Brain Guild General discussion

rip i have an iq of 90…

am i doomed?

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By which test? Forget about Raven’s progressive matrices, just study subjects. I never have any good score on RPM and don’t have any interest in them.

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Thanks | Real IQ Test

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It’s just an online iq test. Those really don’t let you take the time and people with processing speed benefits probably score a lot higher than people who need to sit and think things trough. Even if your IQ was 90 you could get it to 150 in some months.


IQ tests like that are gimmicky and they don’t allow people to actually take their time. That Jordan Peterson has some interesting lecture, but he’s not a saint. He believes in psychiatry.

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no way, thats really possible a that high iq jump with brain fields?

i just thought brain fields allowed u to learn stuff faster not acutally improve ur iq idk

The real iq test in online iq test is to not purchase their upsells once they grab your mail and start advertising shit

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The real online IQ test is to never take them


Agree, it’s a trivial test that has some basic RPM’s, sequences and has nothing to do with real IQ.


So by the same reasoning we can conclude that “IQ tests” are useless for actual learning and skill acquisition, thus useless at all :slightly_smiling_face:

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bro u dont understand, i just spent so long doing this, and it doesnt even give me a results, it says i have to pay. Fuck this shit


dang im an idiot i paid for it , i really thought iq measured how intelligent u are…

Don’t be hard on yourself bro, it can still be a catalyst for change. Take it as an encouragement. IQ tests do serve as some kind of measure, but it’s just that, measuring some specific intelligence-related capabilities. Don’t fret on it too much. Considering you scored 90, it could mean you can make a lot of progress and big leaps using these fields. Since your baseline is below the average, you may see more/faster improvements with enough consistency and looping etc. And it might sound a bit arrogant but I think if you’re bothering about these things you’re not looping enough or have some issues in between. You can pm me if you’d like talk about it :slightly_smiling_face:


Lol I like the new colors.

Orange and blue have always been my favorite colors.


I like the new 4 your eyes only pfp


Focused work — As a creative who runs my own schedule… it’s key for me to kill distractions, deliver more hours of time on projects per day, get deeper focus, more flow state access, and most importantly… shipping finished work… Obv there’s a whole suite of fields that help with this and they’ve been super helpful. Productivity Powerhouse, Brain Game, Proactive Brain etc.

Creative Development/Inspiration — One of my focuses this year is improving my ability to write dialogue that can jump off a page and be performed. Key to Babel, Creativity and Artistic Inspiration, Opus all relevant. But also structuring story, building IP, twists, turns — the world of film/fiction requires a lot of calculated thinking and macro-micro oscillation. The ability to see the forest for the trees but also dig down into one single moment that has layers and layers of meaning… mystery… buoyancy… aliveness… I’m not sure how much MMM, MM, CC etc play into that exactly, but I work with them with the intention to help me develop more nuanced, complex and mature work. Have had big results with projects going out the door in great shape the past 18 months.

General Brain Healing — At this point I’ve actually moved brain healing out from being a main focus (it was #1 for a while after my 2021 brain injury). And I give most of the credit there to this suite of fields. MM, PBOY, Opus, DoM, ABP. So much healing has happened, memory restored, i feel like i can now push myself more and more (not @Jojo levels, but 8 hours a day 4-5 days a week wiring). Still — i’ll always pay attention to a brain healing field.

Musings on the future — I do wonder about how brain fields aimed at academic/quantitative intelligence affect creative work… and have held firm that they MUST be helping. The brain is the brain. And at a certain level, everything must be mathematical (hence why MMM has always been in rotation for me). But what about skills that separate the top 1% of creatives from the 0.01% of creatives? Can we enhance actual talent? instead of just the brain circuits — there must be deeper life plan type programming that can be modified? Is there a way to guide our brain toward the bleeding edge? Not just of intelligence, but of culture, creativity, innovation? How do we better flip cliches and see through disposable trends to create the next impactful piece of work (a film, a song, a painting, an idea, a company)? To me human society is a novelty-seeking organism and the creative field is by nature meant to operate out there in the very outskirts of it all. In the unknown. Those pieces of work that are a first of a kind are the ones that most inspire the masses and move our society forward. How do we build VISION?


Spiralriver being a legend hours.


Raise the ceiling, raise the floor.

I’m focused on trying to tie the brain more intricately into the mind for more conscious and purposeful interactions with either.

Spiral’s point about talent resonates overall (past life skills - is that tied into the brain or the mind, or both?). But right now, it’s really about taking the ethereal aspects of spirituality and grounding them, bringing the subconscious further into the conscious, and enhancing what I already have while building a foundation for what I don’t.


Side note, how’d we end up in the brain corner and not the fancy new guild section?

There is no new brain guild section… yet