How to measure our polarity / karma / service to self vs others ratio?

I must admit I spent a great deal of my life in service to myself. Yet, along the way, I’ve never intended to deceit/control anyone onto my path. I simply worked really hard to earn the things I desired and I believed everyone should be responsible for their individuality.

About 6 years ago when I was ~24, I started to change my polarity without knowing about such concepts. At some points, my ego broke, twice bigs ones to be accurate. Rapid change of habits and thought-forms took place. I also experienced some mind-blowing energetic powers which led me to research spirituality that was once invisible to my perception.

Now I’m reading stuff about the gateways I may take to 4th density and I’m honestly super neutral about the gateways. I don’t love or hate one more than the other.
I feel the power and self-control to endure the yin, but I also enjoy the yang very deeply.
In order to pick a path and stick with it, I’d like to do a final assessment considering my past karma.
Simply become an intelligence-powered path walker to do my duty and go beyond the reincarnation cycle to experience what’s out there.

So how can one calculate the sum of their polarity/karma?

@_OM I’d highly appreciate your thoughts on this.

Let’s tag anyone who’s familiar with this stuff.


– Reserved for the collection of resources. Will be cleaned up. Ignore for now.

I’m not sure how accurate numerology is in this case, but here’s a resource;

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Good insightful question.

We’ll this is a question alot of students of the Map of Consciousness did muscle testing on for answer.
So, Hawkins, never talked about “ascension” directly so all of the answers you’ll find are just done by those who tested the best they could (as always be wary of crazy high or low numbers that are made to make one feel too superior or inferior using the Map.)

That said, most reliable tester felt reaching “Ascension” aka 4th density would require a Level of Consciousness of 310 or 350. Some say as low as 250+.

Again with the caveat that “Ascension” and “4th density” and slew of other factors, are being correctly interpreted by the testors and their understanding of this various schools of thought they come from.


Oh I actually own that book! but I never finished it.

Thanks, I’ll definitely read the rest. I’m however still inclined towards a simpler protocol such as service to self vs others although it’s quite difficult to choose the former once you’ve learned that there’s no other :sweat_smile:

I think I got a little confused by RA Material where it suggests you can enter the 4th dimension by 95% negative charge which is not something I want, but peaceful to endure with perseverance if that’s closer to the sum of what I harvested so far.

It does seem I’ve really dropped to 250-400 range since my unplanned ascension to 600 for a short period. I’d even go as far to say I entered 700 for several seconds which caused a memory I can’t get over. I wonder if that clears up the old karma? You know how Jesus talks about being reborn in the spirit? @_OM I believe I lived that experience.


As I was just telling some one today :wink:, yeah, the service to self path is nearly impossible the way this solar system is constructed (It’s service to others oriented).

Start mass genocides, cause utter global destruction and/or enslavement for everyone around you and the world as a whole, have absolutely no attachments outside of one’s own use of others for your personal glory and satisfaction…
Yet, there’s a whole lot of people still striving for that goal here on Earth.
See it in the news everyday.

Yes. Simply being over a certain level of consciousness and living one’s normal life means you end up generating “good” karma by transmuting other’s negative karma automatically by one’s presence.

Simpler? Ra was too vague IMO to call that simpler…lol

Easier to understand but 51% vs 95% …on what scale?
How does one test that?
Hence, translating it into muscle testing using Hawkins scale.

I mean you can still muscle test “Am I XX% service to others” but it still goes back to all the same considerations/problems of muscle testing one’s own LoC…
as talked about in the link thread.


Aaah this sounds soo good. We also have an idiom in my country that one single act may clear all past debts with the grace of God. That must be true! Now the dots are connected :scream:

haha yeah that’s the exact thought that led me to create this topic. So not that simple after all :sweat_smile:

Thanks a lot for the answers @_OM. Much appreciated. :pray:

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Few years ago i readed a chinese book, but I don’t remember the name of it. What I read made such an impression on me that I immediately applied it in my life and still use it to this day. There are 3 points that are important for a person to feel good, whole, perfect… and to integrate everything so he can “move on to the next level”.

  1. (33%) Take care of myself - first each person is responsible for himself. If he relies like most people on doctors for his health, for example, he transfers his responsibility to other people. How we feel and what we experience is our personal responsibility and we do it with our beliefs, moral values, desires, etc.

