios perhaps that’s why it feels much stronger coupled with the fact that fields grow over time.

Tried it in Ramadan too where we fast for about 15-16 hours a day. Man oh man that wasn’t a good idea at all :laughing:

That does sound like a solid advice. I don’t want to overdo it but also don’t want to miss out on the gains so I think this could be the best approach I can take moving forward. Thanks for the tip. I appreciate it :relaxed:

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It does indeed!

And hey, i used to loop divine physique 20 hours a day at one point lol

You got it!

Don’t forget to report back after a few weeks… ;)



Definitely. I’ll also make sure to not use spiritual growth audios the same day as this since they’re also exhausting especially the mandelbrot symphony… Man they’re tiring. Let the gains begin :muscle:

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Can we expect some sort of permanent effect with this field? Like permanent increase in density and sensivity of androgens receptors after some usage or is it more of just temporary boost?


A lot is permanent doe, it’s more about testosterone when not using St. Biceps field, after having stopped listening to the blessings…

But y stop?

Every one has a different base line of androgenic receptor health as well as the health down the line leading towards the facilitating processes of the glorious muscle cell production in the muscle factory! Ya dig? Ya find gold!

Your left better off than before fo sho

Applied negentropy on androgenic receptors and all the muscle cells on the muscle cell conveyor belt is only the seasoning on top of this glorious cake called the muscle building factory!

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Hello I am using muscle without limits . Actually in the last three month I had no eating well and working overnights , and I have been smoking cigarettes for around two years . Even with that I just lose 3kg . I think the audio actually help me to not loose . Right know I am not smoking , and I am not doing overnight so I am trying to recover the time lost .

What I would like is actually have bigger arms . Is this can help me to have result more quickly? How should exercised? Because I actually do just 2 or 3 exercises of biceps a week . When I got to the gym . So basically I just train 2 or 3 times a week different muscles . Also I am 25 .

If someone with experience can answer me . I known to get result I definitely need to stop smoke . According to food I will just eat around 1500cals a day before is difficult for me eat more than that .

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If ur focus is on ONLY arms this is the one

If u need overall body along with arms then there are
Muscle roar ( this covers a lot of fields )

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Should I use muscle roar if I already have muscle without limits .

Also the food will no be a problem ? I commit myself to stop smoking . But food may be difficult because that depending on how i hungry I felt .

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Not mandatory to buy muscle roar if u have mbl, but it’s mbl ver 3 with lot of add-ons;

This is mandatory, need raw materials to build muscle :muscle::muscle::muscle:. More nutrient food more progress. It’s hard without proper nutrition…balance of macro and micro nutrients is must.

This is good to eat only when hungry, then try some super metabolism fields, diabetes one and cellular absorption.

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