Brain Guild General discussion

Thank you for the info.


No problem. I should mention that I use this with Field Emitter on a USB Key with many other fields on it.


Should i get this

Or this for 20 dollars more

i will be using bluethood speakers anyway, but i feel like i can also play youtube videos that arnt on patreon, such as self love and trama fields on loop

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I have not looked at Redmi A2ā€™s specs yet but I recently bought look-alike mp3 players as seen in your first picture, with the same storage capacity included. They go by different brand names but I donā€™t mean that they are all made by the same companies. I have not looked into that further. If you guys can look at it more, it is appreciated. In my case, those are 2 AiMoonsa.

If the user interface is the same, donā€™t expect the same flexibility with append, insert next or other such interesting functions from VLC for instance. I have not throughly tested every function on those but for what I have tried so far, I could use the sequential play function in the Play Mode menu with the last file in a given folder and it would stop if I wanted to play an audio completely and make it stop after.

The bluetooth feature is more selective. If you want to test it, it would be for certain kind of devices such as speakers or headphones, etc. which makes sense for what these players are intended for. If you made it work for file transfers, let me know :grin: (jk)

There is no specific function like ā€œstop after current playing trackā€ or in the same veins. It can also lag if you play audios while letting it scan via the music function as well as the folder function. One of mine stopped intermittently sounding while playing White Matter and I was not doing anything resources-wise. It stopped on its own in the same minute or so. There is no live update of the batteries charging like on a phone. You have to unplug it to see how much the battery is charged. At least, it is small.

By several metrics, I would go for the phone instead as I have encountered some issues. There are pros like it is cheaper, smaller and the battery doesnā€™t take much time to be fully charged. If you are ok with some limitations like that, it can be the better option.


Iā€™d go with the top one.

Cheaper and works perfectly. I personally havenā€™t had any issues.

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Those with Samsung devices can play as many audios they want.

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I recently got a few and might return due to battery life it claims 180mah and 10 hours but I havenā€™t seen that.

this one claims to have a Lithium battery 450mAh not sure if Iā€™d purchase it tho, iā€™ll keep researching.

i wouldnā€™t recommend anything that has less than 180mah

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@StrongEmery Been a while :grinning:

Welcome back

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Effectivement haha. Merci beaucoup :slightly_smiling_face:.


Missing Dr. Manhattan hours. Missing Lawliet hours. Missing Psimindset hours.


Maybe in a couple of years, this will be the average brainiac on the forum :nerd_face:

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Hello Brain Guild!

Iā€™ve been using plasma brain of youth (and sometimes blood brain barrier, but less now) nightly for the past couple of months and have seen significant improvement in restoring my cognitive ability. I recently added social bonder and white matter to my nightly brain stack, which over the past weekend produced incredibly amazing results. I always drink lots of water, and Iā€™m now able to loop all three at the same time without feeling any fatigue or overwhelm.

My current brain goals are to eliminate brain fog, speed up thinking, pay better attention, social bonding and eliminate stress and anxiety. I plan to buy the new Stress and Anxiety by Manhattan. I would like to know for someone new to brain wiring, based on my goals what would be another great booster and wiring field to add to help support my goals?

Also, when Iā€™m unable to loop multiple audios at the same time, what is the best sequence to listen? Booster, Wiring, PBOY? Does it matter?

Thank you!!!

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Excited to get Manhattan Method and Stress and Anxiety tomorrow. Iā€™ve been reading through the threads (not even halfway through yet lots of info) and find it great that most of the brainiacs have avenues to test their wiring results (school, business, etc). Iā€™m unsure how Iā€™m going to test the results of my wiring as Iā€™m not in school or have a business. The main reason Iā€™m getting the fields is to make my job easier so that Iā€™m not as scared to work more hours. But then that seems such small a goal so I guess I have to figure out what new ways I can test results.


The first night I bought and began using The Conceptual Conglomerate in conjunction with The Brain Key, The Manhattan Method and The Plasma Brain of Youth, I was unable to sleep at all that night. It was like building and using a computer with far, far more processing power and RAM than one had ever been accustomed too before. Mentally I was wired and images and memories were going through my mind at a hyper-accelerated rate. As of now, Iā€™m experiencing something strange that I donā€™t understand. Iā€™ve been enduring some slight difficulty speaking. As in my speech is delayed or the ability for me to form words and say them eloquently has become challenging. Compare it to having numb lips or something similar. I have no idea whatā€™s going and what is causing this.


Booster for your goals, maybe Advantageous Brain Plan, I think itā€™s very conducive to what you want to achieve.

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Just bought MM and Stress and Anxiety. Combining it with Social bonder. I donā€™t have the paid boosters yet as I have to wait till I have enough money to get those so using the old stack boosters of acetylcholine, superhuman genius, bdnf, and nitric oxide booster. May take longer to see results but Iā€™m okay with that.


Try looping Plasma Brain.


theres a field coming out for speech soon which is gonna be awesome
but yeah try verbal fluency exercises that helped my speech a lot


Another update. Link and Bypass absolutely works, at least for me.

My overall intelligence has continued to improve. Conglomerate and Drops of Memory in particular have become more noticable.

When I started Speed Reader and Stress + Anxiety field recently I used these with Link and Bypass and Iā€™ve already seen results.

I do feel that the fields are a little weaker than using the audios, but I easily make up for that by keeping them on longer throughout the day.



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