Beautiful Beasties

I am so sorry. I know how you feel I lost my cat too. Know that you did your best for her, her time to leave this 3D has come. She is at peace. :pray:t2:


Oh nooo im so sorry!!!

I send you lots of love and hugs :heart::heart:


Three shades of color
3 forms of sizes



I wish her soul is In good place :disappointed:




Oh my heart :heart:


Such a sweet girl :frowning:

Im sorry!


I feel that am not gonna be the same anymore ,i feel broke :sob:


I know i can feel you, my heart breaks for you. Shes always gonna be there with you, they can go through times and times and dimensions with no problem, she’ll be happy and healthy all while still being visiting you and staying with you until your soul has to go, they wait for us. Always.


Sorry for bring this feeling /energy to this forum :disappointed:
Thank you for the support :sob:


Read the description in the video

Hugs x


No, dont worry. You are not alone


I just when to home and i not even started to take out the uniform :disappointed:


Just take your time, its not easy and loop the field i just shared until you feel calm.

Also it wouldnt hurt while you grieve to play this too

The Outlook Retrainer: Testimonials


Thanks you really much :disappointed:


Play the outlook retrainer specially before bed, so it wont be so hard when you wake up, since is the hardest part when grieving ok?

It will still hurt but the big punch of sadness and emptiness we feel as soon as we wake up when we are going through a loss will be much more manageable


I wake up ah little bit better i can handle it :pleading_face:thank you very more it work i listen all the entire album before sleep


Noooo so sorry… I know how you feel. I lost my best friend (the doggo in my pic) exactly one year ago. I miss him every day but he is in peace… aaand in a better place. The feeling won’t pass soon, but You become stronger everyday. All My support♥️


Its best not to listen to the whole album in once actually recommended by Captain himself.

For now just the Outlook Retrainer morning and night a couple of times

And the loneliness and grief as muchas as you want throughout the day


Hi yamil,
I am sorry for your loss.

At the end of June of this year I had my 14 yr. old cat put to sleep at the vet.  Cassidy had been sick since 3/2020, when  Covid hit NYC very very hard.   He had cancer and I took of him with TLC, like I do all my the cats in my past.  At one point I communicated with him and told him to let me know when it was "time" for him to "move on".  And he did.  His usual weight was 13 lbs, and he was down to 8 lbs.  He had always been a big, muscular cat, but now he had lost so much muscle, the vet had a hard time finding a muscle to give him a sedative, pre euthanisia.  I had prepared myself, but I found myself afterwards very depressed.  Part of it is that I adopted Cassidy the year before my mom died, and I associated him with my mother.  I also knew that he would be my last companion animal, in a lifetime of companion animals.  

Now this is before The Retrainer, PTSD and The Stellate were posted. Afterwards I felt myself emotionally replaying certain painful things assoiciated with his illness and death. IDK why. Intellectually, I knew it was time and had prepared myself…but my heart still grieved. :tired_face: :sob: and I seemed “caught” in …emotionally grieving and depression. (The same thing happened after the death of my mother in 2008, we lived together since 2000, and it took me 2 yrs until anyone could talk about my mother and I didnt start crying, I mean REALLY crying. Again it had been coming for a while and I was mentally prepared and emotionally prepared and my own emotional reaction caught me by surprise, the INTENSITY of it). There were also other factors involved, even though I was her caretaker, medical proxy (and Registered Nurse) I was also too ill the last month to see her, since on top of heart failure, she had contracted a C-Diff infection having her last stent placement (which at that time had no cure). At that point I was almost completely bedridden (from my other health problems) and was in (newish) kidney failure due to my muscles being destroyed and its byproducts going to my kidneys and negatively effecting them. I lived alone with no help. I knew my mom was dying, but for my own survival, made the decision to not see her in the hospital and hospice the last month of her life. We talked several times a day. I know she was disappointed and expected me to see her before she died. So I also had some regret about this afterwards.

This time, one thing that helped me after a week of feeling this way was listening to
*Etheric Cord Cutter a few times every day.
Again this was before the 3 other fields I mentioned were released.
So if u are still having a really hard time I suggest u add it for a while to your list of fields u listen to daily.

And remember U arent alone.