Angelic Intercession +

Im not really having much luck with this these days.

I feel like my limiting beliefs have got in the way of this tools capabilities as well… so frustrating…

Anyone have any tips on how to connect with it after a while of use? It seems like the peek has gone and now im just playing music with no connection… hmmm.

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ego diss, ponr, slr and meditation or any spirtual practices

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Ego dissolution before playing it?

I never thought of it needing a stack as such… thankyou

When you say PONR do you mean as in the stack?

I think im going to go back onto that… although my limiting beliefs are that strong, now even PONR seems to be working… its ridiculous how deep and potent this is for me…

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ye ego diss b4 playing it also I think the new detachment audio would help but I habent personally tried that field

Tips that may help:

  • Prepare your self before you play the audio or use the may use some essensial oils and crystals to raise your vibrations.

  • Show respect and gratitude to them.

  • Read about angels and thier roles and capabilities to make the connection to thier releam stroger.

  • Get rid of victim mentality and ask what you want without feeling that you are on the weak side as we all belogs to the source/god.

  • Feel always that they support and love you and the dont judge you.


This is very helpful indeed…

Im not sure what you mean by clean cloths though? The mandala i have is just on my phone computers etc?

Thankyou very much!

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sorry my English is not good enough i just edited the post

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Your english is fine… dont put yourself down friend…

Well done :)


This is sooo much stronger getting it printed. Blessed path, sword of destiny plus Angels++.

Ones again (with another witness that was shocked as well) I see something shining bright at 10:00 AM wondering why I see a star, it kept moving so I thought nanthat a plane. It ended up doing a 180 to where we saw its wings, noticed that we were watching disappeared. Man I guess by 1 year of the image hanging, there will be dozens of angels around. Its like a portal for Saints(yes saw one too with a robe people wore 2000 years ago walk around my house) and Angels to pass through!


black-friday-bump :slightly_smiling_face:

“Robbie Williams and Taylor Swift – Angels, live at Wembley”

Thank you sapien medicine for this beautiful nft. I feel so lucky to be connected with angels. So happy :blush:


I always thought having a love interest in an angel is very disrespectful but looks like i was wrong and my romance and ideals are not a fantasy anymore

Me rn:


I just bought it like a few hours ago and it flooded me with peace and love. I love it. And the music… WONDERFUL. In love :heart: :hearts:


I also wanted to ask… if the image quality had to be the original one or if it can be mediocre like what my printer has done from the pre Stone Age… or from times that only come out in AoE… the quality seems to be that of the first Tomb Raider (or worse because it even changed the colors even though it had ink available). I think the important thing was not to crop the image or something like that… but I don’t know anymore because that’s the thing about reading 34565432 post in 3 days and expecting that all the info remains in my head :sauropod:

“Love my quality, you little minions” said the Queen Printer to me and my laptop.


Thank you so much for your reply, dear! :blush: The truth is that I went to print it 3 times in different sizes before I saw this but it’s great advice! :sunglasses: (I must say that the pocket size decreases the quality of the image even if you print it in the best printing press but the difference compared to my queen printer is abysmal).

May the Angels be with us in top quality :upside_down_face:!


Prayed a lot with this in the background in a situation I clearly provoked and was 100% in fault but somehow it went very well, there was no consequence or complain.

My neighbor stopped doing loud disturbances, I wished so strongly for this, some people don’t give a d*mn about others but in the other hand I can’t blame her since walls are not soundproof at all.

People seem somehow kinder than usual to me ?


This field has been incredibly important on my journey.
Thank you Dream :pray:t3:


School, working, money, health, hobbies, family, friends, recently everything seems to turn in my favor, it’s so pleasing to be out of this negative circle, everything is nice, people are nice. I start to enjoy things more than before and open myself more easily.

Some things are happening and it feels weird, it’s as if events are occurring, not randomly but things seem to be attracted to me and whatever happens, they still happen positively no matter what.


Exams are over FINALLY the harassment is over, so my class decided to go out last two days and planned to go out even tonight. At first, I was like “no, I’m going be too much, I won’t be interesting, I have no real affinity with all of them, it’s been so long I didn’t go to a club and a bar and everyone will drink alcohol except me, they will judge blabla”.

It made me thinking about a french music where people had opportunities but ended up giving up. We can see their alternative version if they did the “right” choice :

  • A boy who would meet his wife if he went to this particular party → He didn’t go, ended up alone, depressed and violent toward his brother.

  • A woman who prepared her suitcase to run away from her abusive husband–> She didn’t go and died because her husband hit her one last time.

  • A woman talented in singing who would be famous → She didn’t do it and ended up a cleaning agent for the rest of her life instead of living from her passion.

The last two days were very funny, so funny everyone want to go out tonight again, no one has slept properly for 48 hours but whatever exams are over, resting will be for later, I would’ve regret so much not going there, everything went well, I met a lot of new people and now see some people of my class with a fresh look now.

They are all nice, I talk with all of them individually and they told me about their lives, there are so many things about them I wished I knew sooner… Still, it’s better too late than never.

I did an internship earlier to validate the year, it went so well the company wants to do it again and pay me generously, they are even willing to hire me for cooperative training course.

So much order in life means a price has to be paid, an arm or a leg lol. Months ago my life was complete chaos, things were happening without any balance, it was chaos - chaos - chaos, I couldn’t understand why and how it was this way and recently the process is completely reversed.


Can anyone please send me audio my phone got broken , tnx 🪷

Thank you @Lunamoon22 @Seraph for helping 🪷:bouquet::pray:

It did get me out of bed and pain is slightly less :pray::pray: