The Omni God ~ đŸŒ© NFT {{||~~Omni Tour~~||}}

This is an epic combination of 2 Legends.

Consisting of

The whole Zeus NFT

And the whole The Godlike Fella NFT

To create something new, with bigger focus on the omni aspects to create:

The Omni God

In theory it is a blend of all this, unique in its own way!

The Omni Aspects are these:

now very possibly is that they’ll be independent of Zeus’ choice on which you’ll get even, as this is new Omni God

Then there will be all the Zeus archetypes, etc and what it represented in the nft
plus features we added in to the nft

Combined with the godlike alchemy

And this is what makes it really special, as it is really intense and direct and focused application on you!

With Audio and Mandala, 11 copies

Thank you so much @El_Capitan_Nemo !




:smiley: :slight_smile:


Exactly my sentiments lol


Love the mandala art on this one!


Original Image:


Is it on sale


A lot of good stuff in this one.

The Omni alchemies are so warm, comfortable and empowering at the same time.

And yeah the physical restoration is big, bigger than i expected, the omni godlike health and immortal energies doing its thing i guess, to bring in absolute vitality. Skin getting some cool gealing as well in effects, but it is also all felt throughout the whole body.

The things such as perfect mental and emotional states, as we had them in Zeus, are really strong as well, it cool breeze or a wave entered my mind and temoved all my worries and replaces it with something much closer to the peace of mind, if not fully it! Building up mental confidence, assurance and empowerement along the way.

And then the coolest part, the reason we are here today, the omni aspects merging with the godlike alchemyies, feel very satisfying.

And the alchemies of Zeus like powers, working directly on us, is pretty epic as well.

I am looking forward noticing how these all will affect me during day to day experiences, situations and in life in general.



Godlike Fella was already a powerhouse in feel and effects. The Omni God merges that with some extra special focussed goodness it feels like! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks @El_Capitan_Nemo and @Tikkun-Olam


Yep, just edited in what in theory and most likely in practice that goodness could be :slight_smile:


Yep, it nicely represents the field, when i look at it, it resonates quite a bit.


Been using this one quite a bit for the past days.

For to those who have it as well, I suggest you lie down, relax and get receptive for the energies that are changing and alchemising withing the deepest parts of you. Accept and don’t resist, in case these energies can appear a bit unknown for your energy, at first.


Yes this energy is very strong. My ears are buzzing with noise constantly and whole body is vibrating


Hey guys,
Where can i get a copy?

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Hey buddy, it was more of a private project, so not really that available.

So 11 people already snatched them? I don’t see 11 messages on this thread lol.

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Some in the private group are yet to snatch them :cowboy_hat_face:

But yah, ppl seem to be keeping the experiences for themselves, which is okay. :slightly_smiling_face:


Feeling more confident, happy and sociable with this one at my new job and extending that to the rest of my life. It seems like the physical exercise I do is more focussed and explosive, allowing myself to push the limit, without risking injuries. I’m sure there is a lot going on that I’m not aware of yet & it all working together. Sincerely feeling very lucky to have applied for this one at the right time.


Nice :muscle::+1:


Since I got this nft I am noticing gradual small changes in the path of my life that it is taking.
The field is carving a new path for me by moving me away from my previous one.
It is still early but I can say that it reminds me a bit of the best path of life version in this case but oriented towards the omni god road and lifestyle.
@Tikkun-Olam An invaluable enhancement for this existence i feel.


Oh yah, anything for that i think.

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