Brain Guild General discussion

In the end, IQ tests are just numbers on a paper.

Who gives a shit if they say 120 or 200, what counts is the output you achieve. You don’t want the label of being intelligent, you want the benefits and abilities.

Especially when you take into account conceptual thinking, esp etc.


God damn it, Gump! You’re a god damn genius! This is the most outstanding answer I have ever heard. You must have a goddamn I.Q. of 160. You are goddamn gifted, Private Gump.

For real though


IQ and Intelligence in the common sense don’t really matter and no one really cares.

Except for when they use the “high IQ” label in order to make money, lol.

The only thing that matters are the actual real life results – and it terms of spiritual development, how many concepts you have realized in your mind.

Intelligence is a tool, not the end goal to be proud of.

But so many “high IQ” people use this label as a cope:

“We are not rich or spiritual, but at least we have XYZ degree and know the biographies of 25 different philosophers.”


The life results are either there or they are not.
That’s all that matters.

Plus, whether you have a good heart :wink:

In the end, that matters even more than the “life results”.
Or the love that you have spread while being incarnated IS the main result…


lol I was watching gunp recently haven’t finished it yet,

But ur comment has a deeper message too, lol. U thought u was sneaky


But it can be interesting to test the evolution and increase of IQs “objectively” :slight_smile:

If you do take a before and after, please share with us

IQ tests do feel limited for those focusing on big picture understanding and concepts. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun to measure simple things

If you really take a before and after, that would be cool :+1:

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Yes, results are what matters, anything else is just ego boosting.

There are drawbacks to being highly intelligent too (both, conceptual/classic IQ traits), it makes you hyperaware of yourself…well for some of us thats a plus :stuck_out_tongue:

Funnily, now that I´ve been taking a break from MM, I see my increase of intelligence relative to my surroundings, but I don´t feel like it as much, bc its integration highlights my weaknesses too, even more than the psychic fields already did on their own. I know people who are “dumb” by traditional measurements, but make more money, have better relationships and live an overal happier life than most others. For their incarnational setup, that might just be optimal.

I was hesitant to invest in it, but my HS had me pull the trigger to build a more well rounded toolset, and man I´m glad I did. The benefits nicely complement the psychic fields, while boosting them directly and indirectly. It´s also alot of fun lol. The focus, mental/visual clarity alone would be a reason for me to buy it again, felt like an entirely different being from the first day on.

I believe that surfaces on its own with enough healing actually, but MM definetly helped me to “grow up”, mature more, alongside the other modalities I´m using.

Once you´ve truly experienced the interconnectedness of everything, there is no going back to separation thinking. I mean you can try to fight it, I know I did, but there´s no going back at this point lol.

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See I don’t want to find out my current IQ because I don’t want it to become a limiting belief if that makes sense…

I’m very interested in having a high IQ just for the amazing job others and university offers and currently being 17 having an official IQ of like 170+ sounds like a massive boost at this point in life!

Personally more interested in other brain abilities for spiritual and personal progression though so I do agree IQ isn’t all that

I will do IQ test some time next year I can imagine for the forum so others can be inspired by it and I think others should do that…


I wouldn’t score well on stuff like progressive matrices, so don’t want to check either :slightly_smiling_face:

Background Story for Context:
So earlier this year, the limitation of my intelligence became so apparent to me that I started looking for ways to be more intelligent. I was studying insurance, and it would be like I read and reread the same sentences/paragraphs multiple times and not really remember or understand what I just read. So I would spend hours studying and the information basically just would not stick. Honestly so lucky because when I took the major tests I would pass right on the dot, if the passing grade is 70% for a 170 questions test, I would get exactly 70% changing 2 answers right before I submit it because my intuition came in clutch (I prayed beforehand too lol I knew I needed the help). But even after getting my licenses there are tons of studying and in the insurance field, being knowledgeable is very important to actually be of service to others and I felt very lacking even after spending many hours in studying.

Knowing myself is my main focus and my friend that taught me my current process told me multiple times that I’m not applying intelligence to understanding what I’m doing and with the effort and time that I’m putting in I could’ve been way past where I’m currently at.

The logic is that if I get smarter I can spend less time doing more materially and spiritually so I started digging in the brain threads. I actually had Manhattan Method back when it first came out but after about 1 month of playing 3 times a day with no boosters, I stopped playing it because I had unrealistic expectations. I actually stopped using all fields other than the NFTs and even the NFTs I just wore them passively occasionally meditating with them for essentially the whole 2023 and beginning of 2024 because I gave myself to the other processes I was doing.

I started reading through the brain threads towards the end of March. Funny because the last straw was my older brother told me he had taken an actual IQ test years ago and got around 140 so we did the simplified Mensa IQ test with the whole family and mine came out to be the lowest amongst my siblings at 107. That was on March 26, and on the 27th I bought OM, WM, CC, and started looping it with MM lol. I set a goal for myself to commit to the looping grind for at least 3 months, aiming for 500-700 hours for MM and CC (inspired by @Jojo). Then I’m gonna take that IQ test again to see the before and after.

Progress Report:
So today’s 5/8 and I just passed the 500 hours mark for MM and CC will get there in 4 days, I also picked up ABP and CB at the flash sale and im at around 260 hours for CB, I’m also looping quite a few other brain fields but not recording hours anymore because I don’t feel how many hours are important, whether I have the results that I’m satisfied with is what matters. I am probably gonna keep prioritizing MM, CC, and CB for at least 2-3 more months because I feel there’s so much more to get from them.

The results that I’ve observed so far (have not taken a break yet) is that my ability to understand things has gotten much better. I will read materials that I’ve previously read and pick up at least 4x the things I got before and have the clarity of what I need from it (I was like, how did I not pick up those important bits before? Crazy). My intuition is much heightened, many times I want something a thought will come and I know exactly where to look whether information or physical objects. One of the best thing I got is having the clarity of what needs to be done. Many concepts that I’ve learned previously that I know are important are finally clicking. While I am using many other tools simultaneously that I know are contributing to my progress as a whole, I know these brain fields are doing their jobs wonderfully. :+1: :pray:

So I’m thinking of picking up at least 1 more booster either BK or SS possibly both to maximize my gains and WT my next purchase. If I had to pick one booster, I’m leaning more towards SS what y’all think?


Loved reading this man :+1: I’d say bk personally and wt is definitely one to pick up it’s great


Thanks bro, I was leaning towards SS because I was thinking I can use Superhuman Genius in BK’s place until I get it and OM has the healing. Why BK I love to hear your thoughts on it. :pray:

Well superhuman genius has only one part of bk I think you would notice the difference but whatever you feels right for you man

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This this this. Choosing intelligence fields and stacks moves best in lockstep with actual real life projects and aspirations you want to bring to the world.

That said, I appreciate the young folks in here building up their brains in school, incubating for futures they may not have fully figured out yet.

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So I’m looking to add a dedicated MP3 player with a brain-only playlist to my arsenal. Because 6 months (at 3 plays per day), while reasonable, for solidification of what seems to be the first peak of assimilation… sounds so much better when it’s 1 month or less.

The limit of endurance for brain fields seems to be the normal 2 for fields plus the brain (I see and believe I understand the overlap, e.g. energetic system translates through nervous, nervous includes brain, etc, but just bare with me):

Energetic System - in terms of wholeness, blockages, and overall amount of energy (e.g. I noticed my endurance shot through the roof on normal fields once I added a “grounding break” 3x a day between playlists that included Jing/Chi/Unconditional love from Flow and standard dumps/grounding of excess energy.)

Nervous System - In terms of development, blockages, and overall sheathing. Your Energetic Being as a tag seems to help here, tremendously, plus a few plays throughout the day.

Brain - And this is where I’m trying to wrap my head around the new limits. Obviously there’s overgrowth/axon pruning which should be mostly handled by Plasma Brain of Youth as Dr. Manhattan has said his own approaches add to the burn even if they solve the overgrowth. There’s Omega 3/6’s. But what else?

In a hypothetical world where you COULD loop a 1 hour playlist 24 times (in an effort to get 6 months of integration down to less than a month) a day, what would be precautions or things of note to make sure you were supplying to your body/brain/nervous system/energetic system?


