Androgenic Receptor Direct Stimulation (The Blessings of Saint Biceps)

First Day in The Gym

I haven’t been this excited to work out and continue working out in over a year… (Forgive my ego in advanced haha in case it shows)

Today was my first day working out with this (ik i said i was gonna work out Sunday but i got caught up lol and yesterday i had a little fever that i quickly got rid of with fields) however I’ve been listening every day since the release… Before the gym i listened to my blessings (lol) 3 times in the midst of my Pregym playlist and during the gym i listened to it twice along with 8 or so listens of blueprint of life (i listen to that one for a multitude of reasons)

And what can I say…

This changes everything!

The Pump

Literal cheat codes man, today i hit chest and the pump i got was unreal! Despite the fact that i barely had any carbs! My only source was from one banana and a 2 dashes of milk in my 2 servings of raw egg yolks prior (i add milk to make it easier on me) however i did have a good amount of Niacin… But i always have Niacin! (Niacin gives you a good pump and energy, found in a lot of pre work out supplements)

The difference in today’s pump than any other day was that i had a more granite like pump where other days it was more soft, like just inflated with blood lol… Normally the more pumped you are the harder it is to flex the muscle, but this time it was like the muscle blew up but remained hard, which was tripping me out! So i believe what this means is that there’s more mind muscle connection, allowing for more muscle fibers to fire up (even when pumped to the max)

Despite not having worked out in a week or so (before that only worked out like 2 days that week and then before that again it was like another week off lol and it’s been like this for a while since i started my job that i now quit) and not watching my diet at all, barely hitting 100g of protein on some days… Having lots of chocolate milk for breakfast and before bed (thanks to the blessings of @Desiree), and not being active at all, this was probably the biggest my chest has ever looked, and definitely the craziest, biggest pump it’s ever had!


I was surprised to see that my strength was where it was at despite having not trained or watched my diet in a while! This definitely allowed me to be stronger than i normally wouldve been … I believe this is due to the added mind muscle connection, but I’m sure there’s more reasons

The true test will be next week… ;)

Arriving Home

First thing i did was go upstairs to pose infront of the mirror to see where I’m at, and i was happy to see my chest was the biggest it’s ever been and with how my physique was looking in general in comparison to Saturday when i took before pictures… It truly made me extremely excited to go to the gym tomorrow to see how I look after the gym tomorrow… It’s amazing what 3 days of listening and one work out can do


Since the release I’ve been on cloud 8 (better than 9 don’t ask me why :stuck_out_tongue: ) with this field…

It makes you grow crazy, gives you crazy pumps, increases your mind muscle connection, increases your strength and endurance, and puts a smile on your face when you look at your self in the mirror :slight_smile:

In 4 weeks I’ll post my results with this field… I’ll take pics along the way…

I can’t thank you enough @Dreamweaver … This field changes everything… It’s revolutionized my progress and it’s revamped so much excitement for me to keep working out… Thank you so much man…


This is my superficial review just like a taste test.

I only listened 3 times last night. I just ripped a lethal weights/boxing session just now and yeah pump is ridiculous. There is definitely ‘goodies’ in this too. I will keep it short because i am going to do a full review in 2 weeks but damn never had a pump like this lol


No, it only targets your muscle.


Psst. I know who you are. Hail Sithis


Sanguine, my brother.


So I didn’t intend on doing this but I had a long day after a heavy run and I knocked out and woke up a bit too late, had to go run errands and I basically haven’t bathed in two days

And I still smell good!

I’m not recommending this to anyone but it’s a really wild thing to have a pleasant smelling body odor after this all

Now you all don’t have to test that aspect of it


I could see Captain using this concept for other applications. Camping trips, hiking… anytime you won’t have the usual access to a shower, etc


Dude I’m more excited to get this for the smell than getting jacked with androgen receptors


I can use it in the future without going overboard then. Upperbody automated workout definitely helped with male enhancement (ME) sometime last year but that was mainly because I had used fields and subliminals (I don’t recommend) about ME before using upperbody workout even though I had stopped with the ME at that time period which was late 2019 to early 2020.

Upperbody has HGH and grow factors so that was probably the reason.


My very strong and dear brother @GoddessesAndGod !!! I feel very happy for you brother !!! You are living your own dream !!! a field made for you !!! a wonderful creation to create pure lean mass !!! go ahead my brother, get to the top !!! :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:


Ahh haha thank you GianLee!!! You’re so kind man! It really does feel like I’m dreaming bro!! We’re living a dream every day with dream, I’m eternally grateful :pray:

To the top and beyond brother, were on our way!


smelly guy in forum identified


This is my brother !!! to the top and beyond !!! to the stars my dear brother !!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


Paid my penance at the gym and bowed down to the gods of muscle… counting the days till I can afford this field :smile:

And not letting up on this metaphor yet haha not until this field is in my field


I always have to come back for small updates just so you all know how amazing this field is because it’s a game changer.

I think the best part of this field is how full and dense the muscles are even when you’re on a deficit

When I was training to get gains, I had to eat an unholy amount of food so I’d always get bloatmaxxed but when it came to the cut I shrunk to a point where I wondered if there were even muscles there

I haven’t been eating as much past few days and my fullness is still there. I don’t have to eat 12 raw eggs slonked for lunch with plates of liver just to get stronk, can just prop this field and I can pretty much cut down, get lean while also building muscle and smelling like a tropical vacation*

*I don’t know what Dream put in this scent but it’s an amazing natural scent. It’s very tropical smelling and light, people will just assume you’re naturally great smelling.

Since I like wearing cologne, it goes well with my extra stinky Nasomatto Black Afghano cologne


It would also perfectly pair with just soap and water :rofl:


Ive been having some aromatization problems from overuse of some of sapiens androgenic audios so id very much appreciate a response. The estrogen aromatization has led to an increase in anxiety, some slight weight gain, fatigue and since estrogen causes water retention it has made my torso and face puffier. Would this audio fix this problem? Im not 100% sure because it mentions it only sensitizes androgen receptors in the muscles. And would it also fix my mood problem caused by the aromatization since testosterone absorption gives a calming effect or will it just make muscles bigger

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A post was merged into an existing topic: How did you find sapien?

Estrogen, among being neuro-protective also has an anxi-anxiety effect, especially when testosterone levels are high and your mind is not used to it. Add some caffeine to the mix and boom yadda yadda. Caffeine also increases androgen recepter density along the cortisol release and 'drenalinz.

Amygdala field and grounding is your best bet. And keeping your estrogen as high as possible without developing gyno.

edit: and all purpose anxiety removal, ofc, wtf


Hey bro by any chance do you smell like lemon? lol