Attract Love

Maybe it will be more effective when combined with The Golden Glow (Charisma 2.0).


I actually have the old charisma field… maybe I should use that. Thanks bro.



Still haven’t found love after maybe having this field for over a couple weeks? I listen to the audio everyday and still no results. Am I doing something wrong? Just curious. Or is there a way to speed up the process? I listen to subconscious limits dissolver as well. However, it does make the people around me friendly. However, for finding a significant other it seems hard. :(


Treat it as a journey, work on loving yourself first :slightly_smiling_face: go with the flow. Who knows? Maybe you’ll meet your love tommorrow, maybe it will happen over the course of months.

Remember, don’t have that mindset finding a significant is hard, maintain a manifest of abundance.


Look again at the people around you and see if they are more compatible with you.


This is the key. The step that can’t be skipped or replaced with anything else.

No wonder the field works on this part first.


I would also like to add that I treat love like my birthright and journey. I’m not going to ponder when the love of my life will appear, it will appear as I build my experiences and venture through my journey. I listen to this everyday and I am always thankful for the added love it brings to my life, there’s nothing more I can ask for other than to be grateful.

If I start to obsess why this didn’t happen or when will it happen, I am only moving backwards. Moving forward is the way by accepting the energy.


Updates please ? Thanks


I am feeling comfortable with myself
I feel more loved and accepted by people around me, which means I am loving myself and accepting myself too.
And I am more accepting to others, what this mean is becoming easier to understand and accept each individual.
I’m not judging anyone, I’m not judging myself either, just trying to accept and understand how each individual is
I feel more confident in myself, becoming more outgoing
People I meet are really nice to me, just about anyone. I feel I am so loved

Overall, I feel happy with how I am, just being me

@Captain_Nemo, I am loving this NFT a lot, (though I had to go through really painful detox symptoms for a week or so…)


Thanks @candy

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Thank you for the responses. Just curious. Is it possible that a different girl appears every single time so there isn’t a specific girl but many girls I am compatible with? Had this happen to me at times and places where there shouldn’t be anyone. Like 3 am night outside for example. Also, as a guy and as many other guys is this only tailored to emotionally or does the visual aspect go inside? One last question, do I need to specifically go and ask the girl out or does the love come to me?


from experience, a girl will not make the first step as in coming to say hi how are you(rare exceptions might happen). you would have to pay attention to cues that she likes you(plenty of youtube videos about these)


Could be, the only way to find out if you are compatible is to talk.

Should tailor to you emotionally.

In my experience, women do not approach men, you gotta take action. Just talk to them, get to know them, I know love is on your radar but get to know them emotionally first and see if they are compatible.


Ok thank you for the responses. I think I know what to do now.


Reading through the comments and seeing your (& everyone else’s) progress, I am loving it <3

What if you become your own love of your life? Me too, I have always yearned for love, meeting my other half, and though I still want to, the last couple of months I am learning more and more that love comes from the inside first and that no other person or situation can “complete” you - believing that is always seeing yourself less than. Recognizing you are whole first, will ultimately attract the friendship and the love that reflects that and only add onto that :) keep on moving forward, the world has got you <3


I totally agree!
When I bought this NFT, I was like, “Well, attract love would be nice, I hope this NFT will bring me someone special”
But, my experience with this NFT has been mostly loving myself, caring myself, having confidence in me, me being a whole person.
Of course, each individual with this NFT should experience differently though
When you are missing something/someone and try to attract something/someone, you will most likely attract something/someone who’s missing something/someone as well.
That’s why it’s very important for us to be a whole being, not the being who’s missing something/someone.


Seems like the NFT brought you your someone special, yourself! Congrats I am so happy for you and your big internal shift!


Had to delete my previous post, cause I resonate greatly with what you shared.

I do feel that this NFT is far from being limited from only manifesting coherent relationships.

Yet for those that have other investments to be made, Attract Love from Energetic Alchemy is very potent by itself too. Who doesn’t want a more loving reality?


This applied to the description:

The realizations then hit that we have been powerful all along, the perfect complement, the best support, is ourselves, our consciousness evolved