Billionaire Catalyst NFT

If anyone doesn’t have access to ‘Manly Man,’ maybe the new ‘Stress and Anxiety by Manhattan’ could help too?

Congratulations on your results so far! :boom:

Feedback is much appreciated and is highly inspiring to many of us

I can tell this field is powerful, and I believe it works quickly on the mental aspect


Yeah. If you’re going the thinking/brain route, CC and WT are worth it.

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Greetings (near) future billionaires!

I started using my copy of NFT just this Monday. I am listening few times a day and started keeping an offline journal as interesting things started happening.

For me, these aspects are more profound right now:

(1) Knowledge base on making Billions.

(A) Guided Path towards becoming a Billionaire.

(B) Techniques Billionaires use to better themselves in money making

I had some interesting experiences which I one day will be sharing. And in fact on that I wanted to share a youtube channel who the rest of you using the NFT will find interesting. It’s not a big thing but for me is great. It’s a starting point. It puts me in the mindset, vibration and stores interesting and useful (for later use) information in the subconscious mind.

Should we setup a group on a platform or maybe even here in private messages?
I agree with dream’s idea that we should do something together but I find it very difficult to really happen but a group sharing stuff with each other and in the future giving practical advice to each other would be easier and of importance.


Sounds good! Usually groups are done via discord, but here is also fine by me.

Someone disciplined who has used this nft every day. New income, new business? Don’t be shy, do people want to hear your results?


I have this field (audio and NFT) broadcasting to me via link/bypass (dr.magus field). I also have a small printout of it in front of my desk so I see and interact with it daily.

I can say business has picked up a lot for me (more personal training clients). This field does a lot in background.

Pro-tip: pair this field with ProActive brain and Manly Man.


I stopped working with it about a week ago as I have other needs right now and will come back to it next year.

I believe some of its work is subtle, especially when it comes to mind programming and healing blockages of being a billionaire.

I did share some of the insights I noticed already here and in the private group we have with some other of the holders of this NFT.
What was not subtle and I noticed from this one week of not working with it lately is:

  1. the several ideas I had before when it comes to building businesses or opportunities coming up… stopped.
    And what also is not here anymore is:
  2. the different mindset of making an execution of an idea/opportunity in a big way rather than a mediocre, small impact approach.

What I’ve got from the one month run, listening just one to sometimes two times a day, is a list of ideas and great notes on executing them.

I believe this NFT on the hands of someone who is a hard-worker, committed and an entrepreneur is a great gift. On the hands of someone who is already successful and maybe a self-made millionaire is a divine gift.


So you’ve been listening 6-8 hours a day since you got the field… and you didn’t make any money yet or sealed a major deal or something. Wow. Those who listen 3-10 times a day shouldn’t expect much then. I got zero result looping it 10 times a day. You did 6-8 hours a day and didn’t get anything. I don’t think the field was designed to draw money into the listener’s life.


I feel like it’s never really a good idea to compare ones reality with another. there are really different conditions. So don’t jump to conclusions. :slight_smile:


If you expect immediate money in your life this may not be the best field to work with. This is billionaire level. Most billionaires arent money rich; theyre asset rich. Rich in terms of properties, stocks, bonds, that theyve invested in for many years.
It is a lil hard to pinpoint the extricate details because ive just started a feq new projects along with this, but altogether, im more driven to accomplish goals and focus on my career. Something ive been putting off for awhile.
Unless someone already have a multimillion dollar business, inheritance, etc, it may be awhile before some starts seeing wealth.
If you want immediate wealth, prob better to work with a manifestation tool like the solidifier! There are many positive remarks on that forum, but havent seen many users remarks on manifesting money so do research!!!



Exactly yes lol if you come from a place of lack or neediness with money, youll create resistence. I recommend trying abundance mindset.

Learn how to differentiate between “neediness” and analyzing/feeling if something really works as it says or not. No money making results from these fields that promise millions and billions not even less. You can continue to listen until you’re 90 years old if that’s what you want. I wish you all the best.

I wonder what state of “wealth you are in right now” and how much effort you are putting into achieving it. What this field promises is to first give you the knowledge necessary to earn millions. This implies that you should at least give yourself time to reflect on what business to pursue or what path to follow that will bring you closer to the goal based on your capabilities or contacts that you currently have. There are several ways to do this exercise but I leave you free will to approach it (google, youtube, gpt chat, etc). The second field will give you the opportunities and the same energies of a billionaire, everyone will see you and feel that you are somewhat trustworthy. The third field, at least in the subfields, will attract the people you need so you can develop your ideas. I see it essentially as prestige and grandeur but aimed at generating multimillion-dollar businesses; However, that implies that first you decide to follow a path and start walking along it. In my case it helped me move forward with an ecommerce business and now I met a person in another field who was interested and I plan to immerse myself in that field. Quite apart from that, I have other businesses that benefit me but do not depend directly on me but the benefits that are generated from that area do.


These are my experiences, opinions and views.

  1. This is definitely not a field to listen to more than 4 times a day. Its an overkill. The first time I used it, it happened to be before going to sleep. I couldn’t sleep from ideas and thoughts flooding my mind related to ideas and how to be handling my money and assets. In general, I listened to this once or twice in a day and have had success with it.

  2. If you listen to a ton of different fields and expect to notice the subtle changes this field has and does I believe you will never notice them. Or notice them when big changes take place months or years later. Spamming your mental capacity and nervous system will suppress and diminish the effects of all of the fields. One of the most interesting aspects I got from it every single day was the ideas coming up. Flooding myself and not having my brain at its best to “download” or just notice this ideas for me to write down and reflect makes it no service.

  3. If you expect to become a millionaire / billionaire solely from this field then you are delusional. I am not saying this to create arguments but this is true. This will give you a gentle push if you are already doing what you should and everything you can towards this goal. The way I see it is if you have the goal to become a millionaire/billionaire and would have taken you 10 years to achieve it, with the same effort and the addition of this field it will take you less.

  4. Continuing from the point above. Not being a millionaire/billionaire and starting to work towards it will take years. Yes there are exceptions but I am talking about the average of all situations. You need to acquire skills, learn lessons, make mistakes and so on. Of course this field will assist but listening to this field and waiting for a billion or circumstances to just land in your lap will result to nothing.

  5. How will you become a billionaire? You will provide the value of billions to others. To do so you have to start providing value. Listening to a field does nothing towards providing the necessary value which will be returned to you.
    My experience was that it gives me the ideas of how to be of value to others but in a big scale.
    A brief, vague example from my list of ideas: building an uncensored platform in which users will be able to share the truth of circumstances, events, persons, institutions, companies and so on. This will give value to the whole planet. The execution is another story. And that story includes myself becoming capable of executing this. Acquire the necessary skills, experience, build a team, leadership, resources etc etc. Which I need to put effort towards.

Now a serious question. Did anybody really thought that listening to this field… for long or spamming it or dancing with it or whatever will make them a billionaire without going through the system, without building a new identity of themselves, habits, knowledge, a new character of yourself, without skills, without heavy involvement and years of hard work? Do you understand what a billion is? How is it going to land in your hands? Win several lotteries? and then? What about the others who have the field?


I was just about this comment this, I thought those who bought this generally reached a consensus that they will put in the work with the aid of this field, regardless of the amount of years.

Be detached.
Be in a abundant state
Work on the paradigm
Put in the work along with this field

When you become a billionaire, you’re gonna look back and think “wow, I put in the work and look at the fortune my work has bought me”


Perfectly worded :ok_hand::ok_hand:
Also the title of the NFT is billionaire catalyst


Lol who said I didn’t get or make anything?

Based on the way you worded that reply it’s as if you expect money to just fall into the user’s lap or some vague “deal” to be sealed without any contextual reference as to what the individual’s line of work is.

Regarding my own experience, I was intentionally general and cryptic with sharing results as I feel it’s best to keep these things mostly private. As I mentioned in my latest post, this field works. My income continues to increase and opportunities are lining up. But these things vary greatly from individual to individual.

Stay patient, put in the work, have trust in the magic and mechanisms of the intelligence (fields) you are working with and you will have results. There actually is a science to all of this. There is a science to everything.

It sounds to me like you’re placing a lot of limitations and expectations surrounding what constitutes successful results from listening to this field. This kind of resistance will leave you stuck and then feeling resentful that the field doesn’t do what it promised.


This has a rather sweet pairing with The Majesty. No immediate money, of course. However, it feels like it pulls in certain opportunities and businesses, run by various people, that nicely come together to form a syndicate of sorts. And I have a feeling there will be a major payoff for everyone involved “around the bend”.

This isn’t my first rodeo in business, seen ups and downs quite a lot, know/feel the “business flow” in quite a bunch of industries. This field is a good assistant to what I already know and do in that it - most likely - removes unneeded / karmic / astral barriers to the loot, so to speak. But the effort HAS to be there, most certainly. When this field gives you lemons, squeeze 'em :slight_smile:


I acquired this NFT yesterday and have dreamt about how I could successfully launch a business I’ve been working on, attracting numerous investors. Currently, I listen exclusively to the audio of Prestige and Grandeur NFT and attract wealth on YouTube.