The Supreme Omniscience ~ 📚 (Knowledge Tour) NFT: Testimonials

The Supreme Omniscience, is made and combined of the following NFTs.

Omniscience is the state of knowing everything, with which we intend the user to get close to, over, a very short period of time than it could ever be possible.

The Blueprint of Learning NFT

The Evolved NFT

Putting the user into the place of knowing and learning what they need and want to know or learn, all towards the idea of omniscience.

And having a brain and brain skills capable of it.

Focus is on the mind, brain, intellect, learning, knowledge, skills and other cool stuff like that, as seen in the points bellow:

  • To create and turn user into most powerful and evolved being in terms of knowledge, learning, academics, skills, all subjects, intellect, brain…
  • Big emphasis on entering a new level of instant learning, unlimited size of knowledge, so basically peaking in godlike level of knowledge and in knowledge and intelligence, creativity that even the most advanced Aliens can’t compete with.
  • To receive the big download as seen in the intergalactic tour/evolved, but now extremely focused towards peaking the most evolved universal (so beyond human) intelligence, knowledge, brain health and brain power, skills, learning abilities,
  • Peak in student-like/intellectual person knowledge, learning evolution…, so direct download also of all knowledge students can have, alongside with their learning and working habits, mindsets… etc so the ones that can be found are 1000% of universal evolution of students, if we look into the future.

It goes beyond student like knowledge, as it is also taken from all concepts where knowledge is found. (scientists, businessmen, athletes, psychologists, mathematicians. from those who have this as a profession even, so not just from students…) All knowledge, skill, is covered.
To peak knowledge and skills of musicians, artists like actors, digital artists, painters etc even, fashion design, all. !

It will prioritize for the user to first get what it’s most relevant to them first.

Beyond human knowledge even. (alien etc, of animals also)

Brain will also be adjusted to master the peak of knowledge and skill of these, with some, for example certain aspects of logic have to be more active, while with others more creativity has to be evolved, etc. hence the right aspects of the brain will be constantly stimulated and trained alongside it.

(so it’s beyond humanly trained brain as well)

All aspects of brain are trained, for everything. For example not just for subjects, but also like for inventions, innovations, leadership… all of that is found somewhere in our brain.

  • Learn languages as well in those ways

(beyond human languages even, of aliens, animals)

  • Possibilities of knowledge and learning, wisdom, brain health and power, growth , intelligence etc, new or enhanced brain abilities, thinking, creative skills, focus, concentration, are all limitless here.

For example work will be done to peak brain health and power possible, the one that for example would be after thousands of years of brain evolution, until the brain would get developed to the maximum level. We will tap into that far future and apply onto the user once at an extremely high level (maximum possible), and then put it onto the user and also put into that path of it evolving further.)

Same ideas are applied for intelligence, thinking skills, creativity etc……

  • Learning requirements, like application of self discipline to learn complexities. ect. progressive learning, daily efforts to learn, seasoning and accumulations of knowledge, perseverance, motivation, commitment from within, break cycles of negative attitude to learning, will be there at their peak possible now embodied on the user as well.
  • Oh and the coolest think about the downloads is that it will scan all that you need to know in all your academic years, or just in life in general like absolute knowledge and learning for spirituality, work, hobbies… Now ofc on a whole another level to to really “peak in knowledge of all that”, it’s not just learning anymore it’s downloading, integrating it in, into conscious, subconscious and wherever else suitable.

And then will provide all that you need to know and do to be the best in it and get the best best results there. Big focus on that, constant learning until it is assured that you’ll the user will make it and learn that which is needed.

So yeah you will find yourself knowing things you need to know, without even needing to actively learn. While if you put some effort in, it will be as if it was effortless.

  • Peak Constant drive, motivation and action, for learning, knowledge. Infused into mind as well, but also that physical push to learn.
  • To receive all the intergalactic help from aliens in your journey of knowledge, understanding, learning, academics, intellect……… Aliens will go and heal mental illnesses, and cognitive abnormalities if there are any detected.
  • For you to embody all that Blueprint of Learning represents in omni godlike fashion. So yeah you’ll become an omni godlike student, intellectual as well. The godlike alchemies to become a god of omni knowledge, the knowledge also alchemises itself into your mind. Possess skills and knowledge, abilities of Chiron itself!

Not just from Chiron, as Astral Walkie Talkie aspect can call in any being - from which you’ll now automatically start embodying their knowledge.

  • Oh and awt and learning merger teaches the user how to use ntfs best. How to sense fields, and how to use the field creation function from awt for top stuff etc,

it is also programmed to teach you all about fields (creation, structure…) , energy work etc in general. Download the skill of that as well, lol taken from the far future and reality where everyone may be able to do it, due to the thousands of years of evolution, and then apply that onto the user :)

  • Knowledge and skill over psychic skills
  • You will also have an “army” of alien teachers, to help and teach you…
  • The Scholar Archetype also goes nice with it, so we added it to the combo as well, to complement and merge with other aspects, to set on a quest of knowing, learning, comprehending everything, or as much as possible!

The Scholar NFT

But not just a quest, I think we’ve come, to a point where it gets easily all downloaded to us, through the field, the end result the peak and embodiment of scholar archetype, its qualities, its knowledge the peak of scholar evolution consciousness would have. (similar to the idea of peak student/intellectual consciousness etc.)

And a lot more…


  • 5 appreciated additions, that were not a part of the combos, but we will add them as well:
  • A cool during sleep program:

listen to the audio while sleeping to get loads of knowledge, it will do it with a good sleep without the brain getting tired etc. But rather is getting the knowledge in full on!

Or have a mandala open/near while sleeping to actually learn/ get downloads while sleeping.

  • 1 Book per day Attunement

Just by owning this nft, you will also get connected to the collective pool of all the books written, and will receive knowledge, experience and understanding as if you perfectly read that book and got all the relevant and true information, knowledge from it.

All within a day, the books drawn will be the ones most relevant to you at the present moment, to build your knowledge further.

But you can also ask for specific ones.

This will expand and grow so that more than one book will be ‘read’ in a day.

  • Solidifying Woven Worlds: Learning and Knowledge

Something that will make learning effortless, through these woven worlds aspects.

  • Revision of Knowledge and as if we used this field our whole life.

What if we used this field all our life, you’ll get benefits of it.

As well as revision will be also more specifically applied to anything you try to learn, as if you were learning that your whole life, progressively until you’ve completely learned it, now focusing specifically on all that would be needed for that thing.

  • Universe Provides

Universe provides unique materials for new tools fir knowledge, learning and brain.

Captain creates the tools suited for this field.

We also ask the Universe to do them.

15 copies, Audio + Mandala

Thanks so much to @El_Capitan_Nemo !!!



one song comes to mind reading this…


Haha, interesting one :+1::muscle:

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Excellent work man

Look forward to getting a copy of this NFT hopefully

Big brain time :brain: :clinking_glasses:


:champagne: :clinking_glasses:


The music for this one… reminds me bit of Blueprint of Learning, but like “new journey” towards next destination!

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Ever so smooth, gentle, careful, yet evolving.

All in da brain

Instant positive mental vibes!

The State of Just Knowing.

The mental stimulations, so divine.

And the music… again… so celebrating!


This is the ultimate NFT for the mind, man the blissed out feeling with the audio is bar none the best.

Thank you Sniping broski, lol Zeno’s paradox no longer a paradox?


You got it?

Nice :fire::v:

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For those who wish some skill and knowledge, connecting to the field, try it.

Play the audio while looking at the nft you wish to connect with.

It provides nice and direct access to the nft :+1::muscle:.


Got the NFT, the audio music makes me feel like an intelligent scholar that wants to know everything about this world and cause life changing innovations


It’s so smooth on the brain bro, warm and silky lol.
Captain has crazy mixing game, so this with the perfect headphones…oh yeah.

Towards omniscience here we go!


For sure bro, and to believe this is limited edition and only a few of us got omniscience. About to be in the news: “Teachers raise their hand when they have question for this student”


I’m not the best with words, but I’m glad whatever path I indirectly took to acquiring this project.

Time to trek the knowledge maps.


Yip :clinking_glasses:

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Have been getting dreams, insights and realizations.
Also the feeling of interest in diving into informations is growing, learning and understanding more, the scholar mindset is strong


Same here, dreams became more vivid and meaningful to me.

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For me, can’t quite describe in words, but it’s the “knowingness” as in I am aware of things, information -past, present, future -



Nice observations!

From this intuitive knowing, I think everything should start becoming more and more logical and conscious as well.


Well, I am trying to learn a new language and writing or texting has been easy for me but when it came to speaking I sort of forget what I had to say or how to pronounce it with conviction. After listening to this for a few days, I noticed I was able to speak fluently and I was like “hol up”, I didn’t practice much of my speaking, it was like I intuitively knew.