Brain Guild General discussion

haha just got BK, SS, and WT. Wealth Generation ++ just keeps giving lolll. Time to go to the next level!

Also noticed significant difference in my capabilities after silencing the mind, intuition shot up like crazy.


This combo seems unstoppable (simultaneous play) for creative manifestation / focused work:

Productivity Powerhouse ā€” drives your brain into a productive headspace.

Opus ā€” optimizes and enhances learning as you hit flow states.

Creativity and Artistic Expression ā€” gets you in touch with your deep inspiration, with who you are as an artist. The muses speak clearer with this field ā€” though it does require patience and putting in the hours to see the results.

Dotto Ring Simulant ā€” this field is amazing at keeping your body balanced while you blast fields and write/create/draw/paint/ etc. One of those long term fields you can just ride for days at a time under anything and everything.


I was thinking about something. How would someone with a great sensitivity to all kinds of pleasure (someone with a high ā€œhedoniaā€) be affected by brain fields compared to someone that is closer to being anhedonic? I can experience pleasure, but I often feel underwhelmed by it all even tough itā€™s very bearable. It seems boring. My new goal is to increase my hedonic functioning.

guys i only can buy KQC from premium fields; honestly i have to borrow money for it but at least i can do that!
my goals are focused on intelligence and discipline(i just get mentally tired so easily i can stick to a specific task for just some days and after that i feel like dying)
do you guys have any experience that help me to know how effective it can be for brain and personality fields?does it worth in this case?(iā€™m just too sad for not being able to listen to perfect brain stack you know and i want to start taking small doses of
Risperidone for mental strength)


What are you guys focusing on ?

All those brain fields, what do you expect out of them, whatā€™s your goal ?

Iā€™m asking everyone


Thank you for asking for this but here is my testimonial:

These brain fields are insane for academic studies, i am very happy when i used them all semester of thousands of hours and have seen amazing results just off the x2 brain key alone but i feel like thatā€™s all these brain fields are really for, academic intelligence and academic intelligence is not everything in life.
Sometimes I feel as I lack common sense to do thing or Iā€™m just too lazy to learn lol, Iā€™m not gonna diagnose myself with anything and just accept it and gonna grow off of it,

The lack of common sense for basic everyday things kinda sucks but also they come from lack of experience or lack of exposure to the culture

The brain fields all worked amazing in their own way, but Kinesthetic intelligence was probably the one I havenā€™t seen much with,


Do you have a hard time understanding things or are you lazy ?

Or you just donā€™t care about the mundane stuff

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Maybe donā€™t care or just trouble actually understanding, crazy how I can read a medicine textbook and understand all of it but I canā€™t cut lemons or learn how to set up a fishing rod without trying 30,000 times or learning how to stack three plates,

I have been called the smartest stupidest kid for a reason and I accept it itā€™s funny asf

Just everyday life skills are not there but is it lack of experience or it donā€™t stimulate enough(adhd and unmedicated but not an excuse) or just simply hard understanding

Maybe itā€™s just brain need a regeneration

Another example is at the hospital: @DR_MANHATTAN your gonna love this.
I can give medications, I can set up IVā€™s I can do gastric tube feedings within alot of practice, but i cant make a bedā€¦ I dont know how to turn the bed side alarm off, sometimes im like WTFFFFā€¦
my brain is complex and loves complex, it hates simple but alot of things in life are just simple so why is it hard.

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Nofap. Cooming is apparently crack so I donā€™t want to be a crackhead.


I am also focusing on stuff like beta and alpha endorphins and just making existence more of a great natural and sustainable high.

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My focus is
Opus Manhattan
The manhattan Method
Stress & anxiety
Manliness and hyper masculine

My guess is they all target my weak points, I always had lower iq, then lost a bit of coordination due to a lot of excessive trauma to my left knee, relationships havenā€™t been easy and then the rest is to repair and rewire any damage from p addiction.

In general, itā€™s just to be a well rounded human being and be a capable being for the people in my life or yet to meet.


