Any insight on these tags?

I have been wearing the subconscious limits tag and the cognitive enhancement tag for over two weeks. Based on many of the posts on this site, I was expecting to be able to feel their energy or at least observe some outward sign that they are working. But I don’t feel or observe any differences at all. If anything, I feel less sharp, more “cloudy.”

Any insight from the community would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


The CE tag will get your brain to use more fuel. Supplementing with a B-complex and fish oil could make you feel sharper.

Stick with the recommended wearing time for CE if you’re not already. Roughly half of every 24 hour period or it will wear you out. I noticed that too from wearing it 24/7; mental tiredness.


Hi @kmac, have you tried wearing each tag for less time to allow your physical and energy body to adjust?

The Cognitive and Memory Enhancement item is meant to be worn 10 hours each day at most.

Some have found wearing the Subconscious Limits Removal tag for less time allows them to better adjust.

The Ego Dissolution, Energy Blockage Removal, Emotional Release and Brain Regeneration fields may also help.

From the Subconscious Limits Removal Tag thread:


It is normal at the beginning, when you are not accustomed or havent been working on so and so thing.

They bring onto the surface first all that is clogged within, then they start clearing and settling.

For some they work faster because as i said we have been doing other previous works on dissolving blockages etc.

Its like when you have some acne, the best remedies are actually the ones where your face has a completely brake out, then it heals, it heals from deep inside not just the surface. Give them time and trust.


Not everyone is energy sensitive. You dont need to feel them in order for them to be working


I make sure to only wear the cognition tag during the day. My problem isn’t really feeling my energy zapped - it’s that I don’t really notice anything at all different after wearing these two tags for two weeks.


Hello Kmac !! Bro the tags work perfectly fine the thing its you need time to get bennefits … you want to change thought patterns that might be with you all the time … give it time … be aware , try to meditate … well this last one its my opinion but for sure give it more time …

Also mmmm the sensivity theme its very subjective and personal … maybe you need a litle more of time to develop your energy/nervous system to sense the tags . You need to trust that its working , even if you are not able to feel it .

The cognitive enhancer its a beautiful tag … give it more time bro … in months you re gonna have a real and PERMANENT improvement :) . So be patience bro , good things take time!!

i wish this can give it to you some hope and strenght to keep using it ! Also you can do some other things … like ego disolution , inner alchemy … Get the amazing "Awakening Course " to develop more your energy sensivity and overall energy abilities . Link over here :

There also alot of more tools that can combine with tags and get “faster” results!! Im pretty sure there is a lot info in other topics . :slight_smile: Good luck Kmac!! and be faithfull !!

Important note : Brain Growth Work - #84 by El_Capitan_Nemo


Thanks so much for your response! It’s not really that I feel drained though - it’s that I don’t feel anything at all. No appreciable anything after wearing them for two weeks! I’m just wondering if I’m supposed to notice at least something at this point and also how long I should expect to see a difference.


Aw thanks so much for your encouragement! Such great tips. Anything else you think I should do to improve the effects?

btw this community is so wonderful and uplifting :heart:


You dont have to feel anything. Just trust the process. It will come i promise you. Just go about your life x


Give it some time. :slightly_smiling_face:

The ‘cloudiness’ can be related to the processes occurring, so the fields suggested above may help support and ease the processes, but give it some time as well.


Sammy has told me that it’s okay to start low. You can even start with 2 hours and then increase everyday/week .
I’m doing the same at the moment .