Astral Projection

Over a year ago, I read Adventures Beyond the Body-How to Experience Out- of- Body Travel by William Buhlmann and I find his techniques, tips useful and worthwhile. I experienced several OOBEs and astral travels during that time, however, I had to observe and be aware of my body vibrations, head buzzing and other signals as I’m about to sleep. I wrote and recorded some of those travels. A number of them came via lucid dreams I had as I slept.

I think this is a valuable skill, once you have mastered it. There are several benefits,like decreased fear of death, and I found out that the environment you travel to corresponds with your vibration while you are awake . So, It would be better if one already has a positive frequency/vibe before attempting this. I encountered people, places, houses, etc. and there were no negative entities.


As Jonno mentioned it is easier to Lucid dream first, then try astral projection.
A simple youtube search can give you plenty of videos on the topic. I learnt from a Youtube channel called Ryan Cropper.
I have had a few experiences but am still learning myself.
It would be great if all of us can meet in the astral realm and go on adventures :grin:


Its the opposite actually. Lucid dreaming is one thing, but being able to control the dream to the point of opening portals to the etheric is an elite skill.

Astral projection is much easier, just enter sleep paralysis and pop out. Its not your world so theres nothing to “control” or stabilize.


Any advice on getting to the point where you can astral project?

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Lay on your back, breath in trough your nose for 4 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, exhale trough your mouth for 6 seconds. Keep doing this and after 2-3 mins you should be relaxed to the point where you can’t feel your body.

Now look trough your closed eyelids, but don’t focus too much, try to simply observe the different shapes and colors that will come and go.

After a few mins you should hit sleep paralysis, you might hear voices or sounds etc, if you get scared easily you might wanna play This

Once you hit sleep paralysis, simply “will” your etheric body to move. Don’t think of it as if you have to seperate the etheric body from the physical, many people think like this and this makes it even more difficult. There’s no “seperation”, you simply move from one place to another.


Thanks for posting this description. I listened to the Schumann resonance video 4 times along with other Sapien videos and it really worked for me last night. I programmed for a dream solution to a problem using Silva Dream Control and had no intention for OOBE. However, as I slept, I felt my astral body rising and flying backwards. I stopped at and tried to feel a solid object but It was just a brief experience. I’ll continue to use this as part of my daily playlist since it has several benefits.

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Wow, that’s great. I’m happy it worked for you. I had never heard of the Schumann resonance helping with astral projection before reading Sapien’s description. It would be interesting to hear how you go with it.


I’m no longer surprised since it’s already routine for Sapien to create truly powerful videos and I trust his descriptions of videos. Yes, I will post if something interesting develops with this video, although I’m more interested in dream programming than astral travel since last year. I think the brain synchronization and body vibration functions of the video made the separation easy for me. Again, I did not know the impact of the video until I read your post. Thanks again and cheers!


Hello @skyhigh, I am happy to read you because your feedback is very interesting and helps to advance on the path, especially that I would like to do OOBE and astral trips.

How do you know if you have a positive vibration (without a device to measure it), I mean, is it possible to think that you have positive vibration because you are positive, and at the same time have negative vibration or not strong enough / high?

How do we go to meet other people on other levels, and frequent these places (or else it is done naturally / automatically)? I find this last question not very appropriate, I understand that you do not develop more on this subject.

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Hello @anon28389016, I have on another of your comment that “Pietersite Energy” can help to see the aura because this field connects us to the etheric realms, I listened to the video several (I do not know how many times ), and at bedtime, I have more or less lucid dreams and also, I had the opportunity to feel my energy body vibrate, I tried to move with my energy body (by visualizing position / places where I wanted to be), but I’m staying in my physical body, and nothing more. Do you have an idea that could help move the energetic body independently of the physical body?


@Takyon Are you sleeping on your back? Projecting is much easier when you sleep on your back.
As for moving, it’s really difficult to explain it, because in the past when I used to project, I would simply “will” it to happen.

This book will explain it better.

When it comes to astral projecting, practice practice practice.


@Samurai, yes I sleep on the do, it seems that it is just a question of practice, I will take the time to consult the recommended PDF. Your answer is more than complete, thank you very much, and I wish you the best


From my experience, the people, events and circumstances in your life are a reflection of your frequency/vibration whether they are pleasant or unpleasant, good or bad for you. There’s no device to measure your vibration from what I know. Positive thinking alone cannot work because the change has to be in the conscious and subconscious minds. The videos of Sapien Med which I listened to daily for several months in the past really helped raise my vibration like Clear Subconscious Limiting Beliefs, Clear All Negative Energy/Entities,Trauma Release and Healing and Powerful Good Luck Energy and others. Years ago, I also downloaded Your Wish Is Your Command, a 14-audio set for free, listened to it daily and to my surprise, it worked for me, developing my Unconscious Competence for achieving my goals in life.

Through the book’s guidance, Buhlmann’s techniques, tips for separating my astral body from my sleeping physical body worked for me. I cannot fully control my astral travels yet and still in the learning stage. I met people in unfamiliar places, including dead relatives/ close friends. Also, there were places and environments which were unknown to me. They were pleasant experiences, no negative beings or entities. probably because of my vibration. I attempted to visit a living close friend a few times but I was back in my physical body. They took place over a year ago since I’m now into Dream Programming. Hope you find this info useful.


I once came very close with “the rope technique”.
I had gotten to a point where my body was vibrating, and I saw my own face in front of mine as if I was lying on top of my own body.
But the experience became too intense and I freaked out, and I got thrown off and broke concentration and failed. That was about few years ago, and since then I haven’t been able to get that close.


@skyhigh, Your answer is really very useful and very much appreciated, thanks to all your say I have surely just made a good step forward in my progress, thank you very much for all your efforts, many things to you.


I have attached a list of books on astral projection and lucid dreaming.

Here is a link for a huge list of books
Just use what you need and discard the rest.


Do you guys get the ringing in the ears still? I was freaked out hearing that one night.

There is an interesting channel on YouTube the same guy got a good Ama on reddit about AP. It took him a few months to see lotto numbers and he won some money cause language and words are difficult to make out on the Astral Plane communication is via telepathy.


Ryan Cropper on YouTube focus a lot on teaching methods to project. You could also read these books…

Journeys out of the Body - Robert Munroe
Leaving the Body - D. Scott Rogo

Those are amazing books to read. Also, Robert Munroe has an audio course, called Hemi-Sync - The Gateway. This course will train you to go deep inside and realize the true power of your self. As you go on it’ll get you to remote view and astral project. If you’re not ready for spiritual growth, then stick to books


Yeah Ryan cropper is good. I first learned AP from his videos

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