Aureus Fortuna

Something is pulling me to buy this one. 111


It would be a great investment friend


My grandpa always said:

“Money doesn’t grow on trees. It is paid out as dividends in your brokerage account.”



Haha, I would love to have people bowing to me, that’s so funny :rofl:


This new fields are nuclear bombs of manifestation and changes ok?
I was sad because i failed an exam, a big one and teachers told me i had to repeat it again in June, the thing is this is a group work, and we did it in a group so if i failed we all failed, i felt sad not for me but because of another classmate who did it 2 times and failed and was really stressed, she was the one with better ideas and more knowledge so i was wishing knowing nothing will happen that i wish we could have made it, it was already decided we were going all to repeat on june the same work.
Now the teachers email all classmates telling us they had a reunion at school and decided that the ones who passed some aspects of it may pass and will not have to repeat, so i was shocked, this was never done before ever.
So now i may have an opportunity because there were 5 aspects where we passed and 3 where we failed its majority so its positive. I wish i pass because the teacher will be informing us.
I go to a very important private school in europe in the aspect of health science, they are very mega strict and now since listening to this they change it? its impossible, i still have my doubts but i hope i really pass and its not a dream lol


Well, happy with your results, keep us informed of your progress.

Curiosity; in case the very important private school in Europe for health sciences is located in Italy, I wish you now welcome to Italy and of course a lot of luck!


Thank you. its not in italy its just a university very important in my country, that’s it. Its not Harvard or yale or anything like that, just a recognized school in my country. And very good techers but very strict, i said Europe because its in this continent not because its the most important in Europe, its just very important in my country which is in Europe, i just don’t want to say where im from espesfically that’s why i said something more general. Good luck to you


I will definetly keep you informed.
Good luck everyone


Also i have an update i didn’t tell since i use this but its the incresement of intuition, i know when something is good for me and when something is bad for me, if its good for me my intuition tells me and i avoid it, i avoid everything bad that gets with in my future, if x person is an obstacle to success i just know and stopped talking to them like i did with my ex friend, i know deeply better than before when someone wants me doing bad like them, be in shitty stuff like them, manipulation etc, my intuition shows me that i have a future and getting with bad influences will not help me at all.

Sometimes i feel like, if these things are placebo, i have to admit some audios of sapien didn’t seem to connect well with me so they weren’t working for me, but now i understand that if i but an audio because i find it cool it will be just useless, but if i connect deeply with the field, with the tittle, with the description and something in me screams buy it then its probbly going to work, if i don’t connect with it at any level it will not. that’s my perspective and for me it seems to be going well



So happy for you! You’re seeing the changes


Yes sir

1 Like

they actually failed me that group work so i have to repeat it but good news, even though i failed that group work, that is the less of my problems, because i had on wait for a revision 3 exams i did, i didn’t know if i failed them or passed them since the evaluation between my exams and homework was a wave between passed and failed, but the teachers decided to pass me all 3 of them and not go to recuperations just because they though so in the teachers reunion :slight_smile:
basically i did 3 exams and on those exams there is a continue evelation between activities, homework and exams, i have to pass all sections, work, activities and exams but i failed a lot of homework and activities and failed some exms thats why i am so relieved they passed me, because they shouldn’t have to done it if they didn’t want to. its a luck they decided to pass me


It’s funny but I had forgotten this was supposed to be a luck potion. All I know is when I play it, things seem to go right. Will not be without this one.
Thanks Captain! :slight_smile:


I’m interested in buying. what does this audio sound like?


Hi @Rivcos44 it’s like gentle bells and winds, I like it. No, actually I love it. Great for spamming lol

Welcome KY and Chang'e


First major effect of using this. I was looking for a particular NFT for years basically. The exact moment I was searching for it in the NFT buying thread, a member posted it. Had a successful purchase too :grin:


@Dreamweaver is it possible for some kind of clearing / reversal to occur with this? ie I’ve had some pretty bad luck…. I felt a very strong pull to this field and have had some similar things happen to a previous time period that was quite intense. If that helps. Any insight would be greatly appreciated

Happy to hear from others with experience with this field


I think yes.
I had played this around my friend and given her an item made from the Financial Freedom NFT. Right the next day something happened to her business (at first it seemed bad), but when she mentioned it, I immediately thought of the fields and the items and was certain this was only temporary.

The result?

Nothing happened. Not only did nothing happen, now she created more order in her business, plus is more careful about certain aspects of the business.

Pretty sure it’s the effects of the fields.


As for the field of manifestation, it is better to proceed with Architect of Reality first, in my opinion.


The silver lining is not apparent as yet… it appears to be all down side :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: