Brain Guild General discussion

My spelling in the English language seems to have gotten better as well. I used to do a lot of typos last time I was on and now there isn’t as many typos.

These improvements alone was enough to make it all worth it, but I plan on listening more to the fields so I can gain much more benefits.


whats your stack ?

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Is it safe listening to brain fields while driving?

I think so.
It might make you more stimulated, maybe tired.

But unless you feel uncomfortable before driving, you’ll be good.

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I will make sure to see how it effects me :ok_hand:

Do you guys know any web to measure my current intelligence level, … ?

I’m looking for something free, reliable, quick to complete, so I can establish a benchmark.

I want to start listening to brain fields seriously, and I intend to retake the same test in the future to track my progress.

Thank you.


The end of this test is so challenging it felt impossible to me haha…
I scored 128
And it would be interesting to retake it in the future

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Wow congrats, that’s very high

I wonder how accurate this test is…
IQ is determined only by pattern recognition? I’m not sure

Yes, like any field.
Remember they are not subliminals, affirmations or binaural; in fact I would say that in a car it is almost better since you are a short distance from the speakers, which with an excellent volume usually envelop you even better than any other listening situation.
This is according to my experience.


Even if the Test is not accurate it still shows u the % of what people got, u can use that to compare yourself to the average score

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With brain fields I do feel like it’s ok,
But there are some fields that take over my concentration sometimes (physical fields, or the relaxing ones)
So it might be on a personal experience for some fields :blush:
I do appreciate the reassurance!

That’s a good point :ok_hand:


Then don’t listen to them, trust your feelings.


I get overstimulated when driving even though I never use fields,
So I thought maybe trying the autism field that helps me with better regulation to see if it helps a bit

I think it’s a disregulation of the para/sympathetic nervous system,
But I’m not sure - and I haven’t seen a field for that yet
(or maybe the anxiety and stress brain field addresses it)

I’ve been a lurker in this thread for the past 6 months lol Finally used the sale to buy White Matter and Conceptual Conglomerate :star_struck:
Excited to build my very first brain stack! I want to make a nice stack with free fields. Have to decide what I want to focus on, then read again some of your recommendations and then finally make up my mind. So excited to finally get into the brain game here! :star_struck:


Welcome to the brain game :champagne: :sparkler:


Thank you for the welcome :white_heart:

I made up my mind. My main goals for the next 3-6 months is improving overall intelligence, enhance conceptual thinking, increase the ability in problem-solving, foster creativity and getting better in visualizations. I also would like to improve my telepathy skills.

Morning/Daytime Brain stack:

  • 1x Kinetic Quasi Crystal or The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach
  • 1x The Mana circuits
  • 1x
  • Jing infusion
  • 2-3x White Matter
  • 2x enhanced brain hemisphere connectivity
  • 1x superhuman genius
  • 2x Fluid Intelligence Boost (PU)
  • 3x Conceptual conglomerate
  • 2x permanent brain enhancement
  • 3x enhanced visual processing
  • 3x Brain regeneration
  • 2x Brian Massage
  • Acu-automation
  • Negentropic Jing
  • Fa Jin Gong Infusion

I was thinking of also listening to these fields
3 times per week:

  • Nerve Growth factor (targeted to brain and entire nervous system)
  • Induced and Enhanced Plasmalogen Production
  • The brain refresher (lesser diamonds album)
  • PU field: Rhodonite + Coprolite (Brain Health and Improvement Crystal Alchemy)
  • PU field: crystalline Mind and Brain
  • PU field: NADH Boost
  • PU field: L-Pyroglutamic acid and Hesperidin

Some questions:

  1. Are my brain fields in a good order or would you recommend to switch something out
  2. Any other free fields for the brain that you would recommend adding?
  3. Do you listen to any brain wave audios? If yes, what are your results?
  4. I don’t fully understand this field on patreon: BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor). Is it mainly a healing field? Would this one also be good to listen to a couple times a week?

Thanks a lot in advance! I will write an update after I notice first results!


Many thanks for sharing, dear!


So it‘s been 3 days and I already noticed one improvement that really stands out to me: my language skills already improved significantly!

I speak 5 languages very well and another 5 I know some phrases and basic vocabulary. I have no trouble maintaining and speaking 3 different ones a day. The other two languages are more „inactive“ and need extra effort from my brain to reactivate when needed. However, since listening to my new brain stack I can much easier access and speak languages that I haven’t used for longer. Even languages outside of the five I speak well, I easily remember many more phrases than usually. It‘s given me so much pleasure speaking with many different people here in my hostel. Can’t wait to see in what other areas I‘ll notice a change.