Best Path in Life (Mandala)

I meant in the other levels.

Cap’n has said that the audio tracks in the non-Premium tiers don’t have this limitation. He went on to say you can subscribe for 1 month, download everything and cancel your Patreon and everything you downloaded from the non-Premium tiers will continue to work just fine.


I wonder if this is a negentropic version also? I’ve been practicing something similar with skull and it’d be great if this has the added feature!


This is such an amazing NFT, Was using it while meditating to mass meditations, This mandala has so much, It feeling deep joy, like ur okay, almost like hope for the future, real power in having trust in ur future.


I was just thinking this is such a wholesome thread for captain to wake up to :smiley:

I’m wearing the best path tag right now and this does not compare at all! There is this level of being connected, assured, and warm that I’ve never felt with any field before!

In fact, it feels like there is a significant ‘warmth’ in the place where the image is!


Not to nitpick, but I don’t believe that this is an NFT. (And I’m mentioning this, because NFTs prompt all sorts of questions about sales, trades, wallets, etc. that don’t apply to this field.)


It has the same protection as Nfts with the condition of it working for you is being subscribed to the highest available Patreon tier there is atm. which is around 22$ .


Remember with the BPIL tags, it’s a long term field effect. It works immediately, but you won’t even notice until two years down the line, you’ll look back, wow everything has just gotten better & better , all the things that make you truly happy, that you don’t even notice, have just continually compounded and compiled in the smoothest fashion, to the point you might have not even realised what’s happening, until you step back and look at everything and realise, wait a minute. My life has taken a turn for the BEST path for myself. And it has for me, in almost every aspect, ever since I bought the dogtag some 2.5 years ago.



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am going to get this printed on a dog tag, I think its really important to just work with the mandala


Thank You Captain Nemo!
This will certainly / hopefully make my days and life more multicoloured and lifely…again!
living with a chronic sick loved one is not easy. i got so inactive when it comes to fulfill my wishes and impulses, i also turned into a different person with poor choices of people to hang out and after i while i got frustrated ( wich is so not sexy!).
one “spiritual” person, one of my man’s doctors said to me that my life is the life of a martyr…bää
but nobody keeps me from enjoying my life, my man wants nothing but me being happy,…its just inside me. and i hate victim mentality (and i fall into victim mentality so easy)
sorry for too much information, i am just exited


I’m curious. do you guys get nudges on what to do in situations where you have to make a choice with the best path either this one or the tag?


Thank you Captain for remaking this :pray:
I was kinda hoping it’d be a one time purchase as a monthly subscription wouldn’t work out in my case but I do see the point of this here. Having it in this form rather than an NFT causes more people to have access to it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I did when I used the tag. I could see two paths ahead of me. The two most likely paths in minor day to day decisions. And whereas they would normally look like equally innocuous paths, my underlying and very subconscious motivations behind why I might take one path or the other was highlighted making it easy to see and choose one over the other as more “right”.


That’s great, more people having access to a bigger variety of content = better. :+1:

Is “Guided Path” a good choice - to listen daily (to help me forge my future, as in to take better choices)? At least for now, until I will get into more expensive choices/options like NFTS, for example.




I do own the field Cone of Power, and currently experimenting if playing it, boost the effects of watching to Best path in Life image. Just a random thought today, when i added Best path in life to my visionboard.

I don’t really remember how the best path in life works, does it take information from the subconscious to act for your best interest or higher self. Was it something like that or I remember wrongly?


Wait I just realised to ask, can we use this with woven worlds millions?


Sure, why not?

Do remember that the description of the original BPIL tag mentioned that you and your Higher Self may have decided that your path need not include “millions” for it to be the “best” (according your own standards and definitions).