Atrial Fibrillation

Can anyone help with assistance for correction of my atrial Fibrillation?

Welcome to the forum!

You mentioned “correction” of this condition and that borders closely on putting us in the position of seeming like we (the forum members) are making medical claims or might be practicing medicine. These fields are powerful tools and quite a number of us have had remarkable results of all sorts using these tools. But I think the best we can do is suggest, “try this; I think it could assist you.”

There can be many causes for the condition you named. The ideal suggestion would be one that addresses the cause of your condition. That’s an important piece of information we don’t yet have.

You might want to check out this thread for some suggestions:

and read about these fields to see if they might be of benefit to you:

If your condition is caused by problems with your nervous system (instead of the heart itself), there are a variety of fields that can help the nervous system. I always mix them up so I’m going to direct you to the forum search engine (with the keyword “nerve”–easy, right?) so you can continue your research on them.

Have fun with us!


Thanks ever so much . i undestand what you are saying re claims. I will check out your suggestiions and give them a shot. As you say it is hard to know wht gives rise to the condition.

Thanks for the reponse.

Excellent! I wish good results for you.

Your doctor might be able to help you there.

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I was sharing a thought with someone… :thought_balloon:

When our heart rests? :heartbeat:

Only when… Rip? Im not sure… :white_heart:

I find very useful and nourishing , hearth Strenghtening audio ( one quoted below) :point_down:

It says it refresh the energy in the heart while doing some other cool things. :sparkling_heart:

it helps , even a session (the amounnt of time you feel ok)
can make a person more “reddish” more alive. :heart: :arrow_up:

Then a good friend here , sayed he stopped his “betalol” intake with a field called “Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence” That may be more advanced… but seems useful. :globe_with_meridians: :green_heart:

If i where you… Just to refresh and help with my global condition until i fix my issue , i would use Vitamin C audio , its kinda a thing that make you more powerful for a week more less , it has to be with antioxidants . A must on every health stack i thinnk. :orange_circle: :sparkles: