Blueprint of Learning NFT The Release: (Students' Community Project): Testimonials

It is finally here!

Long time awaited one.

At first we thought we’ll name it Chiron NFT.

As that is what the mandala tends to represent (with alltheeaxtragoodiesinit)

But then the audio came into play,

And created a representation of revolution, a revolution of learning anything you could possibly imagine, and what could assert it better than the concept of Blueprint of Learning.

The Blueprint of Learning NFT provides means to its owner to teach him anything one wants.

So you say you always wanted to learn some foreign languages? Sure, hop on blast the audio on the speakers or headphones, or just let Chiron being represented in the mandala teach you those languages.

Never been good at math? Me neither -.- . Well soon we should master it, as long as you intend it by perhaps only laying in your bed or when you are being a good boy (or girl!) and actually studying it actively.

Always wanted to learn how to create fields? Well here’s your very first chance, raising the probabilities of you achieving that.

Or perhaps you never really knew how to fix a car, and have always thought some quick knowledge of that would come in handy.

All of this is now possible, thanks to Captain.

With the use of secret ingredients called creativity, a strong desire, need, innovation and last but not least intelligence, the Students’ group created a special recipe listing what the main dish called Blueprint of Learning could be.

The master chef Captain then cooked it with his special cooking abilities and skills which are always growing and growing at a rapid speed of light, and prepared it for us in a very awesome NFT fashion design way for our relinquished taste of knowledge and excitement for learning new stuff.

The very first and the most important ingredient, favored by us all is the knowledge and abilities of all teachers. And when we say teachers we don’t mean the taste of only academic ones, as that would be just a slice of the ingredient. Naah we wanted it fully!

And this is exactly what we got. The whole piece represents the knowledge and abilities of anyone who has enough knowledge and skill to teach you a certain thing that you so eagerly want to learn in it’s full potential.

So yes, we wanted the final dish taking the form of this NFT to taste a little bit like omniscience that can be achieved by humans. Knowledge of everything that a man or a woman can learn and be taught by the knowledge of our collective consciousness.

But not limited to only the collective knowledge of our human consciousness, as the field grows and gathers oceans of knowledge which then can find their own flow of expansion towards pools of knowledge from other collective consciousness as well.

The knowledge applied to you is as if you had a real teacher with you, or should I say any person (or being as the intelligence of the field grows) with enough knowledge and skill to teach you that certain skill or things, subject, whatever.

Of course it would not be just one of them individually teaching you, but the knowledge of all of them together, applying and teaching you gradually from the point where you are right now to the point of utmost mastery of whatever you are trying to learn.

Okay so this was like the first ingredient, special enough of forming an entire soup.

We wanted this ever expanding soup of knowledge to be served to us by Chiron.

Because why not! He was a wise mentor and teacher after all, probably considered to be the wisest creature living on earth. It was even said that no man could comprehend his breadth of knowledge. So yes, Chiron was our perfect choice. He is also the archetype of a perfect teacher, specialized in teaching students his knowledge and forming them into legends. He also differs from his other fellow centaurs, being peaceful, benevolent, very wise and kind. He even aspires to human pursuits such as sports, art, various crafts and healing. Basically anything in my opinion xd. He was trained by Apollo and Aretmis, and after everyone saw his success in everything, he soon began teaching other children, most of whom were even trusted to him by several gods. So yeah! Most Olympians therefore passed through Chiron’s pedagogy, and now so will we!

So we have envisioned him as an ideal teacher, carrying the soup with knowledge and abilities of all teachers etc, giving us his individualized teaching methods, as well as helping us to make learning (of anything really) as effective and interesting as possible. He can also help us to find useful information, especially with his profound methods of doing so.

Chiron is also very famous in astrology

He can be known for launching his arrow in the sky, calling on a journey for truth, and allowing the arrow to return to us with any knowledge we call for. His element of fire constantly fills him with new powers. Not to forget mentioning the interest in knowledge and learning he awakens.

He likes nourishing our brains, recovering us from physical and mental exertion, enriching our motivation and enjoyment of the learning process.

He is also a key to mindfulness in means of removing contrived difficulties and bindings, healing us from imposed stamps, ideas, fantasies, psychological and neurotic difficulties.

He is also designed to heal any of our low-self esteem thingies we might have, at a very large spectrum.

Not to mention that Chiron also prompts to search for a reason, the essence of things, the idea. Which means he can help with conceptual thinking and understanding the essence of things.

He also fills one’s mental world with healthy, healing images, thoughts, perceptions of bright optimistic content. Filling us with optimism, moral readiness for difficulties, change and resilience.

The many keywords for Chiron fit into a one-word concept- wholeness. For instance Chironic people and things act as a “rainbow bridge” between Saturn and Uranus, synthesizing the best of the old and new. Chiron’s job is to intercede between tradition (the way things have always been and (r)evolution (the way things need to become.)

Then Chiron also helps us to weave all polarities within the fabric of ourselves, resulting in wholeness.

"Being half-man, half-animal, Chiron embodies the conflict in all of us between the animal instincts and reason or divinity, between the Dionysian wildness of the other centaurs and the Apollonian light and order of his foster father. Yet, he falls firmly on the Apollonian side.”

So yeah Chiron also helps us with choosing the good and right side, providing balance between our animal instincts and divinity and reason.

, and in many respects outshines the god of light, mastering and even furthering the arts and sciences (Greek, techne and episteme) in an attempt to compensate for his early rejection and prove, both to himself and to others, that he too is worthy of love and acceptance.

Therefore It also helps us to outshine the master alongside with always proving ourselves to ourselves first fully and only then to others.

Chiron turns in particular to the healing arts as a means of healing himself, and not only himself but others too. He shines the light, giving to others that which he himself most needs or needed. Rather than allowing the original wound to fester, he finds within it a source of motivation, even of inspiration, that leads him to great insight and achievement. This in turn invites, or rather imposes, a sense of purpose and service or duty that ennobles and enriches his life in ways that the other centaurs could not even begin to imagine.

So now we are Healing ourselves also through motivation, inspiration, purpose, duty, in effect also making the world a better place, on a micro and macro level.

He fights with us in our daily battles of life, gives us his courage, assertion, his warrior mindset, and already mentioned wholeness, while at the same time removing all of our worries and stress factors. He is also attributing us with his physical strength (strong torso, neck, legs, arms).

Now alongside with a soup we have mentioned earlier he also brings us another special ingredient, which acts as a Student’s first aid kit. It’s just a small snack really, but good enough for your lunch break to transform you into the top student and to skyrocket the quality of a Student’s life. Of course if you’re no longer a student you can skip the snack, or eat it anyways, it’s really up to you.

This snack which is made out of our second special ingredient is intended to:

Transform Chiron into a tutor, or a personal studying assistant

Chiron then acts as your personal studies helper, for example while you are in your class and you are listening to your professor, Chiron would conceptualize that information into your subconscious.

Or even if you are just studying alone and learning from your notes he’d do that.

It also checks your notebooks and applies all the information from it into your subconscious mind.

He does that only with the right information and not some false data.

Chiron also repeats everything that you are learning in your subconscious, until you will remember it for a very long time. When he sees these memories fading, he just refreshes them.

Spaced repetition is all automated with this snack :)

Chiron also helps us to keep knowledge in part of your brain to call forth whenever you need it.

A fun thing that he also can do is whenever you are losing your focus when studying or listening, Chiron applies the concept of doodling to you, which helps with information monitoring and recall as well as concentration. It reduces the chance of getting bored and then flowing away with your thoughts.

He also points out your mistakes, and helps you to see any negative and unsuccessful experiences that influenced you or are influencing you from becoming a better student and help you get past them. He also helps you to accept those failures so you can move on and get better without this guilt and unpleasant feelings that can come to us after getting low grades for quite some time… Which then usually stops us from going forward.

The Support that this snack brings you!

This is something Chiron seems to do by itself already as well.

It gives you the essence of support that a teacher gives to his student with a strong wish that he succeeds. Or with other words Chiron’s support that he gave to his students.

Not to forget to mention the motivation!

This includes the indomitable discipline, work ethic, motivation, dedication and enjoyment of the learning process based on his natural capabilities, as well as with the help of his knowledge abilities of all teachers that he possesses.

As well as replicating the personal motivation, enthusiasm and desire for learning, studying, the one at the core essence of you, the one that you had when you first started with school, or when you were a baby and had this pull to learn and know everything, but then lost it along the way.

Also Chiron points out our small progress and gives us internal reward, feeling good for the efforts we do (or we try to do, which in result should help us to do it more willingly) even if they’re not successful, spike dopamine from making effort itself.

As well as helps you to just start your tasks. :D sometimes that’s all it takes ehh!

This awesome snack also helps us to develop specific mindsets!

Firstly, the ones that seem to come already with Chiron’s abilities. (Optimism, moral readiness for difficulties, change, resilience.) (Mindfulness as getting rid of contrived difficulties, bindings, healing from imposed stamps, ideas, fantasies, psychological and neurotic difficulties.) (help with Low self-esteem, etc. A very large spectrum.)

