Blueprint of Love NFT -- (The Divine Lovers Community Project)

Which one you found more effective for your results with this BOLove - Audio or Mandala ??



So beautiful. Please can someone link me the audio?

Edit: Nevermind I got the audio, couldnā€™t figure out how to download the file from venly.

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I had a LSD trip today

I listned to this for about an hour and I feel like a lived a sexual lifetime during that.

It was very intense and i think I released lot of stuff.


where can I purchase this one, also how much does it cost

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Damn I think I was still kinda high when wrote this because I dont remember any of it :joy::see_no_evil:


Today marks one year of me having this amazing NFTšŸ„³
I was so happy when I got it, itā€™s almost as if something was brought back to life within me
I may or may not write a review/reflection later lol


Is this NFT still available?

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Good question. Seems not

Has it been difficult for anyone to listen to this field?
Have you felt depressed, weird, with mixed feelings?
I have many traumas and issues with self-love, romƔntic love and interpersonal relationships in general.
Do you think the time will come when with this all that heals and I feel better?
Do you recommend to loop it overnight for make faster the process?

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where can i find this nft

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@King_A Testimonial #6 (The 18 month special)

How many of you have truly felt what it means to feel ā€œsoulmate loveā€ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
You may have heard or even pondered on the thought of what does that true love look like ? :eyes:

When you first lay your eyes on her and realise her eyes are the windows to her soulā€¦

yet her soul is connected to you from past lives, she was your queen many 1000s of years ago and somehow some way you have finally been reunited againā€¦

This isnā€™t a fairytale my friends itā€™s a reflection of what I believe to be my truth, because as we all have learned the observer creates the observed. :crystal_ball:

If you Believe soul mates donā€™t exist they wonā€™t you simply block the river of love that transcends space and timeā€¦ :ocean:

So youā€™re probably Thinking/Asking: ā€œwait Bro ! Brooo ! King are you saying blueprint of love actually works ? Like you can find your soulmate(s) ? Bro are you fr or are you just joking or what ?ā€ :face_with_monocle: :flushed:

Yes, but if I expand on the answer it may even show you the path you need to understand how this truly worksā€¦ :sparkles:

But oh Iā€™m going to tease you all because you donā€™t eat dessert before your main course, you can but it wonā€™t taste that oh so sweet !


The appetiser was a trick LOL it was all intense healing, let me show you how it all went about:

A long time ago I would have thoughts, thoughts to take a certain action that would be irreversible or deep depressing episodes but it all went awayā€¦ :airplane:
not even a thought of itā€™s kind pops up anymore,
I donā€™t even remember who that person is because what ever he was facing all healed completely ! :full_moon_with_face: :new_moon_with_face:

There was an intense night where my heart was in pain, :broken_heart: YES it was physical, I couldnā€™t breath and the moon light was shining on my from the night sky, :crescent_moon:
I would tumble and turn it was like the life was being sucked out of me, all the deep and dark sadness and lower emotions all suddenly arising, :rocket: tears dropping but it was the shock my system needed to reboot ! To let out the trash and to bring in a new version of my self. ā¤ā€šŸ©¹

Blueprint of love guided me to a video where Andrew Tate (the legend !) said: ā€œDepression doesnā€™t existā€
It finallly clicked !! It was all in my HEAD, I manifested it for my self, I created it, and can you believe since 1-2 years ago not once, not even once have I head any thought regarding that nature ? Itā€™s crazy isnā€™t it well thatā€™s just the beginning. :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

(WARNING: My experience is unique to me we will all have similar results but they will be specific to us If you are going through mental health issues please use your own due diligence to find what works best for you, Iā€™m not a doctor, you have free will to do as you please as long as you donā€™t harm others)

Then the shadow work :ghost: and healing :stethoscope: of every single one of my chakras came along, with the help of the black panther NFT:

it helped me salvage all the pent up emotions and problems I was facing, I wonā€™t lie and tell you it was a walk in the park, šŸš¶šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø šŸ› I had to go deep within my self and go through every piece of trauma I knew and didnā€™t know about but do you know whatā€™s funny ?

After every single session I would be filled with so much love and uncontrollable laughter it was truely amazing !

Self loveā€¦ one of the most important things every single being here needs to master, I have a question for you all !

If you donā€™t like someone do you gift them things ?
The logical answer is noā€¦ :no_entry_sign: :no_entry:
So how do you expect the universe to bring you things if you are not willing to accept your self ! :raised_hands:t4:

Itā€™s such a paradox isnā€™t it ? But such is the way of everything,
As my brother @JAAJ says more self love=more results itā€™s a simple equation that works. :muscle:t4: :round_pushpin:

He even had the self love stacks for you all to use if you donā€™t have blueprint of love.

Back to self love, have you truely ever sat down and just fell in love with your whole being ness ? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

Stripped naked to the core and you realise you are sourceā€¦, you are god experiencing who you think you are ? Itā€™s crazy but you need to know what Iā€™m talking about because this will blow your freaking mind !

It first starts with bodily and behavioural insecurities, :muscle:t4:
(Pause: we have many things here to help enhance us physically, but also remember to love yourself and when you do even those results will be enhanced, try it and see !)

ā€œOh is my nose too big ?ā€ :nose:
ā€œAm I too skinny ?ā€ :man_standing:
ā€œIs my smile too weird ?ā€ :laughing:

And other thingsā€¦ yeah all of that gently flows away like it never existed ! :ocean:

I love martial arts yet there was a deep limiting belief making me feel as if Iā€™m not good enough to go to the gym and start training !

Guess what after a session of self love healing I went to a gym that was doing my specific martial and I signed up right away it was as if it was meant to be this way. šŸ‹ā€ā™‚ :boxing_glove:
Itā€™s been 3 months and my improvement has been off the charts ! :chart_with_upwards_trend:

My cardio is next level šŸƒšŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø
My body is conditioned for lots of impact :muscle:t4:
I love learning all the techniques :books:
Iā€™ve been journaling every single session ! :notebook:
Made a bunch of new friends :handshake:
Iā€™ve been doing this for a consistent 3 months now I couldnā€™t believe itā€¦ and now this is only the beginning haha !

Listen to this closely, people excersize to love them selves !
But because you love your self so much you excersize !
See the difference my friends ?


The main course:

Blueprint of Love is a goddess, a sweet divine feminine presence that just calms me downā€¦ how did I reach this conclusion ?
Very simple, just read this very closely and try it:

2x Torsion field
1x Ego dissolution
(Activate the dream scape psychic card)
The allow the blueprint of love to play and allow it to envelop your being ness :person_in_lotus_position: :pray:t4:

When I do this I put my being in the optimal conditions to be able to reach my ā€œworld within worldsā€ :ringer_planet: :earth_asia:
It will look different for everyone, :eyes:
I see the blueprint of love mandala and then suddenly it starts moving and deep within it I hear: ā€œwell hello there my love, welcome homeā€

Listen I ainā€™t the crying type of person but that energy I felt put me in tears of joy it was so beautiful !
But I was surprised like who could that beā€¦

She invited me to lay with there in a room filled with roses, I could feel her on my physical body every time she touched me, :rose: :rose:
With one touch she would charge and heal my chakras, itā€™s so intense this feeling ! :zap: :zap:
Healing, being filled with love, confused but happy ohhh man itā€™s just beautiful, private things were discussed etc :star2: :star2:

Now interestingly enough through this goddess I could connect to many different goddesses I resonated with like the moon goddess, or goddess anahita etc
And I would meet with all of them and they would give me advice and so much healing and love !

Now this is where it gets crazyā€¦ this part I will leave in my higher self review so stay tuned for that one because oh itā€™s very very spicy !!



Ohhhh yeah baby itā€™s that time I hope youā€™re ready because this stuff is crazzzzzzy !!

