Strahl 332 (Artemis Series)

So will there be mentioned even their connections to the body nerve system?

Hope whether this series removes the need to use some of the older paid fields in case someone is starting on the path of improving brain and intelligence will be answered in the article.

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I already said a couple times, this is meant as a stand-alone. We’re starting fresh.


What is there to say about this ?

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So I will take it as a no. Saying it’s localized to the brain is enough.

Thanks for your answer :slight_smile:

How the factors themselves alone can be related to the body nervous system as well

the factors mentioned in the text have the potential to impact the entire nervous system, not just localized neural pathways. Here’s a brief overview of how each component can contribute to broader nervous system health and function:

  1. TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC receptors (NTRK1, NTRK2, and NTRK3 genes): These receptors are crucial for neurotrophin signaling, which is essential for the growth, survival, and differentiation of neurons throughout the nervous system.
  2. IGF-1R (IGF1R gene) and C-MET (MET gene): Both are involved in growth signaling. IGF-1R is important for neurodevelopment and neuroprotection, while C-MET is involved in cellular growth and regeneration, impacting overall neural health and plasticity.
  3. AMPAR (GRIA1-4 genes) and P75NTR (NGFR gene): AMPAR is key in synaptic transmission and plasticity, while P75NTR modulates responses to neurotrophins, influencing neural growth and survival across the nervous system.
  4. CNTFR (CNTF gene): This receptor supports neural cell survival and differentiation, playing a vital role in maintaining and repairing neural tissue throughout the body.
  5. mAChR and nAChR receptors (CHRM and CHRN genes): These receptors mediate cholinergic signaling, which is critical for various neural functions, including muscle activation, autonomic nervous system regulation, and cognitive processes.
  6. mGluR5 (GRM5 gene) and GRIN2B (GRIN2B gene): Both are involved in synaptic plasticity and neurotransmission, crucial for learning, memory, and overall neural communication.
  7. SMO (SMO gene): This gene integrates multiple signaling pathways, ensuring a coordinated response to neurogenesis-promoting therapies, which can enhance neural repair and maintenance throughout the nervous system.

Overall, the genes and receptors mentioned play significant roles in neurodevelopment, neuroprotection, and synaptic plasticity, impacting the nervous system’s ability to adapt, repair, and maintain its functions.


Best to try and see. Generally fields may be like 80% replacing one another, but usually it’s never 100%. They themselves have their own growth. So depends on your level of commitment. I usually rather let them stay at least a little bit.


Yea but priority is to acquire new fields and may be stash the old ones during some sale.

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looks like a little ointment box for the brains :thinking:


would using this with superhuman genius + wiring field work better than brain key + wiring field?

There are multiple layers of trade off involved here.

Let’s say you use good old Superhuman genius with this. SG only provides NGF, it activates the TrkA receptor and GluN2B. That’s 2 out of the many receptors involved with Strahl 332, so I would recommend to get BDNF, Acetylcholine audios to tap into 332. But let’s ignore all the other stimulant not available from brain key, you won’t have the side effect protections of Brain key. So you’ll have to use autism treatment or plasma brain.

If you go with Brain Key, no need for all the extra audios or plasma brain. You go straight to wiring. If you can acquire Strahl later you’re still winning.

If you use superhuman genius, than the downsides are temporary until you buy Valhalla. You win long term


Adding this one to Berserker and VV seems to really lighten the load on the brain and allow you to take a LOT more.

I’m wiring 4 fields in parallel right now after about 30 minutes of VV, Berserker, and Strahl and I don’t seem to get the same brain pressure sensation I did when wiring after the boosters minus Strahl.


Definitely agree. Yesterday with Valhalla Vial and Berserker’s Wrath, I was in a bad way partway through the day. Extremely overgrown. Starting the day with Strahl has smoothed this out and eased the ‘pain’ in a very clear and noticeable way.

Strahl feels… nourishing, almost? Comforting? ‘An ointment for the brain’ is kind-of a great way to describe it, @whitefire. Brain ointment for when you got caught in the rocket exhaust. :brain: :rocket:

While I’m not as overtly overextended as I was yesterday, I can also feel more going on in my brain. It’s not quite like listening to my wiring fields for the first time, but close to how it felt in the early weeks, maybe. The circuit boards are all lighting up right where they used to.

Since I got the new boosters, I’ve been running all the older wiring fields just to get them the new ‘deeper’ ‘wider’ benefits of the new boosters. Each one is back to having its own unique flavor and taste and aroma instead of being ‘brain wiring sludge stew’. Can’t say how long it’ll last, but it’s kind of nice!


Initially felt weird with this one, but then (after some meditation) I could just loop it easily with no end.


Loving these new boosters.

They are making things way more efficient.

Less is more guys…

Can’t wait for the next.


Using the three Boosters out of the Artemis series together (this + Valhalla Vial + Berserker’s Wrath) is an absurdly powerful combination – as designed, of course!

Alone, Valhalla Vial is an order of magnitude powerful than Opus Manhattan. Besides the ‘expected’ outcomes, it also feels like it is retroactively boosting previously wired circuits. Overgrowth comes on fast. Your brain will be humming and buzzing with this in a brand new way and it will keep doing that for a long time. One of my Valhalla Vial ‘doses’ kept me swimming in accelerated brain growth for more than 20 hours – if you play this, you might as well commit to brain wiring for the day!

With Berserker’s Wrath, brain wiring operations come on even faster. As the signalling system upgrades, your brain will literally do more work in less time. Overgrowth is nearly immediate. Overgrowth symptoms (such as but not limited to… blurry vision, inability to type or use words properly, light/sound sensitivity, random muscle misfires like your limbs aren’t the right length anymore, clumsiness, inability to look people in the face, dizziness, disorientation, overwhelming fatigue, headaches…) will very possibly come faster than you can account for. Where before, maybe you could feel the overgrowth coming on and so bail out and use Plasma Brain before it became debilitating, this can come on faster than you can predict. Buckle your seat belt!

Strahl 332 ‘balances’ and ‘smooths’ the pair of them while also making them even more effective. It doesn’t necessarily forestall the overgrowth or anything, but makes it more tolerable. Of course, each of the three Boosters cuts Overgrowth, so extra rounds throughout the day will make everything a little more manageable. That’s right – as counterintuitive as it may seem, Boost more to overcome Overgrowth!

With the three of these in play, a week’s worth of wiring feels like a month’s worth (probably more, but I don’t want to over sell anything) of wiring even compared to very excellent Boosters like Brain Key and Opus Manhattan. You just do more with less. They feel exponential – like the more you use them, the more you get out of them. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that the folks who pick these up early and commit to their use are going to burn hard and fast enough that they’ll be hard to catch up with.

Admittedly, it may not be a comfortable ride. But are rockets supposed to be comfortable? Some turbulence at lift-off should be expected. You will be slammed back into your chair and your skull will be rattled like a piggy bank full of loose change. You might black out. G-forces are wild! That’s how you get the momentum to clear the embrace of Earth’s gravity well. You can’t get to the stars by taking it slow and gentle.

And at this velocity, we’ll be on a one-way journey to Alpha Centauri before too much longer.


Couldn’t have said it better my self well done it’s perfect


I do not have Strahl yet, have Valhalla and Berserker…

But I can attest that what you say is true!!!


The way you speak is emmaculate. Your metaphors are on point


If you can kindly share the link of the article - there are so many brain fields that I am little confused where to start? :slight_smile: Currently I am focusing on older fields like PBoY, Gentle Brain, Depression BeGone, PTSD and Stress and Anxiety for recovery (CPTSD is perhaps what I have).

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We could discuss your results with Valhalla, I’m considering buying it.