As well as

A “not give up mindset” because we sometimes stop trying to learn a concept if it is too complex for us to understand at first → perhaps allowing ourselves then to be susceptible to different modalities of trying to learn.


“A growth mindset, which means that you thrive on challenge, and don’t see failure as a way to describe yourself but as a springboard for growth and developing your abilities. Your intelligence and talents are all susceptible to growth.”

And of course the

optimum learning mindset and positive behavior and studying skills of the top students.

It also provides us guidance towards taking those towards becoming the top student fella.

This learning style seemed cool to us.

With all of these mindsets we just had to add the optimism of Marry Poppins

“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and - SNAP - the job’s a game!”

Always be positive. Mary Poppins believed that no matter how bad the situation there was always something good that could be found and that the glass was always half full.

Student’s life

Chiron nullifies and protects us from all negative influences that are affecting our student’s life. Internal and external such as bullying, discouragement, loneliness, being left out, self sabotage, giving up, bad mood, procrastination, heartbreak, depression, anxieties, and guide us to get through them into our own self empowerment where we actually enjoy being a student. He then attracts positive opportunities such as opportunities to prove your knowledge to yourself and others, opportunities to have fun with other fellow students, manifesting your own ‘the best day of school’ every day, inspirations on living your perfect student life.

The dessert, Brain berries!

These berries help you to develop multiple intelligences to a nice level.

As well as Fluid and Crystalline intelligence

What are those

"Fluid intelligence is the capacity to think speedily and reason flexibly in order to solve new problems without relying on past experience and accumulated knowledge.

It allows us to perceive and draw inferences about relationships among variables, and to conceptualize abstract information, which aids problem-solving. It is correlated with essential skills such as comprehension and learning.

Crystallized Intelligence is the ability to utilize skills and knowledge acquired via prior learning. The use of crystallized intelligence involves the recalling of pre-existing information as well as skills. Crystallized intelligence has been shown to decrease with age. (Thinking about older students in this case)

While fluid intelligence and Crystallized Intelligence are distinct, it is important to note the multiplicity of the tasks that involve both these components. For instance, in taking a math exam, one may rely on one’s fluid intelligence to construct a strategy to respond to the given questions within the allocated time.

However, at the same time, one might have to utilize one’s Crystallized Intelligence to recall various mathematical concepts and theories in providing the correct answers."

These ‘brain berries’ also help us to develop a better eidetic and audio graphic memory and concentration.

They also help us to develop a better Generalization ability.

Generalization is the ability for a student to perform a skill under different conditions (stimulus generalization), the ability to apply a skill in a different way (response generalization), and also to continue to exhibit that skill over time (maintenance).

They also help us with: fluent writing and speaking, lack of fear of public speaking, connected, clear and clear speech, the ability to formulate ideas in a related text, oral or written, intuitive view of information.

The Magical Napkin

When Chiron serves us this one, we are infused with the energy of runes Raidho, Ansuz and Kenaz, and energies of crystals: Fluorite, Clear Quartz, Tiger’s eye when needed while studying/taking exam, or when said.

You can also be blessed by the academic blessings of Kui Xing,Tenjin and Zhuyu Xingjun. Perhaps even try and put them on a pen or notebook…

It can also adjust your perception of time, most optimally when studying or taking exams.

Helps us with better time management.

Puts our brain into the best brainwave state for studying.

Helps us to develop speed reading ability and a better understanding of what is read.

Chiron’s special cave

Chiron can take us into his special cave in Pelion mountains energetically in a bubble that would protect us from distractions when studying or test-taking. Most definitely a good place for studying xd

The medicinal herbs

“Beneath the cave stretched a valley overgrown with medicinal herbs. Here was the source of an alternative form of treatment that enabled Kiron to become an excellent healer.”

Chiron’s healing knowledge is used to help treat mental illnesses and to improve brain power and mood. As well as for healing in general

The Eurythmy

Chiron can perform and infuse us with the essence of Eurythmy

"The life force or life energy which makes a plant grow is the medium through which Eurythmy functions. Look at a healthy child – rosy cheeks, radiant energy, clear eyes and good muscle tone. Eurythmy fosters and maintains this healthiness. Specific movement sequences are introduced with imagery, which is in itself life-giving – e.g. Rather than being instructed to move in a straight line and then a curve, the teacher might say “let’s walk across a narrow bridge to a sandy island in the middle of a lily pond and then run around the shore on a white pebble path”. Eurythmy strengthens and renews this life force that is so often depleted through our hectic lifestyle.

The LIFE BODY, the organism that maintains our physical body, is also the carrier of thought (intelligence). The brain itself is more a reflector than a computer. Through moving in a eurythmic way where every movement is filled with meaning and where the feeling life of the child is also engaged, we foster intelligence through will activity.

Better concentration, coordination, better posture, better spatial awareness and social relations are the result. Dyslexia has been successfully treated with special eurythmic movements.``

Some extras

Chiron fills you with energy you need in order to complete your task.

Helps with Improvement of handwriting. Master several styles of different handwriting.

Helps us to wake up in time, be able to get up in the morning full of energy, some extra chi, jing, shen, ojas, jingdan could help you with that, have power and motivation and positivity for the day that stays with you forever.

Chiron can also draw us the knowledge of people and deities he had met, and had influenced him to become as wise as he is.

He also also helps you with easy communication, the ability to work in a team, and create a friendly aura around yourself. Improves and manifests good and friendly relations with everyone around you.

Heals and resolves any conflicts or issues between our fellow students, and people in our lives in general. Guides you to resolve them as well as gives you everything needed for it.

The Web of Information

It actively relates new information to other information we have, building on stronger connections between all sorts of information we have and might not see any direct connection between them.”

if a photo can summarize it, it would be this.

that 1 new bit of information is automatically forced to make connections / distinctions with all other information

Let’s say i just found new information on whatever, it’s so new you don’t know if you don’t know if you really need it but let’s say you do but don’t know it yet, the field will use that new information and try to make connections to all other information you have even if it seems distance at first


A (new information)

A is introduced > tries to make a connection with B from B makes a connection with C from C makes a connection with D to better understand what A is really like and how it differs while becoming stronger due to the links it’s created. Ahah some awesome stuff right here :D.

The Wisdom of the Ever Longing

“Yes, but the trick isn’t in knowing it, everyone that bothers to think for a moment knows it. It’s in following through and actually applying what you know. That’s the step that takes people a long time to figure out. If there’s a great secret to living a long life, some grand wisdom, it’s that. Apply what you know and learn to recognize when you’re about to make stupid decisions. Do that now and I’ll have to admit you’re smarter than I am, identical or not. It took me nearly a thousand years to really learn that.” written by P.S Power, in one of the books of The Young ancients.

Followed by the above, Chiron can also help us to make the wisest decisions in given situations.

The Bath in the Rivers of Knowledge

In these rivers we get bathed with every knowledge we need, coming from all different sources, could be people, notebooks, internet.

The famous Flow of studying also takes some part of these rivers

A state of being where studying is effortless and efficient as much as possible. You are able to memorize and understand everything, as well as going from page to page with high interest, motivation and enthusiasm towards whatever you are learning, repealing any kind of procrastinating thought, energy.

These rivers also remove all kinds of limits focusing around studying in a smart manner.

How did we envision that

So now beliefs, feelings, past experiences, and negative associations that are affecting and preventing us from:

Feeling, thinking, believing, that we can actually learn stuff efficiently and effortlessly,that we can be intelligent or capable of any mental task, that we can become top students etc.

Acting and studying with willpower and determination, interest, enthusiasm, joy, determination, success.

It would also smartly remove any ego patterns preventing us from achieving all that.

At the same time it would transform the negatives into positives, so now we would actually be:

Behaving, feeling, thinking, believing that we can actually learn stuff efficiently and effortlessly, that we are smart, intelligent, capable of any mental tasks, that we can become the top students, acting and studying with willpower and determination, interest, enthusiasm, joy, determination, success.

(as well as transforming anything preventing us from achieving these things into positive transformation)

It also removes any negative beliefs and associations about any mental illness or disorder that one might have.

It also helps you to achieve a state of being okay with who you are, no matter what kind of mental illness or disorder one might have.

It also tries to heal and soothe them. (syndromes, mental abnormalities, disorders)

The Mental Google Search

“Would it be possible to include an automatic search for knowledge on the internet from the mass collective? As someone has put the info there it surely must be retrievable. Like if you wonder something you intuitively know it. Like a mental google search :smiley:

Well everything was included hence expect to do some googling with your mind :D

The Cognitive Ascension

This is constant development of our brains towards the utmost functioning level.

continuing bellow - the audio


The Audio Version

This one is very suited for studying and learning.

It includes:

The Rivers of Knowledge

The Flow of Studying

Limits removal focused on learning, studying.

Healing and soothing any mental illness, abnormality, disorder.

Multiple intelligences, to a nice solid level, where you master them like no one else.

Same applies for Fluid and Crystallized intelligence, Eidetic and Audiographic memory, Generalization ability, IQ and EQ, Self regulation and Executive functioning

The Essence of Eurythmy infused into our being and mind.

