Blueprint of Love NFT -- (The Divine Lovers Community Project)

Man I’m feeling high on love tbh. I literally just told this to my group members.

I have to find a way to stop floating lol


I’m very happy to have this one too, and I’ve also been going through a lot of what you shared… but reading your post for some reason really amped everything up a lot just now, wow…

That is some transmission


Perhaps we’re noded already


Oh is Captain noding this one??

EDIT: I wasn’t in the original BoL group, so there’s probably a lot about this piece I don’t know about


Our hearts




@King_A Testimonial #3

We think we realise everything at times, and then we realise there is so much more to everything… :infinity:

You think you’ve realised and healed everything about yourself, but you realise there is more to you… Yes you ! Yes the one reading this :eyes:

Since my last testemonial so much has changed, so much has become clearer it’s like the “light” was shining on me :bulb::sparkles:

What do you mean King ?

There are certain limitations set by us and by our surroundings, and my being was being primed to go through “changes”

Yeah and trust me I got “Tested” for my testimonial :memo:

I realised all my life I was bleeding, not by my blood, not metaphorically but energetically !
All that creative energy, all that life force energy was being taken unconsciously without realising what was going on… we wonder why we can’t manifest or why we don’t “Feel”
I ask you to understand where is your vital sexual energy going ? :zap:

The same energy that creates a child, from birth we get slowly brainwashed to think certain ways and follow certain actions like a sheep herd mentality,
And then we wonder why we have the same “results” as everyone else. :man_scientist:t4:

Those things you do when your alone (I’ll keep this PG for the sake of being polite :pray:t4:) has the same problems as if you were addicted to heroin,
I was wondering to my self why are a lot of people on this forum “depressed”
We don’t talk about it because we think it makes us less than,
no one wants to show it we all have masks we put on but I saw it and see it, :performing_arts:

Those “flat lines” those messed up dopamine levels, They take time to heal man and trust me having a support group is so important !

All my life I’ve had the lone wolf mentality, up until now I’ve been self sufficient and done everything by my self, because I’ve been stabbed in the back and left for dead more times than I can count, :dizzy_face:
And after a while you attract it more and more because “believe” that’s who you are
You believe your a person that “is going to be betrayed all the time” so you you keep to your self, you limit your self :brick:

Let me go deeper… someone called me an “onion”
And I looked at them with this exact face :face_with_monocle::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I asked: “what do you mean ?”

They told me: “you have many beautiful layers to your personality”

I went deeper into this and saw how many different sides there were to me,
-The funny and always energetic side
-The aggressive and ready for war with you and all your crew side
-The very caregiving and gentle side with makes everyone calm and comfortable enough to tell you the things they don’t tell anyone else

And millions more you don’t have time to read :face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy:

Since I healed the area that was bleeding, it’s like all these sides have had healthy ways to express them selves when they are needed to, my inner child laughs and dances with me all the time,
When I go outside I’m not ready for “war” I don’t care about fighting, because where I’m from it’s a different “vibe” :person_fencing:🥷

The warm and fun energy I have expressed it’s self so much more, I don’t feel embarrassed to be my self or act a certain way,
The things I was failing in suddenly restarted,
Business opportunities flowing in like it’s a river. :national_park:

It’s like this: “Bleeding no more I have healed, the sacred energy starts to flow within,
Prosperity and abundance start to move the gold,
Behold the king has found his throne,
Legends of the time were told,
For this day has come to uphold the world”

Here enters The king

Blueprint of love is no joke, :clown_face:
I’m healing on all levels and I haven’t begun to say most of what has happened…

This is only the beginning our time is now :crown:


I second all that you discovered, for it is also my way.

After taking the energy course last year i noticed those things you write about…also the question that i dont manage having normal energy level because of my anxiety because of the negativity of the world because of my country, education, rasing, because of heavy traumas of my lower chakras when i was a child and teeneager.

All things that thought me to be with low head, calm and so on. All the betrayal, disapointment, missunderstanding, all the self blame …the upmost order from…how knows… constantly to change your skin for the others…just to survive and not be completely alone… the lack of any real power…self made because of trying to cope with the negativity of this world…

not to mention the pollution, active of the enviroment…all the summonings of the elite and so on…

Ya, the way is to heal all wounds and see where the road leads you from there…

Happy healing dear @King_A !


That was beautiful to read.

And congratulations

We are all a little fragile but healing is for the braves :muscle: you get through the process feeling at times like you are going through hell…

And then you see people running away at that point, and you ask yourself… if im going through hell, why would I stop there? Why would i run back to were it all began?

You keep pushing forward until one day the new you is ready to shine.

All the big processes go through darkness before a new anything better and bigger is born.



Hi guys , I just bought this NFT from the venyl platform . The audio is imbued in the NFT itself . So how do I download the audio field to my phone so I can stack it up with sapien’s other fields ? Sorry guys I’m still so noob in this , I need and appreciate all your help .


I’m not sure if there’s an official way.

I’ve created a folder that has the audio for you to download: Dropbox - NFT files - Simplify your life

Let me know when you have it so I can close the link.


Welcome!!! :tada::tada::tada::tada::heart::heart::heart:


The music is amazing :star_struck:. And while listening ,I’m feeling some pressure at both sides of the temples of my head ….is that normal ? I feel that it might be doing some kinda change immediately internally


Also I decided to get this for the enticing feature of clearing my chronic fatigue , I saw the benefitting feature listed of this NFT, replenishing of the treasures and tejas and all and in turn a good bodily health also . So excited , can’t wait for that to kick into fruition in the very near future . Thanks guys :blush:


Please share results :pray:


I have yet to write a testimonial(coming soon) but I noticed the alcohol thing too, it’s like it makes me physically sick. I was wondering what had changed since that started to happen and it was me starting to use this NFT.


Oh crap, I wasn’t aware the alcohol thing was from this NFT.

Even one drink seems to leave me with a hangover now. On the positive side, definitely helps me save money and reduces brain damage.


Yes I’m on an extended alcohol break now and not sure if I’ll return


Moving forward, the previous owner should send the audio to the new owner


Just a mini testimonial on just one of the so many aspects of this most amazing NFT – the Heart Chakra becoming your main chakra – related to these NFT features:

Since having it, I have felt that my Heart Chakra has been ever growing and growing on an almost daily basis.

I have the feeling that it can grow so strong that one day I will be able to embrace and encapsulate the whole planet with the love energy emanating from it :white_heart:.

It is as if the love energy can become so strong that it will overshadow and pierce any negativity or low vibe state from any person in a radius of many kilometers around me.

This whole Heart Chakra effect became even much stronger today since having looped Point of No Return which has freed me from even more blockages.

But this also still requires me to have a ton of energy. Therefore, I am now looping Ojas Marrowed + Major Blueprint of Power for at least 1 hour every day :v:

Wearing the Acsension tag might contribute as a booster to the whole process here too.