Berserker's Wrath (Artemis series)

Berserker’s Wrath (TP-301) orchestrates a powerful, activity-dependent signaling journey from the synapse to the nucleus, where the sum of its effects exceeds the individual components. It begins by enhancing the structural foundation of your neural networks through the overexpression of SHANK3 and PSD95. These proteins stabilize and organize synapses, optimizing communication and indirectly boosting cognitive functions like memory and learning.

Next, Homer-1 refines synaptic signaling, setting the stage for the activation of PKC (Protein Kinase C) by PMA (Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate). This triggers a cascade that activates RAS, a critical link between surface signals and nuclear responses. The inhibition of GSK-3 by CHIR99021 keeps RAS fully engaged, ensuring efficient signal transmission through GRB2, SOS1, RAF, and MEK, driving the signal towards the nucleus.

In the nucleus, CREB (cAMP response element-binding protein) is activated, initiating the transcription of genes crucial for neural plasticity and survival. Finally, the upregulation of FOS (cFos) and JUN (cJun) forms the AP-1 dimeric complex, which drives the expression of genes that support cellular growth and long-term synaptic strengthening.

Artemis series
…. For the Legends




‘Replace your brain’s Pony Express with Fiberoptic Cable’? Yes, please.


We’ve reached a new level of growth. Between Valhalla and Berserker it starts boosting and clears off all pre-existing overgrowth.

It’s smooth and gentle, yet as soon as I put the wiring fields on I get instant wiring and overgrowth, blurry vision.

Use the boosters again, more growth, it removes the overgrowth, everything sharp, leaves the new wiring gains, start the overgrowth and wiring cycles again

All that in about or less than 1 hour.

A new era of brain gains is starting. There’s gonna be a before/after Artemis series.

I’ll dust off the plasma brain of youth again though, before bed. Clearing of the overgrowth without boosting the wiring overnight too much.

Maybe if I stop the wiring fields after the last boost it won’t be necessary


The Sheer Excitement to see new Brain fields is beyond description! @Dr_Manhattan would you be covering NZT/CPH4 someday in the Artemis Series or you’d reckon they aren’t required?

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These aren’t real.

Fictional magic drugs like sensu beans in Dragon Ball Z or the Teletubies or Hogwarts, the sky high school for superheroes.

I wish they were real. But they have no explanations, no science. These are plot devices created by holllywood screenwriters. It’s like breaking necks, it makes no sense.

NZT is based on a silly urban myth that we use a small fraction of our brain.
CPH4, ok that one it came from a movie I haven’t seen, there is a real molecule, it’s an enzyme that synthesizes Queuosine, wait what ? It’s real ? Nah, it’s a nucleoside found in bacterial transfer RNA (tRNA), it can be injected in humans but then all it does is help insure that your regular boring proteins are made correctly and it’s not perfect at that.

Thanks though, like seeing people excited for releases :slight_smile:


Excellent response, thought so too as many creators have come up with this and I doubted it instantly, hence asked!

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I think they would be original creations nicknamed after the drugs.


Mutations or deletions in the SHANK3 gene are associated with Autism and schizophrenia.

Would this be a solution to these problems and or their primary symptoms?

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It would help haploinsufficiency, an individual who would have only 1/2 SHANK3 gene and so only 50% the production. This is already rare but it should solve this issue.

Mutations… what kind of mutations ?


I prompted chatgpt so dont mind that

keep writing and deleting words it’s so hard to describe you guys! mind blowing

How does this compare to Valhalla Vail? Can this replace White Matter in my stack?

This before or after Valhalla? Or doesn’t matter?

Hi, this doesn’t replace white matter.
Keep WM in your stack🙂.


While the brain sensations are different from Valhalla Vial, it’s hard for me to distinguish exact contributions, since I now stack Strahl 332, Berserker’s Wrath, and Valhalla. What I can say is that in the sessions before I added Strahl, it was easy to feel the increased boost that Berserker gave to Valhalla. which in turn I could feel massively in the wiring sessions. Think of Valhalla as a supercar, and Berserker is like adding nitrous oxide. If you don’t have Valhalla, you will still feel the “nitrous” when using Berserker before a wiring field. If you add Strahl, everything is better–no bumps on the roads; the acceleration is greater but the ride is smoother.


I used the Artemis trio for the first time early this morning. I felt myself pretty awake and refreshed within 10-15 minutes, not needing any caffeine. I did play hyper sleep as well but usually that alone doesn’t get me to the alert state that this combination did. Oh and I also only got maybe 5 hours of sleep.

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I’ve had that experience of no coffee/little sleep brain saved by Artemis series. Coffee 3.0 :coffee: :rocket:


Is anyone experiencing any significant memory enhancement from this? I have Valhalla and I’m trying to decide between getting Berserker or Drops of Memory next for that.

The AI gen Posters for the Artemis Series are just Epic, this give me the Feeling of Researchers toiling in the lab day and night, perfecting the Art and unveil the TP-301 for me to make use and benefit, it feels like I was Chosen to benefit from the Engineering Prowess of this Creation and it comes with a sense of Responsibility it carries for me to makes the best use of it! @Dr_Manhattan so deeply Motivated!