The knowledge and abilities of teachers etc., suited towards learning stuff.

All of the mindsets we mentioned.

Chiron’s herbal medicine

Support of the teachers

Constant development of our brains towards the utmost functioning level

And special feature of the audio

The audio file can also teach you whatever you want to with the help of

Intelligent automation, or alternately intelligent process automation, is a software term that refers to a combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA). Companies use intelligent automation to cut costs by using artificial-intelligence-powered robotic software to replace workers who handle repetitive tasks.The term is similar to hyperautomation, a concept identified by research group Gartner as being one of the top technology trends of 2020.

Thanks heaps a ton Captain
And thank you to all fellow students in this project.


Pre-Release testimonials.

Post Release Testimonials.

I’ve also had so much more fun learning stuff, it is all actually interesting and easy.

In a matter of minutes I felt all the knowledge I needed flowing into my mind, as if I’ve been actively repeating, memorizing and then learning it with full effort.


Man you are killing it!!!

Presentation :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Bless you :)


It’s been amazing and I’m looking forward to where we’ll go with this. Thank you all and thank you to our dear Captain for making this possible! :heart: Another huge gift for the community :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Outstanding project. Congratulations everyone.


Well done! Congrats! :clap: :muscle:


so grateful!!! It’s been a great experience, thank you everyone and Captain!!


This sounds so amazing. The creativity of this community - wow! And, of course, congratulations to everyone who has this gem.


God damn u know how to write a cool story man, I am speechless🙏


Chiron has been with us for several days now, but I still feel the work that is going on in my brain. This happens automatically, without requests. I am very grateful to the Captain for the implementation of this project. This is something that not only students need. Mastering the new, taking into account the speed of development of our world, is a necessity.


It seems that “wake up on time” includes Hypersleep if needed. I was drinking last night and only got a few hours of sleep before work but I feel great.


Is this what dream replied? lol


No i did, to person who asked


I will get this somehow in the future


i hope in the future sapien ask the coumminity how much copies they also want for the NFT that will be dope


Stay Blessed :facepunch: :fire:


I was finally able to write a ten paged paper (single spaced) in about 36 hours and I haven’t been able to do that in like 2.5 years! Go Chiron Go

This is such an underrated field!, but then again it did just come out. But still: DON’T LET THIS GO.

we are always learning in life. we are all students of life
this isn’t just for the kid who wants to pass school,
it’s for everyone.

So this is like the blueprint for earthing too lol
and when you can learn… you can create,
it’s not only talent that gets you far in life. it’s hard wor, too…
and hard work comes from trying and trying, relentlessly.
And trying comes from learning.
You have to keep learning and growing in order to succeed or just remain in life, there’s no other choice about it.


I like listening to my blueprint stack and then this

alchemical zircon x danburite
quasi crystal
blueprint minor
blueprint major
schuman resonance
and then this.

Also Part 2:
If you have ADHD this is the holy grail.
So much so I am fairly certain it will replace my Addy one day; perhaps it will for you, too

PS I usually can’t focus on typing this much on here in one sitting.
but I just did ^^^^ :o
sooo you tell me!

Thank you

Anyone with “cognitive disabilities” (Executive Functioning disorder, short-term memory loss, Autism, Tourettes, etc)
This will help. It’s like electrodes on the brain and it’s a nice hum.
But in my opinion, this experience might only be experienced by those taking perscribed stimulants ie Vyvanse or Addy. Particularly during the “crash” phase. This helps with that.
Or maybe not, maybe some just will.

I’ve felt this buzzing effect occur when I worked with a learned “wise grasshoper” too, so I do know this is actually a real thing, for me at least lol.

Also everything comes from learning. Like I don’t know how to really emphasize this but: anyone in the world you see, be it an artist, a magician, it takes a required and rather large amount of effort on their part: learning!!! Learn learn learn.

Dissolve yourself and learn!

I mean the greatest gift or the gift that separates us from other species is intellect.
this helps refine the functions that assist with that.

now mind you, none of this is said to give FOMO; you can live without this field as much as you can live with it, the world still goes on. any NFT for that matter
It’s just you never thought you’d stumble upon a site on the internet where a chic was telling you ab some new rad energy tool that was making her brain buzz lol. So whether you get this or not doesn’t matter ( I mean uk what I mean lol) it’s just cool to read what this dude over here comes up with and what people experience with it.

But it absolutely is cool to see if you can experiment with this if presented the opportunity . otherwise it’s fine, don’t sweat it :)
(I just don’t want to sound like I’m being insensitive therefore I write this elaboration)


The better question might be What does mandala have that the audio doesn’t have? And 2nd question vice versa.