Brain Growth Work

Sorry, be very careful with statements like this no need for autism/dementia audios or brain regeneration/massage right? @ryantraveling
Even though I rarely use them (as in, they are not in a stack, ocasionally I do - imagine at the end of a long day of looping them, plus working, studying, visualizing, writing, exercising…etc…)

As for stack, something along these lines:

  • Acetylcholine
  • Enpp6 Enzyme
  • BDNF
  • tDCS and NGF
  • Superhuman Genius
  • Cognitive Enhancement
  • Brainwork
  • Enhanced Brain Hemisphere
  • Creativity
  • Quasi Crystal ( honorable mention to Mrs BronyRawr @Bronyraur :wink:)
  • Ancestral Knowledge.

AS the day progresses, I usually remove bdnf, enpp…keeping the other ones.

Quasi and Ancestral are new editions.

Keep in mind that I am using the IPF tag, and currently also the SLR.
So, the results might be largely different from yours.

I mean to say that the above might be too much, or severely impair you. So always check how your processing power is going. If you feel you need to hear other audios, such as autism, sclerosis, parkinson etc, please do once in a while…

Edit: I’m also awaiting the CE tag. That is when the real party will start.


Does anyone know the difference between Brain Growth Work and Enhance Brain Hemisphere Connectivity (and even the ADHD for prefrontal lobe)? Sounds similar? Has anyone one tried both and the difference?

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You listen 4-5 times a day?

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Let’s keep this forum free of any imposed judgement and personal biases. We are sharing our differences for the purposes of seeing unity in validating them.
Garlic just is. Good or bad is a matter of perception. Perception is based on a belief and expectation that is purely programmed by personal experience of the perceiver. Observe, share and enjoy the growth. No need to limit or restrict the pipe of collective flow with unnecessary resistance trying to justify “what is” . Everyone sees and experiences their own “what is”. This is the journey about new discoveries, growth and expansion. Thanks for sharing.


Borisju- Recommend listening to this is 1-2 times a day OR every other day. It’s not a good idea to overdo. If u want fast results just listen everyday consistently. Over listening could cause overheating of the brain, bloodshot eyes, that is my subjective experience.


i have noticed alot of brainfog from this audio and it makes my vision very unfocused, super weird, but other then that i feel like my brain is on steroids


Its a good idea to supplement with extra brain specific nutrition.

Remember, all these things also use up resources from your body, if your diet isn’t providing enough, you will start to feel a ‘taxed’ effect.


Can you suggest what extra brain nutrition to use for this field?


Extra strength Ginkgo
Huperzine A
Acrtyl-L carnitine

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Do you know any other foods for this?

Why is the description cut?



Originally this was made in order to conduct a study using EEG measurements and a public group.
While promising, we were unable to finalize the study, due to Covid safety precautions.
So the audio is presented as is for your use.
We may use it for the study as long as there aren’t anymore restrictions or use a brand new creation.
This a combination of a few fields that works for enhancing the hemisphere connections along with electrical stimulation, BNDF and Nerve growth factor directly to the targeted areas.
The same combination is also used to enhance the functioning of the frontal lobes. This works on the corpus callosum and frontal lobes (prefrontal + frontal lobes).
Scientists have found that humans had the largest total frontal cortex volume in any of the primates, so the claim is that it may be what gives us an evolutionary advantage.
But there isn’t a consensus of agreement on that.
The corpus callosum helps with the communication between the two hemispheres, a better connected brain will help produce a more defined ‘whole brain’ functioning and reasoning.
Einstein’s corpus callosum circularity is significantly larger than that of the elderly control group and slightly smaller than that of the younger group.
Perhaps here you can begin to see the significant role it has with reasoning and intelligence.
This audio is 15 mins long, use once or twice a day or every other day
Take proper breaks and nutrition as well


Can anyone with the cognitive enhancement tag speak on how the brain grow work audio compares?

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I got the cognitive tag as I don’t have the time to add more audios. I’m hoping the (semi) constant exposure will make up for the lack of brain fields


I just got a few tags and I’m going to wait another 3-6 months to get any more. I want to get acclimated to the tags I already have and then use the audios for the ones I don’t until I get the tag. I think by prefacing my energy system with audio equivalents prior to wearing the tag should help the energies of the tag flow much better when it’s time to actually wear it.

The cognitive tag does sound really awesome tho! Are your thoughts quicker? Do you put together concepts or ideas any faster?


I only ordered yesterday (along with IPF), so still waiting just like you :smile: I did get the conceptual audio as well and feel some pressure in my brain lol so I think those 3 will go well together. I reckon they’re more longer term endeavours, but I’m willing to make the investment

Good idea btw, priming your energy for the tags


Omega-3 fatty acids and Hericium erinaceus support neurogenesis and are compatible with most people, as far as brain-specific nutrition goes.

(along with various foods, vitamins and minerals)


@Captain_Nemo you renamed the audio

“The Roots of Reasoning”


This would include eggs, Salmon, meat, fruits, veggies that contain minerals and nutrients. Salmon contains lots of omega-3 fatty acids.


Couldn’t help notice it as well. Is it the same audio or has their been an update?