Brain Guild General discussion

I had a dream last night. In the dream I was talking to a brainiac about brain fields and they said increasing white matter boosts grey matter function.


Hello to all the Brainiacs! Iā€™m delighted to join you guys :laughing: I just bought Manhattan Method so thatā€™s the only paid brain field I have for now. I have 4 Chakra audios as well (like eyes by 3).

Should I play in this order:

Manhattan Method(Ɨ2) + Anti-Autism audio(Ɨ2)

Or should I add more fields like brain dancer or superhuman intelligence?? Iā€™m trying to keep my stack short so I donā€™t get overwhelmed :sweat_smile:

My goal is to enhance my intelligence and critical thinking skills. I have exams this month so Iā€™m looking forward to the boost this will give me.

I would love to know your thoughts regarding this. Thanks :relaxed:


Usually Manhattan Method during the day and longer periods is more preferred, Anti-Autism can be used right before going to bed.


Itā€™s already night time here so I shouldnā€™t listen to MM?

Start with Superhuman genius, maybe NGF or BNDF if you want, it will boost the wiring of the fields, then Manhattan method as much as you want/can, and all your brain fields that making you smarter, then before going to sleep/at the end of your listening day play autism, brain regeneration if needed. You can also use some audios to work on your energy system in order to make it more effective at picking up fields and integrating it faster. Good luck bro :fire:


Guys I donā€™t know if anyone else is experiencing any similar thing or maybe itā€™s just a personal unrelated thing but does anyone else feel even pressure and sensations in his brain even when not using audios and studying now? My hypothesis was perhaps since there are more neural pathways etc, itā€™s actually using more energy and resources hence the learning is faster but could be more intensive. Would love if the Dr could chime in on this


If anything it should be more subtle honestly. The brain circuits are verrrry small.

Are you feeling these effects permanently, like days after using the wiring fields? Or is it like 4 hours after? (In this case it would be normal because brain fields tend to keep working on you a bit for awhile after listening.)

Last question would be, do you feel like you just have a lot of energy in your head?

This tends to occur, especially with the extra amounts of boosters a lot of us tend to use these days, brain key and snapping synapses in particular.

Or do you literally feel your brain folding like origami as you carry on through your daily tasks?

Maybe you just need extra PBoY as from experience recovering from brain fields can sometimes take more than just a little axon overgrowth trimming.


This week cannot afford to test, im taking a kind of vacation anyways so doesnā€™t matter much, but then could probably test next week just doing an hour or more PBOY everyday and see if it gets better. Iā€™m talking about this happening well after I listen to brain fields, I think perhaps the last time I listened was like week and a half ago

I guess kinda like that, but it pretty much happens when studying a lot, if Iā€™m not it goes back to normal for the most part

I definitely do recommend this combined with some brain and spine antioxidant and good water intake.

Maybe some vitamin b12 and omega 3s to assist as well.

If this is from your language studies then I suppose it may very well be the key to babel brain circuits activating, yet it still shouldnā€™t hit so hard.

I suppose just some more healing needs to take place. PBoY is slower than it seems sometimes.


My muscles in my neck and jaw tends to flex when I listen to brain fields. I try my best to not let something like that happen, but it seems like every single time I listen to fields it happens. I am not sure if any of you has noticed something similar? Itā€™s a little annoying that my neck and jaw tends to flex like that unintentionally, but itā€™s no big deal. A lot of the brain pump sensations lately seems to be around the neck and corpus callosum and brainstem area. I might see some jaw and neck gains soon. lol. I know about the automated workout fields so maybe there is some kind of muscle flex side effect that can happen to fields that are unrelated.

I am not sure if the tightening and flex in my neck and jaw is just a tick or if the fields are doing it. There is also some headache and brain pump like sensation, but it is in my jaw too which I donā€™t really understand.

There are some other stuff too I experience and it is a slightly pleasurable sensations in the ears.

I also decided to go on a nofap streak. For some reason nofap tends to make my mental health, mood and hedonia inhuman. I only started noticing an extreme amount of progress with the old school brain fields back in the day once I went on a nofap streak.

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Hell yes! I noticed there is a new brain field on the sapien medicine channel. Iā€™ll try it out now.

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I used to receive the same. It goes away with time.

This tends to happen. More dopamine = less brain fog = more brain capacity and energy = more productivity.

It can even, and many times does, improve working memory and processing speed.

Yep. Thatā€™s why habits were explained previously by members of this thread. Having low dopamine directly stunts intelligence to an extent. Most people canā€™t even use spatial reasoning or working memory to its capacity when they have low dopamine.

The results are there, itā€™s just covered in fog.


Thanks for everything.

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Lately I wonder if us brainiacs would have a better ability to take a punch than normal people.

Edit: I couldnā€™t find any research online on brain traits related to having a good chin. I am sure these brain fields could make people roll with punches better thus increasing the impact, but I am not sure.

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just rewatched the film limitless today

imagine a field called nzt and it does things similar to what happens in the film, would be epic. but im guessing most of the brain fields already do that lol

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Is it useful to include Brain Key in the stack together with Social Bonder?


yeah coz ittll boost social bonder, play brain key b4




Psychic Mastery includes that concept.