Best combos with upper body workout?

Give me good field recommendations to combine with upper body workout

I was gonna suggest and or link some of the threads but i think best if you check all the options and go through whatever tittle resonates to you and also because you are a male right? So they are other options to maximize a stack that i wouldnt know


Like with a physical upper body workout or with the field? :joy:


Leg day / St Bicep / Core / Gluteal / Calves / Cardio


The field :joy:

Personally bro i think the saint biceps field is best used before an automated work out because your androgen receptors would be primed more for the testosterone in the automated work outs,

The field stimulates the receptors and makes them more sensitive to testosterone, so you’d get more out of the field by playing hormonal fields after it or automated work outs that contain hormones (the upper and lower body ones)


Oh yes ofc ahah ! I did not quote them in order

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Ohh okay! Haha


Hey the fields are great but if I had to give you advice for working out for someone who use to be fat and skinny and is now fit (10% body fat). Is that if your bulking and using the field make sure you do a lean bulk instead of a normal bulk and if your cutting make sure to do cardio at least 4 times a week (Personal favorite is the Stairmaster:)). I made the mistakes of not doing that when I started and the results weren’t that nice but now that I understand it and do it I can finally show off my beach body:()

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Check this out. This was back in September without any workouts.