Interesting read, I really appreciate seeing you guysā€™ point of view

Can you be a little bit more specific.
I want to get a good overview of where you guys are in your journeys and what would benefit the most.


I would like mainly to become a top tier pianist. Using some fields to help achieving that desired outcome someday.
Opus manhattan
Brain key
Kinesthethic intelligence
Musically yours
White matter and M8k res

I hope that it will be an exciting journey.

Btw, im open to more field suggestions. Thank you!


Hmm, I guess building skills to enhance my finances. I just got my real estate license in January, so I guess increasing my ability to process information and increase my knowledge in the area of real estate.

If I am being quite honest tho, my hearts not really in it. I have had patterns of starting things but then losing interest. In my early 20s it felt more because of confidence issue and not feeling capable. I was pursuing education in health and wellness things like that back then.

Now in my mid 20s, real estate and construction but it was more so pushed by my parents, in fairness I was directionless for a bit and they as parents are concerned, which is understandable.

So now I am on this path, I see money and wealth in it, if I put a lot more effort in learning Iā€™d say. I feel like I can do it.

But now when I donā€™t feel like studying or putting in the work in this area or donā€™t really feel attractive to the work. Iā€™m wondering is it just the old patterns of my early 20s or is this truly unfulfilling to me.

I think a bit of both. Thatā€™s where I am at in my journey.

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First and foremost excel in my academic field which is chinese. The more long term view is I just want to be straight up really high IQ and excel in any academic field I want easily

But to be honest Iā€™m not even sure myself why I am so attracted to this path. I remember when I was young I had already started researching nootropic etc, even took some. All the intelligence training etc. I feel it might have to do something to do on an ideal path perhaps, but for this Iā€™m not sure yet.

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Mathematical Madness, as an Automation engineer it comes in handy to have the ability calculate and visualize the coordinates the robots should have to function properly


hey Dr. Manhattan :D
can i get your view on my question if you have time? highly appreciate it

In your particular case, I would keep on saving.
Especially if you intend to borrow money.

Then you can get a field thatā€™s more tailored to your needs


Right now I have -

  1. Opus Manhattan (BM)
  2. Manhattan Method (BM)
  3. White Matter (BM)
  4. Proactive Brain (BM)

Used with

  1. Overcome Addictions
  2. Enhance Hemisphere Connection
  3. Dopamine Redux
  4. Brain Growth Work

My main focuses are

  1. Maximizing Opus for wiring that I want to focus on and solidify it with WM, which include

a - Working on Animation skill acquisition
b - Language Learning
c - Reinforcing dopamine healing
d - Meditation
e - Getting into the habit of watching new media again
f - Reinforcing getting better at singing/music
g - Still experimenting and figuring out how creative I can get with Opus hahaha

  1. Restoring my Dopamine receptors to normal, and also reinforcing ā€œnormalā€ dopamine behaviors

My primary focus is to get exponentially better at animating, and Iā€™m using Opus+WM to realy hammer down learning techniques (Using principles from The Talent Code and Ultralearning), this is still really new. I want to really hammer this down have a 6 month report here. Ideally the goal is to have anime style absurd skill jumps hahaha thatā€™d be really fun!

Next, almost parallel is fixing my dopamine receptors, itā€™s gotten way better, and I think Opus is maximizing all other fields at a MUCH deeper level, so I can hold off on The Brain Game/Advantageous Brain Plan for a bit (also gotta save up lol). Still face executive dysfunction symptoms, and Brain Hemisphere+BrainGrowth+Dopamine is proving REALLY good for that (essentially the new Productivity Powerhouse field, but itā€™s constituent elements). Also Proactive Brain is super helpful here too!

Manhattan Method is something Iā€™m using sparingly, Iā€™m not too sure how to incorporate for my goals right now, but itā€™s definitely something Iā€™ll have to get into sometime later maybe?

Beyond that, Iā€™m still figuring things out, but this is where Iā€™m at at the moment!


Just wanna be a normal functioning human!
brain fields are helping i guess :pray: