Astral travel

Britain :wink:

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Not sure what youre asking or mean with
“ego is strong”

Are you saying the trauma shouldve dissolved your ego…?

The contrary, it makes it even more defensive and protective of its own survival


Yeah that’s what I thought would happen.
Didn’t know that it would make it even more defensive.

I’d even go so far as to say, that my ego is fragile…

Its the ego that is concerned for your physical survival.

Your higher self couldnt give two fuks about one of many earth characters.

(No offense to the earth characters :stuck_out_tongue:)

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Ah man. So nobody truly gives a fuk eh?

Only people I can think of now that do do that are my parents lol.

Guess I should take Whitney Houston’s advice. Which I already am.

Not like that either…You could have and probably do have guardian agents.

But as I said, its best to count on yourself first.

Theres an old saying I really like ;

“The gods help those who help themselves”.


Lol I’ve heard the monotheistic version of that same saying all my life. But geez, getting real tired of this man. Homeostasis. Let’s hope the aliens give me that PUSH, that I so need to move forward.

Get the damn confidence mandala already man…

Why wait 1 month?


It’s probably getting stronger as we speak. I have the Thor mandala in the meantime. And intense study. So it’ll be over before I know it.

That’s your ego speaking man…Trying to delay it as much as possible.

Lol at Thor…

Thor in the 21st century still cracks me up.



More like ;


A short red headed guy.

Released today for this kind of symptom New Release-The All Purpose Anxiety removal

For Astral look into William Buhlman work Adventures Beyond the Body but has you have many insecurities, anxiety etc stay away from it … because a stable mind is a result of having a perfect balance between efforts and patience.


Thanks Clifet :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve been successfully gotten to sleep paralysis more times now but the problem is I don’t know how to get out of my body and after some time I get scared and have to force my way out. Any advice?

Pm me, we have an old pm

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Maybe I have gotten it, not sure, it was weird, read the post above. If not, I’ll PM you

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Dreams are weird, I wouldnt put too much focus on it.

If Sapien doesnt make one, Maitreya will make a lucid dreaming one soon.

Should make it easier to see what the subconscious bro is trying to tell you.

I have something for astral travel if you want.


Rick from Astral Club is a good source, the guy has more than 40 years of experience in Astral, it’s a great channel you will learn everything about how to astral project, astral projection, remote viewing, OBE, the astral plane and out of the body experiences.

There is this discord channel called Astral Lounge, lots of recourses and a lot of AP talk in the Voice Channel where you can ask questions, the server is around 1470 members and it’s growing, it has a couple members that are experienced in Astral and most of the time they hang out in the VC highly recommended

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