Brain Guild General discussion

I take it back plasma brain feels so gooooood

Yaaay! Hopefully no more false claims of autism being better :skull:

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are u student? :gun: Or wisdom

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Hmmmm? Am I?


Pretty sure Mikoustic is Wisdom

or am I wrong @Rehan ?

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I am reading the book called flowers of Algernon. It is about someone mentally disabled becoming more intelligent. I was looking trough the options of books similar to the dark fields which is what limitless is based on.

Iā€™ve also been listening to some old school brain fields like superhuman genius for nostalgia purposes. I know itā€™s inferior to brain key, but itā€™s fun to listen to it sometimes.


yooo im gonna have to read that book because that describes my life lol


There is some free pdfā€™s of it

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I noticed a field called gum regeneration and then I noticed the description. It said it had fibroblast growth factor. I then did some research on fibroblast growth factor and it has various effects on the brain. Excuse me if I am wrong, but I didnā€™t recall seeing any of the other brain fields with fibroblast growth factor. Healthy gums is also important for the brain too.

There might have been some brain fields with fibroblast growth factor and I am going off my memory here so take this text with a huge grain of salt.
As much grain of salt as this salt mine.

The worldā€™s largest salt mine - YouTube

All young brainiacs I repeat all young brainiacs:

Donā€™t make fun of the OGs for having easily fried nervous systems. :skull:

Soon that will be you. Itā€™s happening to me fr fr. :skull:

@Psimindset Iā€™m sorry bro for all the trolling. :skull:


@Jojo but the potential from fried NS is huge

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Indeed. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ll begin meditating to fields more often to compound the effects.

But my gosh my NS has never been so sensitive.

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OG means?

Basically older members. People who have been doing energy work for longer. Those whose nervous systems have began increasing in sensitivity over the years.

We cracked jokes as psimindset is one of my closest friends, but he told me ā€œthis will be you tooā€.

I didnā€™t know it would be that soon though :rofl:.

I find myself spamming needing ā€œrest daysā€ and that was very rare. To NEED them.

Maybe itā€™s just the different fields Iā€™ve been using though who knows.


Do you listen to many brain fields?

Me? Do I?




He is a brain field lol


The Psifriedmindset, is forgiving you.

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anyone else find they just remember the most random memories now lmao?
like things that happend years ago, its so specific aswell ahah
also challenging yourself is so important omg, i recently just got a new job and Iā€™ve had to remember a lot of things and Iā€™m suprising myself with how much I can acutally remember

okay, its not the hardest job in the world and I dont have to tackle complex concepts or do mad problem solving but Iā€™m just suprised at my memory recall

dam iā€™ve come so far in terms for intelligence, without sapien medicine Id still be stuck in my old ways calling myself dumb and other people calling me retarded

that doesnā€™t happen anymore btw :D