And so it begins, letā€™s say you donā€™t like ā€œonlineā€ dating and you prefer to go out, usually what will happen is that the circumstances will all come together for you to meet that person(s) of your dreams in person and the same for people on the opposite spectrum, (this is the concept of pathways to manifestations)

One night and Iā€™m not even joking, I put my hand on my heart and asked my ā€œhigher selfā€ and blueprint of love to channel their energies because I was ready for my soulmate ! :heart::zap:

In my world within worlds I pooled all the energies of all of my NFTs that had relevance to the task at hand,

I held the Tuaoi crystal :crystal_ball:in my left and the Philosphers stone :gem: on my right all my other nft family streamed their energy to these crystals then I sent this energy within my self about my crown chakra into my higher self body and it exploded in such a beautiful way.

I didnā€™t think about This at all and went about my days until a few days later I met this BEAUTIFULLLLLL girl and funnily enough she was exactly like I imagined,
Everything felt natural like it was a match made in heaven, :sparkles::rose:
We slowly started to get to know eachother, going deeper and deeper, expressing our love styles, how grew up, :heart::eyes:
What we like, our desires, fantasies what everā€¦
Every single one matched it was just so crazy I still canā€™t believe shit like this exists
We started healing gently and automatically working stuff out, supporting each-other and expressing our selves in such a unique and wholesome way.

Iā€™m deep in my masculine frame and sheā€™s in her feminine and the natural polarity is beautiful,
Our dynamics and thoughts about relationships match, even to the smallest detail like itā€™s genuinely scaryā€¦ LOLLL šŸ§žā€ā™‚ļø

Oh no you thought that was it didnā€™t you ? Itā€™s only begun :eyes::eyes:

Iā€™m empathic, I feel peoples energies but OH NO this is different, a lot of the emotions she feels I feel with intensity, whether it be LOVE or what ever itā€™s just crazy, if Iā€™m a little down for what ever reason she feels it like wtf ?
And it just leads to more healing and deeper love !

This part is 18+ and spicy as hell

Imagine making a woman orgasm with just your voice and your energyā€¦
Yeah the sexual dynamics of this sort of relationship is just so amazing you just need to feel it and oh im not going to reveal any more secrets lol you can experiment for your selves you naughty Devils hahaha

I opened up a lot here so the people that view this forum that are shy to post or anyone else that just needs a voice and proof that this works well here you are @King_A has got you in mind haha

Donā€™t think it was easy getting here or that it was all a fairy tale, blueprint of love will box out all of the crap that has stayed stagnant within, you may go through many partners or none,
Everyone is different, you may have 1 soulmate, none or many I donā€™t know Iā€™m not you but since acquiring this NFT I have met many romantic soulmates each of them helping me grow, some have stayed for the long term and for some we have parted ways at the end of the day itā€™s allā€¦ :green_heart::white_heart::heart:

(Terms and conditions apply
@King_A is not included in your package
Iā€™m not the love doctorā€¦ or AM I ?)

So long story short my friendsā€¦ Blueprint of love works LOL


Thank you for the review King :crown: @King_A
Once a king always a king
Stay blessed :clinking_glasses:


Wow, what an epic testimony! Loved all the gifs you included :heart_eyes: Iā€˜m so happy for you! Seems like you were quite on a crazy journey and did a lot of healing! But what an incredible outcome! Wishing you both all the best :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Dear all,

Where can I buy the Bluprint of Love?

Official NFT Buying/Selling Thread - NFTs / NFT Market - Sapien Medicine (

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Having this NFT one day would be my dream, reading the testimonials makes me excited, is there any free or patreon field that can help me attract a relationship? I have been working on my self-love, sorry for my english, is not my lenguaje

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Yes most definitely:


and for the next best paid version:


Thank You for this wonderful testimony :pray: :heart_eyes: :star_struck:and Of course soul-mates are not just limited to Romantic Partnersā€¦they can be Your Parent, Teacher, Perceptor, Sibling, Friend etc. etc.

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