  2. (33%) Family - The family is a reflection of ourselves, because in itself our body bears the code of our ancestors. We are the improved version of our ancestors, we are not something separate from them. When we treat ourselves or our family, we are in a favorable environment. If we do not accept part of our families, it means that we do not accept part of ourselves.

  3. (33%) The Whole - Thousands of pages can be written about this point and still not understood, because it takes a long time for a person to understand that each individual is just a different form of God or the Universe - pure energy and consciousness. What I do to myself - I do to the Whole and what I do to the Whole I do to myself. There is a saying in our country: When you lie to someone, you lie to yourself. Here is maybe our life purpose that we have to find, but for that first we need to integrate other two points - love ourselves and love our families.

I don’t like the only path for being only in the service to others (as many gurus teach) as I already was there and it’s super exhausting. Now i am on this balance and everything seems to be “in the flow”.


@Virginia Honestly your method does make the most sense. “All service to others” sometimes seems like a scam to me. Maybe the philosophy was created by evil geniuses? I do remember getting hurt several times because I was too naive while trying to serve others. One must be cautious when following such a path.


Well, that’s why STO is only 51% and not 95% or even 75%.
In a world with STS of any %, one’s STO is gonna be taken advantage of by someone.
The point is to make a choice one way or the other.
Ultimately, like all dualities, service to others is service to self
And service to self is service to others.
Stuck in the middle is service to none.

Please address all complaints on the matter to UPPER Management.:wink:


Apropos of this, here are a few related posts by @_OM. :wink:


Yeah, i think this s**t only light and love is made also for broken(traumatized) people to can manipulate them (people on top the pyramid in 3d). Duality is a FACT and as we have light side that we work on to be more and more… sometimes you need also your darker side, or others will smash you. Always balance, balance.

But think about that… if all people are healers, lightworkers and there are no diseases, who they will heal? It’s just that both sides of the duality are playing, not counter-attacking.

Few days ago i watched Matías De Stefano movie (they are few episodes in Gaia) you can check it out if you feel it like it’s something for you. There is a lot of true information explaining a lot of stuff for the Universe, dimensions and other interesting stuff.



One of my favorites, fantastic & super interesting!

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I am responding because I am familiar with The Law of One (LOO) material. I studied it intensely for about 8 yrs, starting in my late 30’s. According to The Law of One material:
This is 3rd Density, the “density of choice”. 4th density is the density of Love. In this density we are to choose STS or STO. The choice is not made by speaking the choice, but by the cumulation of our thoughts, intensions and actions. As stated before 95% STS will graduate to a planet where they will learn and perfect Love of Self. Graduation to a STO planet required a 51% STO and they will go to another planet to perfect the lessons of Love. This is also the time of The Harvest. If at the end of the harvest people have not made the choice either way they will have to repeat this density on another planet and keep repeating until “The Choice” is made.

Now there are people and entities that are not native to this planet and have reincarnated on Earth to help the Harvest. These people and other entities after the Harvest will not automatically go back to planet and density where they volunteered to come here. They will also have to pass the %, to go back to where they were before they volunteered. A lot of time/energy is used by negative polarity entities to subvert these " Walk-Ins" and “Wanderers”. BTW there are many more Wanderers than Walk-Ins. Another important thing in STO is FREE Will, this is very highly stressed.

It is true that the LOO material doesnt make it easy to figure out if you and I will make the grade and be able to graduate to the 4th Density or make the grade, graduate and go back to our home planet. Taking care of oneself is not an automatic STS activity. This material requires careful reading, thought and contemplation to get the “good juice” from it.

Forgot to add that at one point, I think during the 6th density, STO entities in order to progress further, have to change to STS. The 5th density is the density of perfecting Wisdom and the 6th density is perfecting the blending love and wisdom together.


The reason for my long post is that in The Law of One there are segments regarding Karma, spiritual evolution, negative entities and psychic attack, service to self vs. service to others, etc.

Free MP3’s of The Law of One The RA material.

I lost touch with them and I just found out Carla died in 2015. She was an excellent person on every level.


No need to apologize :+1:


Can you send me pm? @_OM