Billionaire Catalyst NFT

NFT by default will have less reviews, as it will cost more and require a wallet to setup. Plus it will be a newer field with users who already own older fields potentially not wanting to get another one? If Woven Worlds - Millions doesn’t have enough reviews, than it’s unreasonable to expect that an NFT will somehow get more reviews. Now Woven Worlds is public, everyone can acquire, no limits in number of copies, etc.

And lack of reviews is not necessarily indicative of field quality, especially in a such a complex context. Free abundance audios have tons of positive reviews scattered around the forum, yet even as I don’t own Woven Worlds - Millions, I would expect it to be superior to many other fields in terms of aiding wealth acquisition.


On Millions many have reported no significant improvement, even after months of use.

I clarify "it lacks positive reviews. Maybe thats bc those who are succcessfull with it don´t spend their time reporting it, which is okay. Can we know that for sure? No.

This NFT obviously works differently than Millions, and offers a new/potentially better approach.
I don´t see your issue in replicating this as a Millionaire NFT.
(Setting aside that Dreamweaver is obviously getting better and better).

Anyways, I don´t have any horses in this race, just putting the idea out there, others can pick it up if they choose to.


Understand, I’m just wary about positive reviews presence or absence based on my own experience with fields and how and what actually it takes to realise their actual utility.

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On your way to becoming a billionaire you’d become a millionaire first. Why not just use this and stop when you’re satisfied with the level of wealth?


they probably couldn’t get their hands on this nft so are asking for a new one :)

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Disputes Thread

Is this still that?

Subfield 1: Best path to a billionaire type of field. But can also be mixed with the best path of life, and prestige and grandeur if the user desires.

Or was it fully remade into altered Guided Path field

That’s the whole point of the NFT

BPIL and Prestige of Grandeur are two different concepts, functionalities that if used together, they would clash, as said by Sammy.

Alchemical revisions, manifestations, etc. are conceptually different from the path fields, so while the end result or “the point” might be similar/the same, the way to get there can be many different.

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Oh, I thought you were asking if point A was still the same standalone. If I had to guess, everybody’s best path in life isn’t to become a Billionaire. I was up thinking last night how rare a path it is to achieve this feat. There has to be some sort of clash. This is a very very specific financial and life path and there’s not even a promise that being a billionaire will be the absolute best path for an individual. It comes with the ultimate level of success, opulence and opportunity of the highest order. Everybody may say they want it, but there’s no guarantee it’s your greatest and highest good…it’s just a path hailed as one of the greatest by the standards of todays societies.

I’m sure with Dream, he adjusted it so it could be a great path for us if we happen to make it there. But long story short, BPIL and Billionaire aren’t the same, and judging by the stark contrasts of the mechanisms, they conflict.


My thoughts and two cents for anyone who needs to hear it…

Nobody NEEDS to become billionaire for even the highest quality of life imaginable. Think about it.

Consider this field to be a powerful catalyst for action towards wealth and abundance. Get in touch with what money represents. What is that “energy”?

This field will act as a conduit to and amplifier of that energy to and within you.


I know what u mean, but what was originally in the subfield was BPIL altered for Billionaire. Similarly like u have other variants of Best Path for something in other NFTs, like Blueprint of Artistry or Trader.

It would be more so like when u imagine two vector and when u add them together, u got third, that analogy for Best Path for Life and Billionaire, basically will still lead you to both in some way.

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is this the best quality possible? It’s about 2.2MB and these NFTs images are usually something around 7-15MB

I’ve tried downloading it from the Phantom app and it’s 144KB. Normally, I get a really high quality image doing it in this way.

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mine copy too is 2.2

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That’s the link you get from View Original on Solscan.
I have the same.

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Well people, the countryside is really fantastic. Normally in my business this time is usually low; However, thanks to the ideas I came up with and a little “luck”, sales increased instead of decreasing. I have come up with new management methodologies and also new opportunities to invest. Good luck to all its bearers.


Congratulations :corn:


This is a powerful field.

I should expand on that…since getting it I’ve been looping it most days averaging 6-8+ hours (probably more, I’ve stopped keeping track).

I’ve been seeing opportunities coming together, most notably, a long term one that could (if/when it comes to fruition) actually yield billionaire earnings.

On top of that I’ve been pulled towards more massive action, completing continuing education courses in my industry which would indirectly lead to more income potential when put to action.

I highly recommend pairing this with conceptual conglomerate and manly man (if you are male) for nice synergy. Wholistic thinking could also be a sweet combo but I haven’t tried that yet.


Congratulations on getting all the amazing results. Just a friendly suggestion, don’t share your opportunities/results which are yet to come to fruition. There are various reasons for that.


Of course. Which is why I chose to be vague and general with it.