Ascension tag

Thats so cool.


Makes me respect people and their talents more… also makes me like our higher selfs more too haha

I can’t wait to see how far I’ve come in the next life lol (assuming this isn’t the last one, I’m not the one to know) gotta go harder in this one till then!


Here is part of one of @_OM’s excellent first posts on this forum, which might be of interest to some reading this thread.



How hard?

Like in the gym :smiley:


the bad guys also put spirituality first but they are not running on high vibrations

So they still chase wealth and power in their next lifetime

Am I correct?

And how come they are so spiritually fine tuned that they get to choose easily?

Sorry @ActionGuy just now seeing this.

Sorta…they aren’t putting “positive” spirituality first.
They are still being “spiritual” from a Universal perspective :wink:

See this post

The “negative” ones are providing needed charge spiritually speaking…hence more “valuable” for the work that the Universe wishes to accomplish.


How negative can a person be and still be on the positive spiritual side?

100% being illuminati pedophiles who eat babies for dinner

50% being killers like serial killers, terrorists, etc.

Less than 30% being someone who is selfish and doesn’t get affected about what his action does to others

(Btw I just made up these numbers. Don’t know how much % each holds)

I mean…we are living in polarity. Seems like a waste to not use negativity in our favor.

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49% “service to self” 51% “service to others” for positive “ascension”
but as of 10 years ago… Not even 78% of the population qualified with at least 51% service to others…
soo… :man_shrugging:
not sure most people have enough “positivity” stored in their back pocket to be purposely “gambling” with their odds :)



And what is 51% service to others and 49% service to self?

Like how do I calculate this shit?

(Also I remember a few months ago coming across a post by someone who claimed to be in the illuminati and talked about similar things. He went by the name “Hidden Hand”)


Best to Read this

yeah, that’s been around a long time now.

The perspective from the “Negative” Enlightened Side.
Like many things from that “side”… its “Truth” sprinkled with just enough misinformation to throw you off track long term… but it does echo some universal truths …


Gonna read the above

And what was the misinformation?

Expects nothing but that wynk emoji

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Oh I don’t remember exactly what it was now. It’s been ages since I read it
…but one has to always remember…
“that” side is Service to SELF…
So they weren’t writing that for YOUR benefit…
they were writing it for THEIR benefit.


Yeah that’s exactly why I wanted to know what the misinformation was.

I can upload the document if you have the time to give it a read again.

:joy: I’m not going to do your homework for you :wink:

Read The Law of One books By RA
and then re-read Hidden Hand.

Basically Hidden hand is the “rebuttal” to the Law of One books…
Then you can decide what’s “truth” vs “perspective” vs “misinformation”


Oh well. It was worth a shot. :upside_down_face:

I read a few things in the past but it’s so dense and in complex language that all I wanted to do was smash my laptop and not look at it again.


lol understandable…

Try this… since the Hidden Hand doc is waaaay shorter…

Pick sentences/topics from that and throw it in the Law of One Search…which is great for finding specific passages regarding the topics…
and go thru the comparisons that way.


i think it’s my ego (and/or competitive nature) that is a little upset by this.

but on the other hand, i love my dog the most in this reality so i’m also okay with it.

i can see how this relates with my past experiences.

edit: now it’s making me wonder how long i’ve been playing this game. how does this relate to the theory of infinite worlds and infinite parallel timelines?

what if i died and with the awareness i have, want to play again. is there like a queue timer? or what if i have simultaneous characters going on at the same time would i just turn my attention towards those?

i wonder if my ‘higher self’ is a perfectionist and would try to replay this version of my life and self.

thank you for this! i was trying to look for it everywhere.



Any updates on this tag? What about combining the tag with the 3 Vibration audios?

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