Brain Guild General discussion

I’ve been catching up on some of the older brain field releases and got a few this sale. I was inspired by @Jojo 's journal and improvements and added The Babel Key. It’s time for some serious brain improvements :muscle:

@Dr_Manhattan @Jojo What are your thoughts on this stack? :slightly_smiling_face: It’s about an hour long and I plan to loop this for a few hours a day. Should I reorder the list?

The Expanse - PU
Speed Up Physical Changes - PU
Astrological-Intelligence-Buff -PU
White Matter - SM
Brain Key - SM
The Babel Key -SM
White Matter - SM
Brain Key - SM
Drops of Memory - SM
Speed Reading - SM
The Manhattan Method - SM
Master of Conceptual Thinking (Advanced Version) - PU
The Advantageous Brain Plan - SM
Manhattan 8k RES - SM
The Brain Refresher - SM
Alchemical Revision of Genius - SM
The Ultimate Integration Tool - PU
Ancient Arts - SM


I’d put manhattan method after speed reading, and I’d put alchemical revision of genius right after brain refresher.

But this is a great stack for sure! I don’t know how much you’re playing all of these fields each, but you may want to put brain key and white matter in again after babel key.

You may also want to put a little jing, tejas, or shen after UIT at the end as well.


This is awesome. Thanks for your help! I’ve reordered them above. ^^

I’ve only been listening to some of these fields 1-3 times a week. I didn’t want to overload my system by playing too much. BUT that will change with this new stack and will play for a couple of hours to start.

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He’t not the only one. :wink:


Hang on,… are you guys playing these fields simultaneously at the same time?

loop the Expanse its great


hahah…I’m surprised no one’s brain is exploding …


how often do u guys take breaks n how for how long ?

Definitely depends on the person but sometimes I take anywhere from 1 day to 1 week.

Once or twice a month is fine.

For the average brainiac I’d say 2 days twice a month.

Maybe one week a month.


Device 1: Plasma Brain of Youth
Device 2: Manhattan Method
Device 3: White Matter.


Which is more effective for an experienced brainiac ?
Playing brain key and Snapping Synapses along with one wiring field all day .

Or just playing brain key and Snapping Synapses in the starting of the wiring and also brain key at the end ?

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I play all together. Brain key, snapping, etc.

All at the same time on different devices.

Surely my brain gets fried but the growth is amazing.


Do you use plasma brain of Youth at the end of the
day ? Or brain key will do the job ?

do u still play other fields durimg this break

also I might start spamming brain fields bur the only thing is i literally cant function for the rest of the day even with pboy, how do u get past that or do u just soilder on lmao but nah i fr cant communicate n i become retarded

Yes at the end and sometimes during sleep like last night.

You can also use brain and spine antioxidant complex for a while, grounding, etc.

Smart stem cells helps with inflammation and sometimes I dual loop with PBOY.


I may play PBoY, smart stem cells, ABP, brain game, brain and spine antioxidant for some days, but after time, I tend to take complete rest from all brain fields.

If I take 4 days off, the first 2 days will be with brain fields, the second 2 days will be without.


My first post since a long time. I have joined the spammathon since a while as well too haha. Several devices, Field Emitter + Field Optimizer and Link and Bypass.


Would you mind to elaborate what is Field Optimizer?

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It is a field by Maitreya. Used with Field Emitter in my case.