Billionaire Catalyst NFT


can I play the mp3 to my wife?

Nope just like any other NFT (besides the AOE effect from max health) it will only work for the NFT owner

Edit: didnt see that one subfield mentioned below, that aspect will work


Play when she’s around, there’s a subfield


I’m really not sure if this was directed at me or not but nobody is worth my time to send negative energy to. Perhaps you created that yourself.

What I’m trying to explain is the other side of the coin. Myself and several others participated in the Private group. We were asked how many copies we wanted. Some said one. Some said two. Total of 81 copies.

It comes time for the NFT to be made and all of a sudden several people say they can’t afford it right now. So the leader decides to make it public. The leader is a good person and has many successful projects so no reason to question them. Should those of us who pledged for two early on, and followed through on our commitment be penalized?

I am a business partner with my wife. We now each have a copy. I’m not apologizing for that.


Bro that wasn’t even for you lol. I was speaking of certain folks that were sending negativity towards my direction due to my comment which I could easily sense.


Ok no worries. But hopefully the rest of my explanation makes sense.


What I got from the field early on is that the integrity part is very important. If we’re talking billions, we’re thinking way bigger. Congrats to everyone who got a copy, and for those that did not, there’s still a subfield that works on others as long as you’re associated/around the NFT holders, so the energy will help everyone here.


ok thanks!

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Now that´s some dope artwork.

I agree to what you said in your first comment. As I mentioned I wasn’t talking about you in general or anyone specific that commented in the thread. Perhaps you misunderstood.

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I don’t think our intent was to limit it to 81 when it went public. That was the Private count. But a series of unusual events is why we ended up here.


To clarify I was referring that if someone ever buys in bulk that was released for public then it’s not a cool thing to do since many people would miss opportunity to get it. And I wasn’t even trying to get a copy btw but was rather feeling bad for those that didn’t get chance.


Everyone can buy as much as they want and do with it what they want.

Usually public fields are left unpurchased (ofc some get sold out depends), so I am actually surprised hearing many would take extra copy, especially with high copy count as 81 to sell, as many will have nft anyways.

While extra for others etc, makes more sense from this point of view.


Testimony or a sign from the universe:

At this point in my life, I am not particularly concerned with becoming rich as much as I am concerned with good health. Not that I am retired and don’t care to be rich or something lol, it’s just that my health conditions occupy most part of my affairs right now. But usually I identify myself more with spiritual pursuits than with material pursuits.
Anyway, I had no plans to buy any other field before another sale now.

But today morning I woke up early, grumpy for lack of sleep and fiddled with my mobile when I saw this new release … it was released just three hours back and I was about to toss it and then I read a comment … only few copies left. I checked and indeed only 5 copies of 81 were left. I had an urge to get it … call it FOMO or anything, I said to myself… let me get it and if I don’t feel it works for me then I will sell it since there would be a demand anyway. I rushed to the wallet downstairs with my limping leg and after a few failed attempts … got it and after a bare two more minutes … it was all sold out. Casually I listened to the audio once, wanted to listen more but life kept me occupied.
Then my daughter insisted to watch a movie together since it was weekend and we ended up watching a random movie … and guess what it turned out to be …a movie about a billionaire aspiring to keep his billions forever. His material pursuits ended up being actually spiritual pursuits and he ended up meditating to become rich !

I somehow feel that this is some sign for me from the universe … this field came to me for a reason and I needed it at this point of time although I didn’t think that I needed it.


Me seeing 81 copies and 113 clicks on the link:


After clicking on the link (yes):





It has already been sold out. Is there anything else?

A Millionaire NFT´d be cool.

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There is already a GumRoad field for this purpose New Release: Woven Worlds - Millions


I know, but it lacks reviews. Looking at the concept of the Billionaire NFT, why not create the same for Millionaire Status, with all the concepts included?

Maybe public so more people get a chance to aquiere it.