Brain Guild General discussion

So I did my first clinical today at the hospital, shit was amazing but a little nervous, we got to do vital signs, kinda struggled cuz it’s my first time? I had a question, I do have exp potion but what do you guys recommend for those motor and on hand skills for fields to assist

Free - NGF 1 hour daily as it targets whole body, there must be many NFTs to help, but I’m not versed in these.

I feel like I kinda lack common sense somewhat, it takes me much longer to get the basics down for motor skills like taking manual blood pressure and stuff than the usual, im gonna keep practicing but I am somewhat trying, lecture wise im doing pretty good

If you guys are so smart answer this

Is water wet?

Is looping CC giving you such thoughts?



In all honesty, CC made me realise that guns arnt bad, their amazing. Somewhere in the back of my head i knew that the founding fathers of america gave people Guns, never understood why. But now i do understood, they thought to themselfs, what is one way to ensure that all people get guns, its by giving them the right to stand up for themselfs

its to ensure their freedom, its what gives the people power, and CC has made me reaise that a government should be scared of the people it governs, freedom and the ablilty to work should always be a right, no matter the advancements of AI. I would even go as far as saying that i would much rather perfer a workforce of truck drivers, rather then robots, even if robots are safer

CC, made my sense of Justice skyroket


The brainmaniacs shall own the fleet of trucks.

I’m looping CC, since the description was updated, about 16hrs I guess.

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Bro all the brainics need to learn code and group up, we will become unstoppable

what did u want to say @daou u was typing for longer XD

If only i looped CC more, i would know

I’m at work, someone popped on my desk while I was typing.

You’d have to loop CB for it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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What CB, conceptual Bullshit? lol

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“Whats brain field should i buy”
“Should i wait for a sale”
“Does white matter raise your IQ”

Is water Wet, am asking the important questions over here

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you are seasoned brainiac yourself…so :zipper_mouth_face:

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I am noticing a brain pump at a specific part of my brain. The middle side of the right side of my brain is reacting during and after listening to some fields Would be cool to figure out what that part is. It feels the temporal lobe and parietal lobe gets stimulated more so than the rest. I am also noticing some pumps at the parietal and temporal lobe at the left side ocasionally, but not as much as on the right side. I am noticing some pumps on the occipital lobe and a bit on the frontal lobe too.

question, are ya’ll actually studying something or sitting there attempting to extract meaning/knowledge on your own with the help with of the fields or just listen and expect changes?

haha, cause the same way i don’t use muscle audios if I’m not going to the gym to workout might be the same way i use these audios.

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I am studying socal anthroplogy. I am a first year in a university. Taking a bachelor thing.

I think using them regardless is good if one studies or not. There are still some stuff one does that trains oneself cognitively like passively remembering things and conversations, but even if one was trapped in solitary confinement with nothing to do then I would rather listen to fields.

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A lot of us are in college or university so I think a good chunk of us are by default.

I think everyone could study the brain some more though and would receive great benefit. Especially here.


Have you ever gotten brain pumps at a specific part?

If the field says it “stimulates a specific lobe” then you’d be getting that pump in a specific area.

Like mathematical madness for example.