Heart restoration v2

There seems no official thread about this audio.

Can this help with arrhythmia?


Yes I believe so. For better results pair it with the Heart inflammation Reduction and Healing one.

Feel well soon! :hugs:


Personally felt heart inflammation was better, but that audio is also really long.

Arrhythmia is a body electrical signaling problem.

I would also add the audios that hint-of or are based more upon electricity. Like cosmo volt for example.


Umm. Scary to hear it but yeah I been having this irregular heart beat :grimacing:

Thank you star


Love fields do increase the heart coherence.


Heart coherence field?

Funny coincidence, i looped this a few times before bed last night.
Not for healing the physical heart but the emotional and spiritual heart, so that I may get rid of any hindrances for love. Played Radical Emotional Change before to bring the negativity to the surface


And the others here related to veins

  1. Restoration From the Long Haul (Why & other related stacks)
  2. New Release - Stroke Prevention and Help

Please add official description.


I have experience in this area I hope I can help you.

First, it depends on what is the cause of your problem, if it is organic and you have a problem in the heart muscle, heart restoration will help you. But if the cause is electrical imbalance you need another approach.

Next I will ask you some questions, how has your lifestyle been recently? Have you had more stress than usual? Do you take any new medication or have you consumed any food (such as chocolate, ice cream or coffee) in excess or new supplement? Do you sleep enough and eat enough?

Many of the benign arrhythmias and extrasystoles occur due to electrolyte imbalance, and the reason can be many, such as drinking too much water, which makes you lose minerals such as potassium in the urine, and excessive stress, which makes you lose magnesium in the urine. Consume a supplement in amounts greater than what you need, such as calcium, which is the most common. Or dehydration followed by inappropriate rehydration.

Have you been to the doctor already? A blood test of electrolyte levels could be key to identifying if the cause is due to a specific mineral, if you have a deficiency or excess of any.

The most important minerals or electrolytes in the case of heart rhythm are magnesium, potassium and calcium.

With a blood test you could know which of them you have a deficit and consume foods that contain it to raise your levels or supplement or if you have excess, avoid raising it more. If the blood test is not immediately possible, we can assume that you have a magnesium deficiency, which is the most common in the population. I recommend consuming foods that contain magnesium, such as cashews, almonds, sesame, flaxseeds, molasses, oats, etc.

You could also consume a sports drink that already comes with the minimum amount of all electrolytes, but that works if the cause is a deficit if you have excess calcium, for example, it will not help you to consume more calcium, that is why it is important to analyze blood.

The other thing that can cause an electrolyte imbalance is excessive stress, as it can induce a significant loss of magnesium through urine when you are under constant stress for a long time, if you think that is your problem you could supplement with citrate magnesium that in addition to replenishing mineral levels also works as an anti-stress.

Lack of sleep can also be a cause as it keeps cortisol levels high and that makes stress even worse. In addition, during sleep the body does its natural process of repair and balance, for example if you lack magnesium or calcium the body can absorb the mineral from the reserves it has in the bones but this process works better while you sleep, if you have not slept appropriately in the last few days maybe this has caused or worsened your problem.

Well, in conclusion, my advice is that if your problem is due to a deficit of some electrolyte, you can replenish it through diet and supplementation, and changes in lifestyle can help you return to adequate levels. Everything I tell you is based on previous research I have done, my experience and that of other people I have helped. So take it with caution since it does not happen to everyone for the same reason, if you are going to try electrolytes or some mineral supplementation, do it little by little and if you do not see improvement, do not continue using it, if the cause of your arrhythmia is Electrolytes normally tend to heal quickly when levels normalize.

Some fields that I think could help you are The schuman Resonance that puts your whole body in a state of harmony and maybe the stress reduction field if your problem is caused by stress, but if you think you don’t have a stress problem, don’t listen to it because it will go down too much cortisol levels is also counterproductive. Another alternative is the CBD field will help you sleep.

I hope you get better soon. Blessings.


I have extreme anxiety :joy: I think it’s due to that but idk. I’m going to get it checked today. Hopefully everything is fine… But thank you… I might start drinking Pocari drink


will be fine :+1: @Imogen


And move it to the ‘audios’ category, not ‘new release’ @anon25711007

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I can’t move it. Only admin can

edit post try this @anon25711007

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Can this be looped? It says 2-3 times but it doesn’t say neither don’t overuse or use as needed. I am asking because it really helps my heart and wanna listen to it more but I’m not sure if it’s fine.

you can try patreon new version several times a day. the heart healer

A very strong program, it works instantly, I always use it if I feel heart problems. The heart calms down immediately. It even helps pets. But it is better not to repeat it more than 4-5 times in a row.