Brain Guild General discussion

Yes, it is

While it won’t provide the full effects you can try the dopamine redux field. It’s free.


Understood @Dr_Manhattan
Can you please suggest what field are you referring for ADHD? I can only find the attention and focus field which I have been already using for sometime now.

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Potentially the same audio. The file name is Attention and Focus but the mp3 tag data lists “ADD ADHD”. Doc might have a different answer though.


Also use voodoo detangle and soul restoration brow incase it’s more related to something like that

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Yes, same audio

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Perhaps try Grounding stuff as well


Have to agree with Powren. Aside from a meditation discipline, grounding fields have been fantastic for helping to reduce my ADHD symptoms. Full disclosure though, I got just as much work in my brain out of meditation over time. For the year+ I was fully dedicated to it (every day, at least 30 minutes but trended towards 1 hour a day in multiple sittings), the head pressure in my PFC was insane to a point of moderately painful.

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The Silent Mind+Meditation Master has been helping me a lot with this issue. I highly recommend it if you can get them

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Guys what are some mental operation goals you all plan on performing.

Or are there any specific goals you hope to achieve?

I’m just curious, I’d love to know how the brainiacs are getting along, or are hoping to?



Hmmm, I want to get to the point that visualization is reality 2.0. I want what I visualize to be as tangible in my mind as it would be in front of me. Models, aspirations, equations, memories; whatever it may be.

You read things about mindscapes and I imagine that’d be step 1. Have to work on solidification/substance before you can truly work on complexity or permanence.

And from there everything sort of opens up.

But I also want to be my own simplification, deduplication, and correlation engine.

Luckily, I don’t have to choose, as the fields I think would get me there have overlap :)


Fire bro! Very similar to a goal I had in the past. To achieve the mental operation I went with the Manhattan Method, Mathematical Madness, Logos Mathematikos, and Drops of Memory.

But then again other brain fields assisted. Cyber helped a lot. Conglomerate as well.

I wish you good luck on your journey.

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So you moved on because you achieved a starting point or you found something better to reach for?

What does Jojo want to get out of the “Tier 3” brain fields?

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I’d say a bit of both. I developed a solid base and began working on strengthening weaknesses.

Now that I’ve accomplished my goals, I’m no longer making specific goals. It’s now just a part of me. I’m taking the brain guild lifestyle one day at a time.

Tier 3 brain fields are a very awesome addition to the journey. Just taking it one day at a time.


Should have said “it’s not a hobby, it’s a lifestyle”

We need to get our catchphrases straight


Lol bro, I’m missing all the slam dunks today.


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And develop a Fresh Prince worthy secret handshake; obscure not due to secrecy, but complexity.

And not Fresh Prince, apparently. I remember one that ended the same way but had like 20 steps.

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That’s a catchphrase right there

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I’m working towards mastering inquiring and self awareness, complete clarity of the makeup of this character I’m currently playing and the ability to deconstruct and construct it at will. Mastering changing beliefs. Strategic planning and logical reasoning. Super vivid visualization. Channeling. Mastering Sales.

Boosters: OM, BK, SS, ABP, WM
Current Wiring Fields: MM, CC, CB, WT, ALR, PM, Creativity, LD, PB, EVP, and some other from other creators, prioritizing the first 7, I think I’ll eventually pick up the math fields because it helps with logical reasoning and much more. Speed reading looks good too to minimize studying time. Right now still focusing mainly on the spiritual side.
I’ve been seeing very decent gains for self awareness, deeper realizations of many concepts and overall deeper understanding of my existence. It’s not really like an OMG I COMPLETELY TRANSFORMED IN A WEEK, but like a gradual unfolding, many mini realizations building into more and more understanding of life and Self. I was stuck somewhere for quite a while and the brain fields pulled me through, still got to put in more work though. Learning stuff has been a lot easier that’s for sure.


That’s awesome.

Your combination looks very op and comprehensive.

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Thank you @Dr_Manhattan @Powren @mrpixeltech @Xerron @Rocket I have enough resources and will look into them right away!