To further my previous question, I looked at Dr. M’s last stack I could find from Feb '23 and did some calculations in a spread sheet:

It’s not properly labelled because it’ll probably go through a ton of revisions. My questions are:

  • Is Superhuman Genius still relevant and does anything else mimic/replace it?
  • For the number of times everyone’s claimed PBoY trumps all, that’s a lot of Autism at the end of the playlist, why is that?
  • I’m sure nobody has hard numbers and every individual experiences boosting differently, but what kind of force multiplier are we looking at with Boosters (e.g. acetyl, shg, etc)?
  • Does supplying a large amount of Shen help offset some of the boosting needs?

As it stands from Dr. M’s playlist, on the max time recommendations per day, but at 7 days a week, you could get your 540 plays (3 plays a day * 6 months) in roughly 22 days if you passively listened 24 hours a day.

  • That’s without knowing, or even being able to guess at, the efficiency increase from boosting
  • That’s assuming you’re attempting to integrate the exact same fields I am, and attempting to integrate them all at once

If I’m wrong anywhere on numbers, or in assumptions I’ve made, please let me know, and thanks!


I softened it. These recommendations were not my maximum. Even at that time I was using brain fields 24-7. Sometime boosting-wiring non-stop for 3-4 days of brain pump before plasma brain and it was never for 5h unless I accidentally slept with it.

For context, I wasn’t always “Dr Manhattan: the brain guy”, I was not a mod or anything, just a stranger advising what was at the time considered extreme. In fact more than once someone else would come and say it was nonsense and warning others to not listen to me as the descriptions would say 2-3 times max not 2-3 hours (I was still downplaying my real usage).

Nowadays, 1. the mainstream stacks are not only more powerful and with relatively few and far between no side-effects (relatively) 2. Most of us are using 3 devices at least.

Less side effects, more looping and that’s how it evolved.

Going old school 24/7 is doable, I used to, but it takes a toll on your body and your mind. I wouldn’t be able to go back mentally and maybe physically.

Side effects went from 1 year of muscle spasm making sleep very hard and unnerving, fried digestive system and tired intestines. Mood swings and depression, non stop tiredness and bunch more. (hence also why I would downplay my recommendations to a safer level).

That’s context.

Today, yes. We use brain key instead. Then there is snapping synapses, Manhattan 8k and opus Manhattan.

The newer boosters includes side effects protections, healing, energy boosts, autism prevention (autism or overgrowth is no longer a thing anyone is worried about).


Overgrowth, grounding, healing.
I always recommended to know your body and brain to not rely on duration but on condition. To listen less if you needed less.

A lot, but also no side effects.
Except being tired I guess lol
Or up to a point, because 3-4 devices 24/7 creates new unanticipated side effects after a couple weeks.

Time Shen-maxing is time not boost-maxing or wire-maxing. But if that’s your thing, go with it.

I imagine that there is a good deal of variation amongst brainiacs. Each with his own twists and turns.

Quantifying things might feel good, but at the end of the day, experience beats it. Either you use the free one because that’s all you got or you can afford the premium and go with it.

Analyzing things to death won’t change the equation, just give the illusion of control and improvement.

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I couldn’t go down like Shawn from Shawn’s crazy experiments. Lmao

Old timers will remember that guy.

Anyway, just know that you can do a lot without premium fields. But it’s the old school hardcore way that build character, not for everyone. For the special crazy ones and it’s unlikely to bring as much reward as guys on easy mode with comfy next gen boosters even if they don’t spam as much as you do.

Some people complain about being tired and “fried” on the most premium, easiest, safest path. So, keep that in mind.

I wouldn’t recommend 3 devices of spamming old boosters that had no protections included.

PS: We now have healing fields for nervous system that will do the trick and we also have the gastrointestinal specialist. It fixed my stomach and intestines. The nervous system healing one’s fixed the muscle spasm.

So I guess it would be easier to go old school+ today.


Now tri looping. SLR3.0 on one phone, BK,WM+M8K on another, MM,DM,Babel on the third. Plus Tejas and quasi kinetic aura as mandalas for support.

I left it last time but no excuses now


what are some new playlist recommendations for those who only have access to free audios?🥲i mean i have a big exam in few months so i really wanna spam everything so i wouldn’t regret it in future( i already feel so sad for not having the premium ones)
but on the other side studying for long hours is draining itself so i’m worried and i overthink a lot to the point that i can’t make a final playlist to stick to it
i just read the forum’s posts over and over again lol